Well….I have talked about this topic, of the voter fraud that was perpetrated by the house majority leader here in Michigan, Jase Bolger, and the turncoat Roy Schmidt, before, but with every day there come new revelations that need to be shouted until our prosecutor here in Kent county, Forsyth, actually starts enforcing the law…if these were Dem shenanigans, you could bet he would have had them indicted and a trial date set by now. Mr. Forsyth’s excuse is that he wanted to make sure that the people know that this was going on before the election, so he shut down the investigation even though warrants had been issued to continue gathering evidence of this clear felony. What is stopping him from continuing the investigation now? After all, cases are reopened all the time when new evidence is discovered. How can anyone continue to respect the law when the repubs are in charge and selectively choose to enforce the law only when it won’t hurt them politically? This is just plain malfeasance and if Forsyth doesn’t do anything about this, he should be removed from office…geez…
Monthly Archives: August 2012
The troglodytes are running the GOP…
Well…just a short one on a couple of troubling things that I have talked about before but I think they bear repeating…with the rape nonsense that is going on in Missouri by the gop senate candidate there, along with all of the anti-science legislation being passed in repub controlled states across the country…there is only one conclusion that can be reached: that the troglodytes have taken over the repub party…I just want to shout at them ‘fire good, learning good” whenever any one of them wants to equate the religious nonsense that pervades this country with true thought and science….we have become the laughingstock of the world when supposedly serious people of the gop go on and on about the fact that they don’t need science because they have god to tell them what to do…and this is exactly why idiots like Todd Akin are so dangerous to this country. As you know, these ideas pervade the gop and is a primary reason that they have become as crazy as they are….geez…
Now there are two liars running…
Well…read a couple of good articles today in the Post and I think the Free Press and I am heartened that the media seems finally willing to do it’s job in questioning the ‘just trust us” crap coming out of ole Mitt’s campaign…where they lie, lie, and lie about what their policies are going to be if elected….first, though I wanted to get to the big lie the Obama cut over 700 billion out of Medicare to pay for the ACA and he is using that money to reward his political cronies…yadda, yadda…what ole Mitt doesn’t want you to know is that the 700 billion that will be cut out of Medicare is to providers of care, cost reductions that are far overdue but will not result in any reduction of care to anyone on the program…and the other lie embedded in this one is that it is only Obama that would propose something like that, but when you look at the fiction that is the Ryan budget…he counts exactly those same savings to justify more tax cuts for the rich. For anyone to see what the actual policies of a Romney administration would be, just take a look at Wisconsin and what ‘just trust us” did to that state with Scott Walker at the helm….these folks should not be taken seriously until they actually present more that vague platitudes, until they actually present numbers that can be scored by the CBO in a non-partisan way so everyone can see that ole Mitt’s plans would explode the deficit and allow the rich to steal even more…geez…
August 21st
Well….it was just another day yesterday but it was fun to go out and have a couple with G….but, the allergies are really killing me and I feel like crap…but I did have a short dream last night which was really surprising and included fishing and my grandparents cottage…oh, and a woman who tried to convince me that Audis are the best cars in the world…don’t know what that was about but it was nice to have any little dream…needless to say I will be taking it easy today and not doing much…I do have some errands to run and I need some more cream cheese for the bagels and salmon….I will be back later for more…
Had to come back to this one…
Well…had this one attached to this morning’s life column but, as I thought about it, it didn’t really fit there so I thought I’d do a new one…if you remember, a few months back a couple of our wonderful repub legislators here in Michigan conspired to run a fake candidate so the turncoat Schmidt could rig the election…with an article int he Free Press this morning, it appears I was right…a State Police investigator here in Michigan says that both Schmidt and Bolger have conspired to commit perjury in their attempt to defraud the voters here in Michigan….now, I think our AG Schutte should stop chasing non-existent voter fraud and charge these criminals with the felony they deserve…just another example of the flagrant disregard for the laws of the land that the repubs here in Michigan show every day….these two should have resigned and now the rest of the party’s leadership, if there is any, should make sure this happens as soon as possible….
August 20th
Well…running late again and I just have not been able to get going…it was an okay day yesterday but I got wet coming home…had to stop on the street to put the top up but it was still fun….I think I won at pool but we won’t be going back to csb again…they raised their prices and I just can’t afford it…not much to do today…have to run some errands after coffee but that is about it…feeling kind of low today so I think that will be the theme for the day…Man U is playing this aft so I will have to see that…
One more thing, I was right on the Roy Schmidt debacle from a few months back…a State Police investigator here in Michigan says that both Schmidt and Bolger have conspired to commit perjury in their attempt to defraud the voters here in Michigan….now, I think our AG Schutte should stop chasing non-existent voter fraud and charge these criminals with the felony they deserve…
August 19th
Well….it was just another day yesterday where not much happened…I did drive the car with the top up today and it is so cool how quiet the car is with the new wheel bearing…it is actually quite pleasant….what a deal for 47 bucks….slept okay last night but no in-head movies and I am disappointed again….I do have something to do today with pool with Tom this aft and, of course, the bike ride in a few minutes and I should have another cup of coffee first but it just doesn’t taste that good today…..I think I will have a bagel and salmon before I get on the bike so I should get going on that…more later….
I just can’t help it…
Well…I promised that I would start talking about other topics other than ole Mitt but he is just such an easy target that I can’t help it…so, I guess I’ll do it again today…read an interesting bit of conjecture in the Post this morning on why ole Mitt won’t release his tax returns and it has nothing to do with whether he paid taxes or not…it is whether he committed felony voting fraud by faking that he was a resident of Massachusetts when he was really living in California at the time…and that would show on the address he used on his returns…if it is a California address (you know…the house with the car elevator) then another repub has committed a felony that he won’t be prosecuted for….I wonder if he’ll go back and retroactively live in MA? Here’s one other funny bit about this whole thing, the address that he was using to be able to vote in MA was the basement of his son’s house…now, you’ve got a guy that is worth 250 million dollars and he is living in his kid’s basement? It just shows you how these folks don’t think that the laws that apply to you and me apply to them….geez…
August 18th
Well…it was a fun day yesterday with smoking a bunch of fish out at Tom’s and eating a bunch of it…had more of the fish on a bagel with cream cheese this morning and that was just good…but, I do feel a little crappy after cocktails last night and I need to get out on the bike to help get the toxins out….the wheel bearing fix has quieted the car down so much all I hear now is the exhaust…and it was one of the easiest fixes I’ve had on any car….20 minutes from start to finish and I didn’t even get dirty…slept okay but no dreams for the 3rd week in a row and I am starting to get a little concerned…but not too concerned…have enough other stuff to be concerned about….more later…
Mitt’s weird strategy…
Well…I’ve been reading a little after smoking the fish and fixing the car and a couple of articles struck me as kind of funny while they exposed the major facet of ole Mitt’s plan…to not tell anyone anything about what his plans are if he is elected…just like ole Walker did in Wisconsin and our gov Snyder did here in Michigan. His campaign staff and ole Mitt even admitted it, going so far as to say they are doing it because if they tell the truth, no one will vote for them. So, let me get this straight…these idiots know that what they plan to do is not what the American people want so the only way they can get elected to give away the country to the rich is to lie and obfuscate about everything and use personal attacks to win at any cost. I cannot believe that the media is not hammering these guys on these tactics…especially since ole Mitt has said that this election should be about policy not personal attacks…what a load of crap….geez…