This is just sick…

Well…just when you think the idiot trump couldn’t go any lower, he gets the damn shovel out and digs another 6 feet down…the latest bullshit from the bullshitter in chief is he just HAD to have his name on the relief  checks that are being sent out like it is his own money that is being sent….and that one change to stroke this asshole’s vanity is going to cause the checks to go out at least a week late and maybe more…so people are not going to be able to pay their bills on time or even eat just so this narcissistic ass can have his name in front of the millions of people that need to money to just survive…and I know why he is doing it…he thinks that people will be thankful to him personally that they are getting the money…and to some of the ill informed followers of his, this may be true…but to the rest of the country who need this money asap to stay alive…the extra week or two that this signature is going to cost means that children go hungry, that old folks can’t buy their medicine, and people are going to die…just for this asshole’s vanity.  Just like the 40,000 or so Americans who are dying or have died so trump could go golfing and hold his rallies in Feb as he downplayed the virus and did nothing. Okay, media…and dems, what are you going to do about it…media: ask that question at today’s propaganda conference…and dems, get an ad out today informing the people that it is trump’s vanity that is delaying your relief….now is the time for push back on this insanity…geez…why do we even have to do this?

April 15th

Well…running about on time this morning but got up at 5 for the first time…tried going back to bed and it kind of worked until coffee time so I guess that kind of a win…still didn’t get my 1200 bucks yet and that is a little irritating…don’t really need it but it would be nice to have…I did sleep okay with doing my 3rd day of being good and the third day of no allergy meds or ibuprofen…still have that low grade headache and sinus pressure but it’s tolerable so far….and I am pretty sore even without riding the bike but I think that is just carryover from the last time and from lifting the power washer into the car….there is damn snow on the ground this morning and it is only in the 20′s so it looks like another day of no ride unless I wait until late this aft…don’t have a lot do to so I really can wait…I am going to try to go out for groceries today since DD has chicken on sale for 1.29 a pound and I need some potatoes, too…going to try to do the 3 store run today but I will probably bail if the new regs are too much of a pain…I can make it for a month without going out except for no milk so I guess it’s not really necessary…I am going to call discount this morning to see if they are going to get my tires or if I have to go somewhere else….and that will probably make me wait until this whole thing is lifted in a month or so….didn’t get a lot done yesterday and it looks like not much today, either…the snow will have to melt before I can get on the garden but I have time to wait for that…can’t plant until May anyway so that gives me a couple of weeks….more later….

What a bore of a day…

Well…with the second day of high winds and cold, it has been a bore of a day here with not getting out to ride….I did wedge the power washer into the trunk of the Miata and took it back to my son over where I used to live…and it was nice to talk to him for a while…it made me laugh that he organized an online video chat with his brothers and sister and he said that they talked for almost an hour just to catch up…it’s nice that they are staying in touch….and it was nice to run the car for a while since I’ve only driven it about 10 miles this month and that is not good for it….I did get a little work done on the downstairs project today and started to clean some but lost my motivation pretty quickly for some reason….I’m sure it has something to do with the high temp being 35 in the middle of April but that is going to break early next week and we should be getting back to around 60 which is the normal for this time of year…the big project is going to be getting the garden prepped next week so I can plant as soon as possible…so that makes the rest of this week pretty boring too, since the weather is not going to cooperate….man, I am tired today and just can’t shake it…I wonder if it’s from not eating enough…again….I did have two pieces of pizza today but without a bike ride, that should be enough….oh, well….

So sorry repubs, it didn’t work…

Well….if you looked at the news over the past week or so, you saw the mighty voter suppression efforts by Wisconsin repubs to try to save a supreme court seat that even involved the US supreme court who dutifully weighed in and handed the repubs the tools they needed to try to steal the seat….and this included making sure that most polling places were closed in dem areas and forcing in person voting instead of the safer vote by mail that the dem governor was championing. But, a funny thing happened….dem voters braved the coronavirus and hours long lines to do their duty and thwarted the bad faith efforts of the repubs to rig the election….and three of Scott Walker’s hand picked judges went down to defeat…most importantly, a true progressive won the 10 year seat on the supreme court, whittling away at the repub majority who have done their best to support making it harder and harder for everyone but repubs to vote. The vote wasn’t even close and pundits are chalking that up to the dem voters being pissed and really, really motivated to make every damn one of the repbus to go away….and this time, even some of the repub base was snared in the voter suppression net and had to endure the long lines just like we always do….maybe it will open their eyes to the fact that their “leaders” are only out for themselves and to retain their power…they don’t give a damn about their voters…these results leave me with a glimmer of hope that there is a landslide coming this fall….maybe we can even take back the government here in Michigan…that would be cool….

April 14th

Well…running a little late this morning and this time it’s almost on purpose….woke up at 5 or so after tossing and turning all night but decided to try to go back to sleep and did for almost an hour…didn’t sleep much but I think it helped…and it was the second night in a row of no ibuprofen or allergy meds and I am surviving it but with a low grade headache that I know is from sinus pressure…but I can live with it…so far…not sure if that will continue with some heavy work to get done outside….need to get the garden plot chopped out of the back yard and skim the soil from the old plot that was just behind the house that has some good black dirt in it…and that will take it down to the level of the rest of the yard…but then I’ll need to seed that and that won’t happen for a month or so since I can’t get seed…I did get some cleaning done yesterday and I think I’ll do the bathroom today and maybe even the living room but that will depend on whether I get out on the bike today and if I hear about the tires for the car….and I need to put the power washer in the car and take it back to my son today or tomorrow…not much to do today…still on the first cup of coffee so there is going to be easing for the next hour or so as I wake up more and get caught up on the news….more later….

Thanks Bernie…again…

Well…just read that Bernie Sanders just endorsed Joe Biden in the online forum that Joe was using to talk about some of the issues today…and it was exactly what I was looking for, asking his followers, independents, greens, and even sane repubs to support Joe and return this country to sanity….and Joe talked directly to Bernie’s supporters and thanked them for their ideas and enthusiasm and promised to earn their votes in the fall…now, this is exactly what I was hoping would happen…but I would have gone a little further even and had Joe promise that Bernie is going to be an integral part of the campaign and administration that Joe puts together…here’s the thing, too…even when being attacked during the campaign, Joe was always the gracious, decent human being that this country needs right now…but that is Joe…no flash or soaring rhetoric but an innate goodness that trump and his cabal of idiots just don’t possess…and that needs to go into lots of ads starting now…split screen with Joe consoling an American and trump screaming at one of his “rallies”…cripes I could write a hundred of them…again…thanks Bernie…

It’s been a lazy day for me…

Well…with the wind still blowing like crazy out there and not getting on the bike because of it, it has been a pretty lazy day for me…I did get some work done on the downstairs project early today and finally got my kitchen floor vacuumed and mopped and then vacuumed the basement stairs and cleaned the indoors mat…hmmmm…I guess my day hasn’t been THAT lazy…but, I’m taking it easy now and have found some soccer on Pluto to have running in the background so that is cool…I did get a package from my daughter today that had two tubes of O’Keefe’s hand lotion in it after I bitched to her the other day that all this hand washing, alcohol, and bleach has been trashing my hands…it’s pretty nice stuff and I can tell the difference after just one use…I may even try it on my heel cracks since that is what it’s for on the hands…I did get access to my bank account online and haven’t gotten my 1200 bucks yet and that is annoying…I had my new username written down in my handy notebook and once I used that I had no problem…I better make sure that I don’t lose it…the inside cover has every username and password for everything from my online stuff to my router so I probably should get that in the computer somewhere…okay, that’s enough…nope, not quite…the repairs to the awning have worked well in the wind today but now I need to figure out how to take it off so I can get to the dormer once I can get paint again….I don’t think it’s too heavy but it is about 4 feet across and that will make it a little unwieldly for one person to handle….we’ll see…

Now they’re trying to kill the postal service?

Well….what the hell is wrong with trump and his cronies? Well..yeah, everything but now they are trying to kill the US Postal Service with the idiot in chief bleating out of his pie hole that he won’t sign anything that helps the postal service in this depression…half a trillion dollars to bail out his business buddies but not  a dime to fix one of the most essential services that the government performs….and the problems the service is having is directly from repub shenanigans that forced the postal service to pay for 75 years of pension obligations upfront….a debt load that no business could survive and that has never been imposed on any other business…but the repub hatred of their unionized workforce is driving all of the attempts to kill it…along with the fact that the repubs don’t want everyone voting by mail because if that happens, they will lose all across the country and their voter suppression schemes will no longer work. Everyone in this country depends on the postal service, including these idiots business buddies….what happens to people who live in red areas who voted for trump and who have no internet access who depend on the service for their SS checks? I can go on and on about the damage that losing the postal service would do but everyone knows what that would be so I won’t repeat that here…just remember that the postal service was one of the most important things that the founders of this country set up…even before there was a constitution there was a postal service…and it should be here after we throw the repubs out…

April 13th

Well….5:24 came pretty damn early this morning and I am feeling it…didn’t take anything for pain or my allergies last night and that may be part of it…but, I need to break that cycle since I can’t get any allergy meds and I’m down to my last 7….will be creaky all morning until I loosen up from that….man, my brain is just not working this morning so this one is going to be a little jumbled…I did get a little work done on the outside of the house yesterday with getting the small stumps taken out of the back yard and getting the awning over the side door fastened down…needed to get that done with the wind that was forecast for today…maybe some 50 mph gusts later and I didn’t want to kick myself for not doing it and having it damaged…other than that, I didn’t get much done yesterday and today looks like an interior day with lots of cleaning that I need to do…with steady winds in the 20′s I won’t be getting out on the bike today and that’s okay…well…I may try to get out before the wind comes up but I’m in no hurry about it….Tom did stop over and brought me a cool little air purifier to help with my allergies and I have it running right now…it has a cool blue light that makes it look pretty modern when it is running and I hope it works…I need help…not much to do today….going to have to ease into this one and get more coffee into me before I can do anything….more later…

The hidden damage…

Well….after seeing the videos from the doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers on tv and their heart wrenching pleas for help and their deep, deep fear that they too will die from the virus…the thing that hits me like a gut punch is the question of who is going to help with the hidden damage that this work is causing to these people? Every damn one of them who survives is going to have the debilitating affects of PTSD that will always be with them…who is going to take care of them and help them? As a society that operates on the profit motive in healthcare, there is no mechanism, no program, no money that is available to mitigate this hidden disaster…and who is going to replace these people who have given everything to protect their fellow human beings? I don’t even hear any discussion on this terrible human toll…just the same old bullshit on how to “open” the economy and how to give money to corporations that don’t need it…and once the pandemic subsides will we go back to the same old crap where hospitals close and doctors and nurses are expected to take pay cuts to protect the profit of the corporations who see healthcare as just another profit center? Who are we as a country if we allow this to happen? This is our chance to make this a better country as the virus exposes the rotten foundations that have been patched with cheap plaster for so long…we just need the will to do it…but I don’t hold out much hope that will happen…and that makes me sick.