Three weeks…

Well…I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the type of changes in politics that have happened in the past three weeks after Joe dropped out of the race…and about that, I want to say thank you, Joe, for doing what you’ve always done…putting the country first and starting the tidal wave of blue that I know is coming…I’ve personally gone from doom and gloom to hope with Kamala nominated and the announcement of Tim Walz for VP and I think Kamala made exactly the right pick…and he is going to fit right in and show the country that politics can be something that can give people hope and make them smile instead of the sneering, hateful crap the repubs are selling…I’ve even gone back to reading the news again and I’m pretty sure we have this…there can’t be more of a difference between parties and tickets and I agree with Kamala: “We’re not going back!” Vote, and get others to vote…the trump and repub cancer needs to be eradicated with a landslide…geez…

I was right…

Well…a couple of days ago, I went out on a limb and wrote that I thought our VP pick was going to Time Walz, the governor of Minnesota, and it was just announced that it is Tim…so I was right…if you’ve been here much, you know that this is a pretty rare occurrence but hey, I’ll take it…I think what Walz brings to the ticket is a reinforcement of the progressive values and policies that are really popular in this country and he is a bulldog going after the absurdity that is the idiot boy….and everyone who meets him, likes him and I really think being a nice guy but tough is just what we need to separate us from the weirdos on the right…I cannot wait to see Tim debate Vance and tear him apart…I’m pretty sure that the repubs won’t be able to trot out the old, tired attack line that he is not qualified to be VP…cripes, compare him to Vance who has beenĀ  a senator for a year and has not accomplished a damn thing…let’s go!

August 6th

Well…it rained overnight and it’s still raining now so it looks like it will be an indoor ride today to start off…going to do the grocery run today and I need to pay the water bill and go to the library to get three more books since I finished off the last one last night…slept okay last night but my knees hurt for some reason and I’m hobbling around here a bit…I did get three rides in yesterday and that gets me closer to my all time mileage record..only about 60 miles to go so I’ll get there this week…and then the grind starts to get the last 1,000 miles done…will probably be able to get outdoors later but I could make this an easy day and I really need one of those…stayed up late last night with “The Color of Money” coming on at around 10 and I just got sucked into it and I shouldn’t have…have to get on the bike here in about 20 minutes and it will be the first time I’ve been on the indoor bike in quite a while…have to figure out what I’ve been watching on freevee with the tablet and then remember where I am in the show…not much to do today…just running around a bit this morning and it looks like I’ll get to try out the new wipers on the car and get it dirty again after washing it last week..more later…

Wet, wet, wet….

Well….as I always do, I checked the radar before I went out on the second ride and there was no rain in sight…but just after making the turn at the beach to come back here, it started to pour and kept it up all the way back and I was soaked through everything…even my shoes were making squishing noises when I got off the bike….so I put the bike away thinking I was done for the day…but 15 minutes later the sun was shining so I climbed back on the bike to get the third ride in…when I got back here, I had to spray all of the crud off the bike before I put it away since the idler sprockets were grinding quite a bit…I did remember to call my insurance agent to check onĀ  a low mileage discount and they have one…it’s going to save me 14 whole dollars a year but that will take me back under 600 bucks for a year so I guess that’s something…I sure hope the rain we got is not the last of it since we are almost 8 inches under on rain for the year…oh, well…I guess I’ll do my weight work…

So now Gorsuch is threatening the country?

Well…I suppose this is the next step for the liars on the SC…just the other day justice Gorsuch went on fox news and talking about the reform proposals that Joe Biden has put forward, he gave the cryptic comment of “be careful”…who to, I don’t know but it sure can’t be the repubs since they are lapping up the lawlessness of the court that just made the idiot trump a king with their immunity ruling…what I think gorsuch is doing is threatening the dems who are really serious about court reform with some kind of retribution or revenge if they actually do reform the court…and this comment is just another in a laundry list of reasons that the court needs to be reformed…just the act of going on the repub propaganda channel, fox news, renders it a political move and that runs afoul of the lax ethics rules that the court is under…never in my life have I ever heard of a SC justice threaten anyone…but with this corrupt court, they never seem to find the bottom…geez…

August 5th

Well…damn, it is never going to rain out her ever again…it was supposed to rain overnight…80% chance but nothing at all and now they have removed it from the forecast for another week…so that will be 6 weeks without rain out here…pushing up towards the 56 days of drought we had out here last year that killed my lawn…and that sucks…I am so worn out this morning and need to get on the bike here in 20 minutes or so…still trying to choke the first cup of coffee down and it is going to be a struggle to get moving today…had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get anything done but I do need to cook today…going to grill some pork chops with broccoli today and I need to figure out what potatoes go with it…maybe mashed? Still damn humid out here and I am sweating already just sitting here so this is going to be another hot day and I am tired of being sticky….not much to do today….can I just live without having to accomplish anything? That should be my everyday thing at my age and yet I keep dragging myself out to put more miles on…why? Who knows? More later…

A lazy day…

Well…I’m taking a lazy day today with only doing the rides in the morning and then just watching Olympics and reading some news…I did get to 6,010 miles today with doing three rides and that leaves only a hundred to ride to break my record for total miles in a year… and that sets me up for the final thousand to get to the big goal of 7,100 miles…when I started this journey, I really didn’t know how it was going to go being 71 years old…but I have been pleasantly surprised at how well my body has held up to the abuse I’ve heaped on it every day…really didn’t have much pain today except in my neck that has been hurting for a couple of months and I think needs rest to heal…but that is not going to happen until January 1st of next year since the last goal is to ride every day this year…and the bike has been holding up, too, and has worked great sine I manually reset the rear shifter a couple of thousand miles ago and it looks like I can use the broken shifter for the rest of the year…I hope…I do have a new one downstairs that only takes a couple of hours to install and adjust just in case…so back to the Olympics…

I think it will be Walz…

Well…we should know in the next couple of days who will be picked to run with VP Harris this fall…from what I’ve read over the past few days, I think Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, is going to be the pick…he has been a true progressive and has been elected to a second term in a walk away but the more important thing is how he can talk to the rural areas of the country to make people understand how the policies of the dems are better for them and the country…and he has no controversies in his resume like Shapiro does with his support of vouchers that steal funding from public schools and that are not supported by the dem public at all…after listening to Walz’s full throated endorsement of VP Harris and his attacks on the idiot, I think he would be a great fit and show the diversity of our party where old white guys still have a place…yeah, that was a joke…I’m an old white guy and I feel like I belong with the dems…go Tim….

August 4th

Well…it was a little weird last night when I realized that I was sitting here and didn’t have any pain at all…and that is just not normal with how I’m abusing my body to get to the bike goals for the year…slept okay last night even with it being pretty warm overnight but I have always liked the hot weather so I shouldn’t be surprised…I think I’m going to do a short day on the bike today of only 25 miles since I only need 22 to get to 6,000 miles for the year…and I can really use some rest to recharge after the struggles on the bike yesterday…I think I’m going to try putting a new layer of sunscreen on after each ride to avoid the burn like I got yesterday…not sure if that will work but I need to try something different…something overturned the small water container in the yard last night and I had a bunch of birds walking around the yard that was a little strange…and I had some that I had never seen before and I had no clue what they were…don’t have a lot to do today other than meal planning for the week after I use up the leftovers today…will probably get the ingredients cooked for more potato salad since I have lots of the one dollar potatoes left…darn, have to get going in less than 20 minutes so I should drink more coffee and get moving…more later…

Got burned today…

Well…today was the first day I was in the full sun for the entire 3 1/2 hours on the bike today and I got burned through the 100 spf sunscreen so I’m not sure what I’m going to do to keep riding every day…think I’ll treat the burn with some aloe…only have 23 more miles to go to get to 6.000 so that will happen tomorrow…then only 109 more miles to break the record that I set two years ago…it has been a long slog and now I think the new goal is going to be 9,000 miles for the year for the last goal I’m going to set…don’t have a lot to do today but laundry and that is running right now…I should clean some and probably will at least to straighten up the kitchen…still working on leftovers all weekend so I won’t have to cook at all and that is welcome with how hot it is out there…and in here…okay, I need to get caught up on the news so I’m going to do that…