The real death panels…

Well….after hearing the repubs lie and lie about the supposed “death panels” that they just knew was a part of the ACA, I find it ironic and a little bit sick that the repub governors who have refused the medicaid expansion are actually causing people to die without this needed healthcare. A new study done by Harvard about the effects of these asses and their refusal estimate that from 7-14,000 people will die per year as a direct result of the repub governors trying to score political points…even at the low point, isn’t it just wrong that these guys accept the killing of 7,000 US citizens just so they can go to their extreme right wing donors and get money since these deaths are what people like the Koch’s want? They just don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich and playing the political game…shame on them…what a bunch of immoral asses…geez…

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