Well….was sitting here getting ready to get out for the first bike ride this morning and my oldest son and his fiance called to causally let me know that they got married back last November but just decided that they shoud probably let people know…I laughed at that one since it is just so him…so some good news today made it a good day….and I got some work done, too…took the copper downspout down and took my little grinder to it there was so much peeling paint…got most of that off and I think I may be able to take the rest of the paint off with stripper now…it does look pretty cool with the shiny copper showing through…and I was going to paint it but I just couldn’t….so I put it back up and fixed the straps that hold it so now it is nice and sturdy and I can continue to try to get the rest of the paint off…used my grinder so much that the fap disk I had is used up so I had to stop….so I did get some work done this weekend…and now on to the yard tomorrow…..
Monthly Archives: April 2020
April 26th
Well…I sure hope this is not the new normal…woke for the second day in a row at 4:50 and tried to go back to sleep for a while but no such luck…with very little sleep the past couple of days, and all of the work I’ve been doing, you would think sleep would be easy…but I guess that’s just not me….and the two day rule has reared it ugly head with the pain from chopping out the garden sod Friday landing on my right arm…can barely move it this morning but that’s not unexpected…but it’s going to be a few days before I can abuse it again…will probably need ibuprofen again this morning just to get on the bike…and I am going to do a double today to get to the 1K goal by the end of the month…supposed to be in the 60′s this aft so just shorts and a t-shirt for the afternoon ride will be cool and I can even go out in shorts for the morning ride….I may take the last copper downspout off to be able to try to get the paint off it…will probably have to paint it since I’m not sure if it is in good enough shape to just leave it…we’ll see after I get at the paint removal… I do know that I have to rework the straps that secure it so it won’t bang around in the wind as it does now….but, at least they are there and I don’t have to get new ones….not much to do today…okay, that’s not true…have plenty to do but I may choose to not do much…I’m already pretty worn out with the lack of sleep so I’m going to ease into it this morning and not really think about too much….more later….
Making progress…
Well…I still have to remind myself when I get depressed about how little progress I’m making on the house that I am still making progress…and today, the project was to clean up and repaint the downspout I found buried behind the garage…wasn’t even going to try to hang it today but it was dry when I got back from the second ride and I decided to just finish it and hang it….and it was pretty easy…only took about 10 minutes from start to finish and it looks pretty good and completes that side of the house…I’ve always hated the hole that was there without it and the water running off the roof left an algae streak down the side of the house…had to clean that off with a wire brush before I hung the spout and that got rid of one more dingy thing that should have been taken care of….so, when I sit down and think about it, I did get a lot done today…I did get the lawn mowed first thing…then on the bike for the first ride, then painted the downspout… swept out the garage, then made lunch and then back on the bike for another 15 that damn near killed me on the last climb but I survived it…then hung the downspout, cleaned up everything, and now back here for this one…so maybe I won’t get to a political one today…I did get to 950 miles for the year so far so it looks like I may be able to get to 1,000 before the end of April….man, I’m sore…
April 25th
Well…crap…up at 4:50 this morning and there really is no reason for it…especially after waking up at 2:30 for the first time….I should have been able to sleep more after all the work I did yesterday…you would think that would tire me out and make it easier but no, not me….oh, well….the ibuprofen worked last night and I don’t have nearly the pain I expected today….but that will probably come tomorrow with the two day rule…everything hurt like crazy last night and I found myself laughing about it when it hit…yeah, I know that’s weird but I feel good that I can still do all that stuff at my age…I do have a plan worked out in my head how to arrange the garden and got the idea to plant some garlic around the edges…it won’t look like normal garlic since you need to have that in the ground over the winter for it to develop the cloves that we normally see but it will have single cloves that have a milder garlic flavor that you can still use in cooking…and you can just plant the cloves you buy in the store….so that might be fun…I did get out on the bike yesterday and got a nice ride in but didn’t have time to get a second one in and I don’t think I will today, either…want to get started on painting the downspout so I can flip it over and do the front tomorrow…but right now I need coffee…did this one without it and that was just too damn much work….more later…
Got the garden ready…
Well…I’m really not sure what got into me this morning…all I was going to do was go out and clean the downspout so I can paint it over the weekend but, one thing led to another, and I got started on finishing cutting the sod out for the veggie garden…and three hours later, I had it done along with putting in the blocks for the walkway that runs down the center of it…and I used the sod that I took out to level the yard along the fence and fill that in instead of just piling it behind the garage….and that came out okay and it looks better so that is cool…but cutting out two sections of lawn that are 30 inches by 10 feet took a toll on every damn part of my body and I am really, really sore…and after the bike ride I couldn’t take it any more so I took some ibuprofen in the afternoon…something I very seldom do…and next week looks like I can get started on the outside since garden centers can re-open today and I can get out and get some topsoil and grass seed next week along with paint for the trim on the house…so it looks like I’m going to get really busy again but I’m only going to paint the downspout this weekend….too damn sore to do much else…and it will get worse Sunday…
More stupidity from the moron in chief…
Well….as if pushing an unapproved drug for coronvirus that kills people isn’t enough, the moron in chief yesterday told his stupid followers that “intense” UV rays and injecting disinfectant is the new cure…yep, you heard that bit of colossal stupidity right….he wants people to get 3rd degree sunburns and inject themselves with Lysol to “cure” the virus…and do you want to bet that some of his followers are going to do it? Look, repubs, I know you want more unqualified judges, but do you really want this idiot killing more people than the 60,000 he already has? Okay, we all know the answer to that…and it is yes…yes they do want to kill more people…especially if they are the brown and black people who are disproportionately killed by the virus. Why do you think Kemp wants to open Georgia? Because the right wing media is still pushing the idea that white people are immune and that is one of the reasons for the “demonstrations” by all white people to reopen the country….along with the whole “the cure is worse than the disease” lies that are pushed by the billionaires who are behind the idiot uprising. I am getting just so tired of having to live in a country run by a moron and his moron cronies…where every day we have to listen to someone who should be in a mental institution instead of the WH….just shaking my head….so much that it’s hurting my neck…
April 24th
Well…running a little late this morning with not getting up til after 6….feel pretty lousy and I know why that is but I earned it so I’m not going to bitch too much…I am going to start slow but I’m not going to bitch…it was nice to get out on the bike yesterday and with the cold and rain there was no one on the trail…and the eagle wasn’t there but I did see him the other day…and I think I saw a female sitting in a tree across the pond so maybe we will see so eaglets later this summer…I am hoping to get out in shorts today but that will mean waiting until the afternoon to go so that will give me time to work outside this morning….I do need to organize the work out there so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming and then just start chipping away every day….want to get the downspout cleaned today so I can paint it over the weekend and I just realized that I can do that in the garage if I move the car out….and that is a cool luxury….and I need to get the garden cut out today with my tomato plants almost a foot tall downstairs and needing to be planted soon…I have lots of peppers that have come up too, I was worried they wouldn’t and planted extras so now I have 6 each of green peppers and jalapenos…will be giving lots of them away this summer….not much to do today….just the outdoor work and then riding….and I need to plan what I need to take out of the freezer for meals….or make some pasta…not sure yet….more later…
I’m really bad at doing nothing…
Well….you know, after all the work I’ve done here over the past 7 months, you’d think that it would be pretty easy for me to just sit here and do nothing for just a little while…but after trying that while we are in lockdown, I find that I’m really bad at it…especially when I know there are still loads of things that need to be done. Just this morning, I was waiting for the temp to come up so I could get on the bike and thoughts just flooded into my head so I got some work done on the downstairs project, made lunch, and then got out to measure up the downspout I found behind the garage to make sure it will fit in the open space…while outside, I had to move all the stumps behind the garage as I try to figure out how to get rid of them since they don’t do yard waste pickup anymore….then it started to rain so I came inside and got laundry started and now I’m back here doing another one of these while I wait for the rain to end so I can get out on the bike later in between this first rain and the big stuff that is coming later…yeah, this is much harder than I expected…to just relax and veg and enjoy having a house for the next few months….I still have the garden to get ready and the flowers to plant, and to mow the lawn, and to re seed the front lawn and paint the trim, and re putty the windows…you get my drift…just too much to do to not think about it….
Incompetence squared…
Well….I really don’t think there is language to describe how incompetent trump and his cronies are in response to the coronavirus pandemic….maybe incompetence squared? Fip floppy? Whinery? Strategery? Okay, that last one was from ole GW but it still fits these morons….and now, the head person that was coordinating the vaccine/treatment response has been demoted/fired for telling trump that any reccommendations for treatments for the virus need to be based on science and not on the idiot trump’s “gut feel”…the last one that trump and fox news harped on and pushed as the “cure” for the virus has been shown in studies to kill people and make outcomes worse than if they weren’t treated….so in addition to the deaths that idiot boy is responsible for by his inaction and stupidity, he is now responsible for touting a deadly treatment that does nothing but kill people. Now we learn that HHS secretary Azar has appointed a crony to head the coronavirus response whose only qualification is…wait for it…that he is a dog breeder…no medical or scientific experience at all. What’s next? Putting a horse breeder on charge of FEMA? Oh, that was ole GW who did that…what’s wrong? Was ‘heckofajob Browie” not available? These assholes are playing at government and costing American’s their lives and yet they still have 41% of the country that still supports them….I really do think that “Idiocracy” is a how to manual for these morons and we are going to die because of it….
April 23rd
Well…up early this morning and that still made it almost 6 1/2 hours so I’ll take it…feel okay though, with some energy that I didn’t expect and my head is pretty clear with taking something for it last night for the first time in a while…still a little stiff and sore but not too bad after getting a bike ride in yesterday….and I’ll be getting out a little later today…not sure if I want to wait to go out so it’s not in full thermasuit again…it was nice that there were few people out there with the cold but I’m still depressed that it is that cold at the end of April….oh, well….after the grocery run yesterday, I have 4 whole miles on the new tires but that is enough to know that having full tread on tires is better than bald ones…they ride pretty good and even the bad manhole covers over here don’t slam the car like they did with the old ones…can’t wait to see how they do in the rain…I could spin the old ones on flat ground they had hardened up so much with age…oh, and being bald didn’t help that, either….didn’t get a lot done yesterday since I couldn’t drag myself out to work on the garden in the cold but I am going to try to at least get the sod cut out today…or maybe wait til tomorrow when it is warmer….but with the warm I want to get back to double rides and that takes time…oh, and with warm I mean over 50 degrees….and that should be over 60 degrees and smells like spring…that would be nice after being cooped up in here for so long….more later….