August 13th

Well…it was just another day yesterday but I go through it so that is a good thing….even got some stuff done around here so that was some sort of an accomplishment and I hope to continue that today….have been good for 3 nights now and looking for 5 again this week but that has been detrimental to sleeping…but, I still feel better so I guess that’s a good tradeoff….I do need to do a grocery run today to try to change up my eating habits…have been bored with food lately so I am going to try some stuff I haven’t made in a while…not much to do today….going to try to continue to clean and get lots of resumes out but that is about it….more later….

A melancholy day….

Well…it has been a melancholy day today with the events and the rain and coolness and I have been kind of just letting the day flow as it would without really doing much…just couldn’t get motivated…I did do a few things just to make sure the entire day wasn’t a waste….it is somewhat disheartening to wake up to another day and another unarmed young man being shot in the back by police and the predictable riots that happen in protest…I just don’t understand why anyone would shoot someone who is unarmed…where’s the danger for the cop? Why is everyone so afraid these days? Crime is down by all measures but everyone feels the need to carry guns everywhere? I know this one is a little disjointed but that is how I feel today…thoughts are coming and going and I’m trying to capture some of them….oh, well…maybe I’ll quit now and go do something else….

RIP Robin Williams

Well…woke up to the sad news this morning that Robin Williams has died from an apparent suicide….I remember the first time I saw him on Happy Days and how he just cracked me up…which continued throughout his career…..from what I understand, he fought the black of depression his entire life as I have…..what a shame….Rest In Peace, Robin….

August 12th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a bunch of stuff done so that was cool…finally did the spider alert in the bathroom and cleaned the shower….and today will be kitchen duty….not sure if I’ll get the bike ride in since it is going to rain but the window looks big enough if I get going early…slept okay last night but still am a little tired with the allergies acting up again and not being able to breath….not much to do today…more cleaning and maybe a couple of errands…I do want a new coffee maker and Target has one for 20 bucks but it is hard for me to spend money…more later….

Have to start cheating early…

Well…with the congress gone for the month and the craziness spread out across the country, there are very few topics to comment on so I guess I’ll cheat some to try to get caught up..or not get further behind…I should clean the bathroom but I don’t feel like it…I think the new shock on the bike is working okay still and it’s been on a week now…finally got it adjusted right so the ride height is better and no rebound so that is cool….had a nice ride this morning but I was hoping forĀ  a day off…might have to take that tomorrow if it rains….still frickin exhausted today but I do have some things to get done so I should get to it…yeah, I know, this one was pretty worthless…I’ll do better later…I hope…

August 11th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done and I am a little disappointed in that…I did get out to see K for a few minutes and that was fun but the bathroom is still waiting for me to get going and get it done…that will be a project for today and I have already started on it….slept okay but I still fell exhausted and I think it’s from not eating enough again…and again…and again….I was hoping that it would rain today so I could justify taking the day off from riding but the rain looks like it is hugging the coast so I guess I’ll have to go….not much to do today….going to clean the bathroom and maybe run a few errands but that will be about it…and come back here for three more since I am getting behind…again…

August 10th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and we got the brakes done on Tom’s car so that was cool…have a huge bruise on my hand from hitting the ratchet handle to loosen a bolt, though…..doesn’t hurt at all, just a bruise…and I knew it was bruised as soon as I hit it…but the funny thing is that every time I work on brakes, I get that same bruise…weird…slept okay but feel the same this morning as I did yesterday…moving kind of slow but I am getting out on the bike in a few minutes so that will help…and my tooth is a little better today so maybe I’m over that hump….not much to do today…going to be a total veg day with just cooking and cleaning a little and two more of these to get caught up…..

August 9th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool…still okay, though…slept okay but with help so that is still frustrating…and, I feel really slow this morning from it like I want to go back to bed right now…I won’t since it is time to get on the bike but I do need one more cup of coffee first….my tooth is still hurting like crazy but maybe a bit better…at least I hope so….it was a little busy yesterday with a bunch of running around so I hope today will be better so I can relax a little…not used to having things to do….not much to do today…okay….need to finish the coffee and get moving or I think I’ll turn to stone and just veg the day away….more later…

August 8th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…slept okay and it was due to taking a sleeping pill…just needed sleep but the darn things make me feel like crap the next day…and my tooth hurts like crazy today and I’m not sure what to do about it…don’t want to spend 500 bucks to get it fixed…I do have lots of stuff to get done today but I just don’t want to do it…need a grocery run and then run some errands…but I feel so crappy it’s going to be hard work…more later…

Pretty frickin outrageous…

Well…just read a little article on one of the websites that has my jaw dropping in it’s so outrageous….while the reps in both the senate and house work for the people in their districts and the law says they have to take time to listen to them, there is a new twist that the repubs are trying out to limit the participation of people they don’t want there…they are charging money to attend the town hall meetings that are supposed to be so their constituents can question them about their votes and express their thoughts on what they want from their rep. In the past couple of months…ole Paul Ryan has started to charge admission of 15 dollars a head for access to these meeting with the express intent of keeping the “riff raff” out of these meetings…and by riff raff that means anyone who is going to ask them a question that might put them on the spot…just when I think the repubs can’t sink much lower…they have sold our democracy to the highest bidder and now they are charging for the “privilege” to talk to them…what a bunch of grifters…geez…