Well…I thought it pertinent to write about the pending Iran nuclear deal on the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima 70 years ago today….almost 90,000 people died in that blast with thousands more dying in the years after…I know it was necessary to end the war but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn something from it. But now, we have idiots like Tom Cotton proposing we use nuclear weapons to take out Iran’s nuclear capacity and then send in an occupying force to ensure that all of their capability is gone… and this is the thing….the deal that was negotiated by the US and the four other nations…Russia, China, France, and England will ensure that there will be no capability for Iran to get a bomb…at least for 10 years while, by intelligence estimates, destroying their program now will only set them back 5 to 7 years…so, what do you want? An agreement that costs the US nothing and prevents the bomb for at least 10 years, or to bomb and invade Iran that would cost trillions (again) and thousands of US lives? I am tired of war…we have negotiated with our enemies throughout the history of this country and why not now? The only reason is that these idiots on the right have tunnel vision that war is the only way we will get what we want in the world…and they think the same way in the US trying to govern…our way or the highway is the only acceptable option to them…but, that is just not how the world works….these guys are just too stupid to know that….geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Constitutional Scholars?
Well…I was going to wait on this one until tomorrow but I sat down here and thought I’d do it now…the latest ‘scandal” that the repubs have decided to manufacture against the president is over his commutation or pardon of 40 some non violent drug offenders over the past week…this set off the house Judiciary committee to the point that they sent the White House a letter saying that they wanted more details on why this was done and they wanted it now! Well…these “constitutional scholars” must have never read the constitution since the presidents power on commutations and pardons is absolute, with only one thing, impeachment, being outside the bounds of this power. And, since this power is spelled out in the constitution, it can’t be questioned and is not subject to the “oversight” that these idiots in the house say it is…again, this is just another incidence where, since the hated black guy does it, it must be wrong…never heard a peep when ole GW pardoned the liar Scooty Libby who kept Karl Rove out of jail by lying his ass off with the quid pro quo that he would only do a little time and then he could go back to his life…I am just so damn tired of these asses…
Typical repubs…
Well…having had the weekend to digest the supreme court’s decisions of the past week and to read the dissents, all I can say is that the losers are just typical repubs…throwing a fit and attacking their peers when they don’t get their way…just to read Thomas, Alito, and Scalia in their dissents, they are nothing but personal attacks and intentional misreading or ignoring the law…what don’t they understand about the 14th amendment? Equal protection under the law…very simple for someone who hasn’t studied the law to understand and apply….in the gay marriage case, how can you not see that there was a group of US citizens that were being denied the rights that everyone else has? But, no, not for the haters on the court who tried to twist the law to their own warped view of what should be..and centering not on what the law says but on what their religions say or what tradition says…neither of which has any place in reading the law and interpreting it. Now, the right is going frickin crazy about their fellow citizens finally have equal rights and have threatened everything under the sun to go against the law from secession to trying to put unconstitutional roadblocks in the way in the state legislatures…typical repubs…crybaby sore losers…
Hypocrites all….
Well…I know I’ve writing about religion the past couple of days and it’s not normally a topic that I want to do…but, for one more day, I have to comment on something that I find so hypocritical that I just had to…over the past week, the pope has recognized a Palastinian state to try to get the talks going on really establishing one…but, it was the reaction of the repubs here that just lit up my hypocrites meter and maxed it out….their reaction was that religion should be kept out of politics and the pope should just keep his mouth shut on these matters…okay…I hope you guys see the hypocrisy there that I do…every damn political thing the repubs do here in the US is cloaked and driven by religion…the denial of gay rights, the depriving of women’s right to control their own bodies, and many other bits of mischief they do on a daily basis is all traced back to religion…don’t see how that is keeping religion out of politics…oh, I see, they are back to the old ‘do what I say, not what I do” crap that they seem to always fall back on…again, I have had enough of the hypocrisy…had enough 30 years ago and am so tired of them continuing to get elected….geez…
No more money for defense…
Well…repub budget is out and guess what? Of course, they want to cut every program that benefits the middle class and poor here in the US so they can give more, and more, and more to the military/industrial complex. I, for one, have had enough of this continually increasing money for war while the rest of us can’t even get out roads repaired or get healthcare. The US spends more money on defense than the next 20 countries combined and you cannot tell me that this is necessary…the Russians, who the repubs are so scared of only spend about 60 billion a year on their military so why the hell are we willing to spend almost 500 billion on ours? It is time to stop building war machines and start building this country again before all of our bridges fall down and we stop educating our people…geez…
More lies from the right on the minimum wage…
Well…I know that the right hates anyone but the rich getting anything in the US and they have lied and lied about the effects of minimum wage increases…saying that raises eliminate jobs as businesses stop hiring..or cut jobs (which has been found to not be true in every instance)…but they just got caught out in another lie about Seattle’s 15 dollar wage that is slated to start to take effect in April…the right wing rag “The new York Post” had an editorial the other day from a couple of right wing “brains” that pounced on the fact that restaurants are closing across Seattle and they attribute it to the minimum wage that has not even taken effect yet….one little problem…they never talked to any of the owners of the restaurants that are closing to find out why….never mind that places close all the time…and open all the time…these guys just “know” that it is only the minimum wage that is causing it. When Thinkprogess talked to some of the owners that were mentioned in the Post, all of the owners said it had nothing to do with the rising MW…in fact, they all supported the rise. The one fact that the righies failed to mention is that Seattle is in the midst of a “dining boom” with many more resataurants opening than closing, with one owner, who is opening two more places this year, saying ‘opening new businesses would not be smart if they would not be successful”. So, again…the right lies, again, since they just can’t stand that someone other than them gets a leg up in the US…shame on them…
Good riddance Aaron Schock…
Well….we all know that the repubs think of the government as their own personal piggybank that they use to reward themselves and their big donors with tax cuts and other largesse…but, there has been one guy over the past couple of years that has raised taking advantage of the people to an art form…Illinois rep Aaron Schock resigned today amid ethics investigations for damn near everything..his “Downton Abbey” styled office started it off then there were the private jets to go to concerts (supplied by his big donors) and getting an inflated price for a house he sold…again to one of his big donors…but that’s not the extent of it…he had his own staff photographer that he took everywhere to document his exploits and took some staffers to NYC the other month for a “conference” where he spent about two minutes shaking hands and billed the people of his district for the trip. Now….this is what the grifters on the right think government is…you do some time currying favors and amassing dark money waiting for the time that they can get the big payday as a lobbyist when they leave congress….but you have to at least make it appear you’re doing some work for the people you represent…this guy just couldn’t be bothered with that…good riddance…geez…
Stupid Republican senators…
Well…have been up since 4:30 and thought I’d get at this one since I’m already bored…if you haven’t heard or read yet, there is a group of 47 repub senators who have sent a letter to the leaders of Iran trying to derail the nuclear negotiations by saying that any agreement has to be ratified by the senate and would only be in effect until Obama leaves office…both statements are wrong and were pointed out by, of all people, the Iranian foreign minister who dismissed the letter as having “no legal value and is mostly a propaganda ploy” and he goes on to say that he is astonished that members of the US congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own president and administration….as am I. The smackdown continues int he rest of the letter where the foreign minister goes on to say “It seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.” Now, I find is just so rich that we have an Iranian foreign minister that has a better grasp of the executive branch power in foreign policy than these idiot senators…and that he understands, where the repubs don’t that changing administrations doesn’t remove the international obligations and that removing the agreement would be a violation of international law. But, one thing we do know from the torture fiasco is that repubs don’t really care about or understand international law…they are just a bunch of idiots…geez…
Republicans are still stupid…
Well…just a couple of thoughts that I wanted to get down here this aft and not get further behind….you know, repubs are still really stupid….first, you have this fight over immigration with them trying to tie reversing Obama’s immigration policies by tying them to funding for the DHS and acting like a bunch of pouting little brats when the dems don’t roll over and allow it….those immigration policies are nothing different than Saint Ronnie of Reagan did when he was in office and the repubs thought they were great back then…wonder what the difference is? Yeah, we all know the just hate the black guy in the White House…..what was the second stupid thing? Oh, I guess it’s just that they keep doing the same thing and expecting different results…did they really think that even if they passed this crap that Obama was just going to say…”oh, okay, if you say so, I’ll sign it”? Oh, the second thing is ole Boehner’s invite of Bibi…and now 63% of the country said it was a stupid thing to do…so, John, don’t take my word for it, listen to the damn country for a change…geez..
The supreme court isn’t one….
Well…I have had this little tidbit rattling around in my head for a little while yet and thought I’d take a stab at it before it rattles out one of my ears…with all of the bad, bad decisions that this court has made, it is no longer a court…but it is the judicial arm of the repub party whose only goal is to further the aims of the right in this country. Starting with Bush v. Gore, where the case should have been sent back to the House where all election disputes are supposed to be resolved according to the constitution….this court took the case with the ruling that said this was a one time thing and could never be a precedent to be cited in any other case (something that had never happened in the history of the country) this court has been radically doing the right’s bidding. Then we have Citizen’s United that made corporations people in complete disregard with a hundred years of precedent and guaranteed the seven figure speaking fees for the justices when they retired…while ruining our political process and allowing the billionaires on the right to buy elections ( as they just did in 2014). Then there is Hobby Lobby, a decision that allowed employers the right to impose their religious beliefs on their employees and which gave the right one of the items that was high on their wish list….to impose Christianity on everyone in this country. In just these three instances, we can see that this supreme court is no longer the impartial arbiter of law they are supposed to be, but the judicial arm of the right using it’s power to advance the right’s aims to the detriment of the country…they need to go…geez…