Well…this one may be short since I have been up since 4:30 and I am running out of steam already…and it didn’t help that it was a long day with pool and then out with G for a couple…and a couple more arguments and I don’t want to do that anymore…so I won’t…slept really crappy last night…up and down all night with getting up so damn early…there will be a nap involved sometime today but I have been cleaning to get ready for the furnace inspection that is happening today…just what I need feeling so crappy….so, today is going to be a recovery day to get back on track and feel better…may even skip the bike ride since it is supposed to rain all day….and I could use the rest…
Monthly Archives: October 2015
Ben Carson…wow…that’s all I have to say…
Well…if you have been paying any attention to the crazy-assed stuff that ole Ben has been spouting, this may not be a surprise to you…but it was to me and I am shaking my head about the stupidity of this guy…in the past few days, one of the things that old Ben has spewed out of his fever brain is, that if he is elected, he would change the purpose of the Department of Education to be the thought police and to withhold federal funds to any university that espoused teaching ideas that are outside the mainstream…and that mainstream is whatever ole Ben thinks it is…and, all you have to do is look at what this idiot believes to see what a nightmare world he lives in where evolution is the “work of the devil” and any progressive thought needs to be punished. Now, do you see what this looks like? Kinda like China under Mao or Germany under Hitler where people would be punished for thought…never mind that the first amendment protects thought and speech here in the US…but we all know that any repub loves the constitution until people they hate get rights from it….this guy is just batshit crazy and should never be anywhere near any government function other than receiving mental health care….geez…
October 27th
Well….it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…there will be groceries again this week…slept okay but woke up with some jaw pain from grinding my teeth all night but it appears to be getting better since I can now concentrate on not grinding….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but some stuff I needed to do around here and today looks like the same…have the normal stuff to do with the workout and the bike ride and then pool this aft and then have to meet up with G for a couple later…..going to be a busy day today and I can’t wait until I’m back here later for the Wings game….I think I am going to have to order a new shifter for the bike since the annoyance level is up to 11 with it being so inconsistent so I guess I’ll bite the bullet and get that done tomorrow….need more coffee…more later….
Trump got a “small” loan to get his start…
Well…if you have to have more evidence that the rich really are delusional, you just have to look at the Donald’s comments from the past few days…I’m not sure of the context of this one but I think he was asked how he got so successful or some such nonsense….and he responded that he got a “small” loan from his father and took that small loan and made a fortune in real estate….sounds like a typically American story…young guy starts out with a “small” loan from his father and makes good in the big city….the only teeny little problem is his definition of “small”…small to him was a million dollars that daddy gave him to dabble around and get him out of the house….he did make some money so I won’t fault him there…but on the recommendations of daddy’s business partners which really means he didn’t do crap except be the face of the investments…and he has turned that into an “empire” by defaults, bankruptcies, and screwing people…something I guess the rich really are proud of…and the largess didn’t stop there…when ole Donald was going to default on the bonds from his casino, daddy stepped in again and laundered almost 4 million dollars to bail him out, which was illegal by the way, and the Donald had to pay a 30K fine for the wrongdoing. So, as with many of the rich, the delusions run strong in this one….another richie that started life on third base and is just convinced he hit a triple…geez…
Once around the world…
October 26th
Well..it was an okay day yesterday and I got a few things done so that was cool…but not much so that wasn’t…pretty much vegged the day away and watched sports…Man U tied City but it was a good match so that was okay, too…but, the Lions stunk up the place as always and I think it’s time for a change…writing off another year…but, I’ll talk about that later in another one….slept okay last night but feel a little slow this morning which I think is from not eating enough, again, but I’ll see about that later…found a bruise on my arm yesterday that I can’t remember getting but who knows what happens when I’m trying to sleep….not much to do today…I have to get some cleaning done but that’s about it….and a couple more of these since I am behind and don’t want to wait until the end of the month and have to rush it…more later…
October 25th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I had a little fun going out and hanging with some of the old crowd for a while…made a little cash, too, so that was also cool…slept okay last night but no dreams to speak of but that is normal…I’m not really too sore today but in my forearms but that has been going on for quite a while now and I know that is from riding in the cold and is just annoying, not really too painful….didn’t get anything done yesterday with all the running around and that looks about the same today…I do need to get on the bike soon so I can be back here for the Manchester derby at 10 but it is still a little too cold to go out….don’t want to get the thermasuit out yet so I think I’ll wait for a little while…more later…
Hillary beat them like a drum…
Well..not sure if you watched any of the marathon “hearing” on Benghazi the other day so I thought I’d talk about it for a bit…not sure what the hell ole Gowdy was thinking by scheduling her…I know, trying to get to the bottom…yadda, yadda…but, from all of the rational analysis, not Fox, she just killed these idiots and made it even more likely to get elected next year…not really what you were trying to do eh, Trey? The problem here is that all of these idiots doing the inquisition live in the right wing bubble where they KNOW that Hillary is guilty of something and if they just keep digging, harder and harder, they will find it…and the sick thing is they have been working on the Clintons since the early 90′s and have not laid a glove on them…the last time…with Whitewater, the repubs spent 60 million dollars of our money and found nothing…and now, just this one committee has spent another 5 million and counting and have found nothing….this is the repubs MO these days…can’t win at the ballot box…so lets do everything else to try to hurt your enemies…I’m tired of it…geez…
October 24th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done and today looks the same…slept okay last night and didn’t get up til 7:30 and I’m not sure how that’s happening…two days in a row of sleeping past my normal 6 o’clock is just strange to do that….it is warm outside and I will get the bike ride in in a t-shirt for the last time this year…pretty cool that it is the last part of October and I can still do that…not too sore today but I do still need to take some ibuprofen before I go out….not much to do today…C and E are coming into town so I have to meet up with them later and I have a few errands to run earlier so I will be a little busy…more later….
Two more for the B-3 count…
Well…if you’ve been here before, you’ve seen me talk about my fascination and near obsession with people who play the Hammond B-3 organ…and I’m still on that kick so here are a couple more that I just recognized lately….saw a show on AXS tv the other day with Booker T of Booker T and the MG’s and I wondered how I missed that one since the organ was their signature sound in the 60′s and 70′s. the second one that I just forgot to mention is Jimmy Peel of the Tommy Castro band…was listening to them on the ride today and it just hit me in an organ solo….so, two more to add to the count…