Well….I’ve never been a fan of James Comey but it appears he is trying to redeem himself from his interference in the election…today, the NY Times ran a story saying they had seen a Comey memo written after the infamous meeting with the idiot trump where the idiot asked Comey to shut down the investigation into Michael Flynn and Comey refused. As an experienced FBI agent, Comey put the entire conversation down in the form of a memo that he shared with others within the FBI, and these memos are regarded as evidentiary by the courts…and are backed up by others that Comey wrote during that time that show that trump is clearly trying to obstruct justice and derail the Russia probes. The latest twist in the little story is that Lindsay Graham has invited Comey to testify in public at the senate to go over these developments….just what Comey has been angling for since the idiot trump fired him…..and I was one at the time that said the firing was the end of trump…and it looks like the beginning of the end. Everyone that knows Comey, knows he always leaves a paper trail behind but the trumpistas were just too damn dumb to recognize it…..hope this mess gets Sessions, too, since he was instrumental in Comey’s firing…and that would be obstruction of justice, too…..impeach….