Just some thoughts…

Well…was going to get into the class warfare thing…and I may still do that later but I had something pop into my head this morning that I want to share…of a little more personal note than normal. The news reports yesterday were heavily weighted to one story that hit home for me…about a mechanic who chose to stay on unemployment rather than take 150 dollars a week less from basically minimum wage jobs. The repubs, of course, jumped on this individuals choices as proving their point that unemployment benefits give people an incentive to not work and are a major reason unemployment is so high. Really? I know, I’ve touched on this before but the story of the 50 something man trying his best to survive without giving up everything he worked his whole life for hit so close to home that I wanted to share a little of my story that is remarkably similar.

The problem is, I did everything right…I followed all of the rules…work hard, get an education, save money, raise a family, take care of my health; the things I could control…but the one thing I can’t control, my age, is the one thing that keeps many of us from going back to work…no one will hire a 57 year old no matter what their qualifications. And, I do have qualifications: an associate degree, two bachelor degrees, and a masters degree; graduating magna and summa cum laude…first in my class for the masters in management….and over 100 resumes out in the last month with no responses. It’s disheartening that everything you were taught about life, and that you believed in, has been turned upside down and no longer applies. But I don’t want you to think that this is whining because it’s not…it’s more that I’m confused and haven’t figured out the new order yet. I still have hope that I will, but the weight of slowly going broke, of just idling here while I wait for the economy to improve, takes a toll every day. I long for the times when weekends meant something, the times when I had someplace to go, the times when I had accomplishments to look forward to; I still try to smile every day but it gets harder as this goes on…..

August 13th

Well…it’s Friday the 13th and I don’t feel that bad today…trying to figure out what to do this weekend since everyone is out of town…again…maybe I should start doing the same….sorry about the no posts yesterday but I did want to go to the beach and I think the relaxing sound of the waves took away all my outrage; an effect that lasted all day…well, that and the fact that I felt really lousy most of the day. I do have a topic coming about the class warfare that is being propagated by the right but it’s not solidified yet…but that one may be supplanted by something else since I am going to get back into my routine and read the 4 newspapers at Kava this morning…so, on that note, I should get going…need to get a note off to T…more later..

Oh, there will also be a Red Wings update at some point today, too…

August 12th part two…

Well…back from the beach and do feel a lot better after the sun and swimming…and the couple of beers at the Tip along with a burrito…did get a little scorched but not too badly…going to take the rest of the day off to take it easy since the sun takes a lot out of me…and without reading the papers today I really don’t have any outrage worked up yet…maybe later if I see the news on tv…we’ll see…

August 12th

Well…I was right…I do feel like crap today but it’s my fault and I accept the blame….I think I have to do this from time to time to remind myself that whiskey at home is not a good idea…but the best thing to do to recover is go to the beach…so I’m putting the bike on the back of the wreck and heading out to GH to sit in the sand and go swimming….then over to the Tip for beers and a burrito for lunch if I feel better by then….owwww….so you may hear more from me later or maybe not…

They’re fighting the wrong enemy..

Well…lots of uproar over the past few days about Robert Gibb’s castigation of the far left for being disappointed in the Obama administrations acceptance of half measures in their attempt to forge bi-partisanship in their legislative agenda. What Obama and Gibbs do not understand is that they will never have bi-partisanship with the right since they have an all or nothing mentality and their facade of wanting to work with the administration is just that; a stalling tactic that they use until they have a better position of strength…they are just biding their time like the Vietcong; waiting for the time that their lies become truth in the minds of the public and the fatigue of the economic downturn (caused by repub economic policies) cause people to grasp any straw that the repubs throw them.

So, to the Obama administration: grow a thicker skin but also keep your promises; the price you pay will be no higher going it alone and getting what the American people really need, not the bastardized healthcare that you accepted in service of bi-partisanship….the attacks of the right got even worse after you compromised since they smell blood in the water…if you are in a no-win situation, give your base what they voted you in for; a more equal society that is not run for the corporations and the top 2%
of the country. A society where even a president and vice-president can be held accountable for breaking the law. Geez…

One last thing that I will fault the left for and that is it’s assertion that Obama is no different than Bush; something I think is especially unfair…I think Obama really does care about the American people even with his misguided forays into compromise with the right…Bush and his team never cared at all about the people other than his donors and the rich.

You’ve noticed some repitition…

Well…If you’ve read this for a while, you’ve noticed some repetitions in what I’ve had to say but there is a method to that madness on my part; the repubs have succeeded so well in repeating their lies until they become not truth but accepted “wisdom” so I think we need to keep repeating the truth until the truth overwhelms the lies of the right. So, I’m going to keep repeating the numerous outrages that have been foist upon America by the repubs until people can recognize truth again…until people start to think critically again and say to them “prove it”. Prove that the Bush tax cuts increased federal revenue (the non-partisan CBO says it didn’t), prove that deferring to business is the way to “lift all boats” as Reagan was heard to say, prove that the constitution is being ignored by Obama…just because they say it doesn’t make it true…geez…

August 11th

Well…another night of no booze at home but that string will be broken today…feel pretty good this morning but have to go grocery shopping since the freezer is empty and eating an ice pack is not an option. Did get a bunch more veggies from C’s garden and thanks to him for helping me eat more healthy. Don’t think I’ve had this many veggies in my life and I need to get more creative before I get tired of them. Maybe butternut squash with butter and parmesan for lunch today? Who knows…

It’s Wed so out to Ada today and it has to be better than Sunday with the thousands of screaming brats running around…and I predict I’m going to win at pool today…well, I thought that Sunday, too but that didn’t work out too well. I don’t like losing four times in a row…yeah, not really…I think we’re both getting better and that is fun…so, that’s about it for now…not going out on the bike this morning to beat the rain…just don’t feel like it…more later…

Do you need any more evidence?

Well…reading and watching the news yesterday solidified in my mind what you will get if the repubs are voted back into power in the mid-term elections. Their latest bit of craziness manifested itself with the vote yesterday on the 26 billion dollar house bill that would provide aid to cities and states and allow them to keep 150,000 teachers along with as many police and firefighters on the job until the economy recovers. To pay for the bill (which the repubs have said is a requirement for any new spending) the bill closes tax loopholes that rewarded companies for sending jobs overseas which you would think is a good thing, right? Nope, not to the repubs..only three repubs voted for the bill (it passed anyway) with the house repub leadership coming out in criticism of the bill as an unneeded tax increase that would slow down the economy. This really shows who they are trying to protect…not the 300K people that will still have jobs..but their corporate donors who have purchased their votes and who have benefited from laws that were dictated by business and passed by their lap-dog repub buddies. If we vote these guys back in, we only have ourselves to blame. Geez…

I’m not usually into conspiracy theories…

Well..this thought popped into my head this morning when I was reading an article about how disappointed business is with Obama and the regulations that have been imposed on certain parts of the economy. I think the article was in the Detroit News and it went on to say that the US Chamber of Commerce is working closely with Repubs on legislation and this dawned on me; I think that one of the reasons that companies are retaining so much profit and not converting that into hiring is that they are working in concert with the repubs to make sure the economy doesn’t recover before the fall elections. They know that with the repubs back in control of the House, they can get their money’s worth again from the repub legislators they have purchased.

The sick thing about this is that they care nothing about the people that purchase or make their products and who make those profits that they are hoarding. Why haven’t these behaviors been seized upon by the Dems as un-American, as a cynical attempt to return to the robberbaron times of the early 20th century? When are we, as a people, going to find out what companies are essential to this plot and make sure they pay in the only place they understand: their profits? You want to take this country back? Then let’s take it back from these plotters, these people who only care about themselves and how much power they can amass. Geez…

August 10th

Well…long day yesterday but you will be happy to hear that, for the third day, no booze at home…I did go out with G last night and we almost had our first argument in over a year…I think we were both crabby and out of sorts so that should not have been surprising….I think I’m going out for my ride early this morning since there is a heavy fog here and that is always fun on the bike…skipped yesterday and feel kind of guilty about it but I had so much to do that I just couldn’t fit it in…more later…

Oh, did have some outrage yesterday but feel much better today….