Are we a nation of men or of laws?

Well….just listened to Keith and his latest tweetcast and there were a few pertinent points that he made that I want to comment on….I lived through the original “Saturday night massacre” when Nixon’s solicitor general fired Archibald Cox…the special prosecutor who was investigating Nixon and Watergate. A few days after the firing, Cox came out with a statement that included this question: “Are we a nation of men or of laws?” That’s a question that is still pertinent now…are we a nation of men or of laws? Is the president above the law or does he have to adhere to them as the rest of us do? In Watergate, the answer was yes, he does have to adhere to the law just like the rest of us…and I ask the repubs in congress now…does the president have to adhere to the law as the rest of us do? The answer from McConnell yesterday was that trump is above the law, that he will not be held accountable for his crimes…even the latest count of obstruction of justice by firing the person that was investigating him…and I agree with Keith…”you don’t fire the person investigating you…” it’s only happened once before…..and we all know how that turned out…impeach….

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