Well…I was going to update my day since I can’t find anything that gets the old outrage flowing today…I did get a 5 mile bike ride in and I feel so decrepit with the lungs on fire and soreness everywhere…oh, well…one thing that has made me smile a little is that the Koch’s have pulled their lying ACA ads from the air across the US…it looks like the Kochroaches don’t really do too well when exposed to the sunlight of the media and truth….maybe things are finally turning..I think their brand is being tarnished by the lies, lies, and more lies they have been putting out…it’s okay for their base since they are used to being lied to and eat that crap up, but the rest of the country is starting to get tired of it…especially since over half of the political ads run so far this year…something like 30,000 of them have been against the ACA…even though people are starting to like the law…hope it continues and the Kochs just go away…wouldn’t it be nice if they’d use the money to feed the hungry or house the homeless…430 million would have done a lot of good…geez…