The most stupid thing I’ve ever seen…

Well…all of us who are no maga addled know that the idiot trump’s brain has been fading fast and here’s another bit of evidence that he is just not right…in an interview the other day he said this: “…the transgender thing is incredible…think of it, your kid goes to school and he comes home a few days later with an operation..the school gets to decide what happens to your child…and you knew many of these childs (yep, childs) fifteen years later say what the hell happened, who did this to me? If you can make sense of that crap, you’re doing better than me…look, there is no way that any school is making gender decisions for any kid and there are no operating theaters in and school in this country unless it’s a medical school…and the bad thing is that 40% of this country thinks he’s the “stable genius” he calls himself…I think he’s dumber than a box of rocks…and that goes for the person interviewing him who let this nonsense pass without getting up and walking out…geez…

August 2nd

Well…it’s only 49 degrees out there so that is going to force me downstairs for the first ride today but that’s okay…I can use a later start to my day for a change…only have 10 miles to do to get to 7,000 miles for the year and I’m in the countdown to 7,100…just so damn worn out this morning that all I want do to is sit here and have coffee…but, I’ll get going before 8 as I always do…had a good day yesterday but didn’t accomplish much and I’m not sure what I’ll do today…I do want to head over to the mall to see the car show but I’m not really geeked about it…I’ve seen so may of them in my lifetime that there is nothing new to see…but it’s going to be a nice day so wandering around in a parking lot might be fun….we’ll see…I really do need to cook something today and it may be another batch of pasta salad…don’t really have any protein in the freezer so maybe some pasta and garlic bread? Haven’t made that in a long time and some spaghetti sounds good…not much to do today…going to get on the bike downstairs in 25 minutes and that gives me enough time to have another cup of coffee…more later…

Don’t know how to do this…

Well…sitting here waiting for the Man U match to start and just sitting here is hard and I really don’t know how to take it easy anymore…have the first ride in and the weight work done and now I’ll settle in for a couple of hours to watch the match then right back out for two more rides before the indycar race starts at 3…saw some really cool clouds at the beach this morning that looked like they were in 2D and painted on the sky…strange…I did see 4 more houses with Harris/Walz signs in the yards and still only 1 for the idiot trump and this is a quite conservative area…it looks like we have a major weather change here today with the low getting down to 50 tonight and down in the 40′s by Friday…a little too cool for me this early in September but we all know what’s coming and there is nothing to be done about it…just hope the heat doesn’t start coming on til the end of the month…okay, the match is starting…

Russia is starting to feel it…

Well…I think it’s finally starting to sink in with the Russian people that they are in a war…up til recently, people in Moscow were just going about their daily business but that changed last night when Ukrainian drones hit a major power station and oil storage tanks in Moscow leaving a large portion of the city without power…now I think they are going to have to pay attention to the air raid sirens from now on…how stupid is putin looking now? Ukraine is taking Russian territory and has been able to attack basically anywhere in Russia and match the drone attack by Russia two days ago…now it’s time for Ukraine to hit the Kremlin just like Russia hits Kyiv…and with Ukrainian industry innovating and building their own drones they can use without restriction, it’s just going to to get worse for Russia if they don’t just get the hell out of Ukraine…looking forward to more oil storage going up in flames…geez…

September 1st

Well…damn, it looks like the schedule of races and soccer matches is going to be a problem with getting the rides in today…need to get on the bike by 7:30 to get a ride in before the F1 race at 9…and that will take me to the Man U match at 11 that will go for two hours so the next time I’ll be on the bike is 1 and then I need two rides before 3…crap…I hate busy days like this…slept okay last night but feel like I didn’t and I need the coffee to work right now…I forgot to do the weight work yesterday and I feel like a slug from it so I’ll do it while I’m watching the race at 9…another month starts and the weather is changing to a low of 50 tonight from the 67 that it is right now…as long as the heat doesn’t come on, I’m okay with that….there is a big car show starting this afternoon to raise money for cancer survivors but I’m going to wait to go til tomorrow afternoon…supposed to be 1,000 cars there and it might be fun to see…have to remember the 100 sunscreen when I go…don’t know what I’m going to eat today but I do know I need to eat more…my ribs are showing and I haven’t seen that in a long time…more later….