Well…with the Mueller investigation coming to a head, I think it’s time to understand where the idea of “can’t indict a sitting president” came from…and to put a little context into the idea that no one is above the law. To start with, the “memo” in question was written back in the days of Watergate but it wasn’t written for the purpose everyone assumes…it really didn’t have anything to do with Nixon…according to reporting on Rachel last night, the memo was an attempt to ensure that Spiro Agnew couldn’t ascend to the presidency since he was under investigation for influence peddling and taking bribes throughout his career…as was Nixon at the time with impeachment clouds starting to gather on the horizon. The only mention of indicting the president was a throwaway line from the memo that people have clung to as law and time has seen it grow in stature that people there at the creation of the memo just can’t understand…so, this is no law, or statute that prevents indicting a president…just the opinion of one person responding to a completely different crisis. We need to look back to the context of what the founders were thinking when they wrote the constitution…coming just after unshackling themselves from a monarch who was above the law, they purposely didn’t want that same problem with any elected president…so, nowhere in the constitution is there any idea that the president is above the law and is immune to the laws of the country. I think this whole idea is going to be tested in the near future by the SDNY when they finish their investigations into the trump organization, foundation, and every damn thing that idiot boy has touched…remember, they already have proof that trump committed two felonies at this point but haven’t charged him yet….there has to be many, many more felonies waiting in the wings…impeach…
Tag Archives: impeachment
How’s the 2nd day of your emergency?
Well…with the scary 2nd day of the idiot trump’s national emergency, I have to ask: how’s everybody doing? Are you surviving it? Are you preparing in case it gets worse? Did you get your food and water laid in since this is so serious an emergency? Have you built your emergency shelter yet? Did you get your duct tape and plastic to cover your windows? If you haven’t, you’d better get going since the wall is not there to protect us…just like it hasn’t been there to protect us for the past 240+ years and man, to think of the chances we took for all those years that maybe someone would come over the border to do a job that no American will do…please everyone, take care of your neighbors while this national emergency is going on and let’s hope we all survive it…headin for the bunker….impeach….
Trump is just nuts…
Well…okay, I will admit right away I didn’t watch much of the press conference that idiot boy gave to try to justify using “emergency powers” to try to build his stupid, stupid wall that was not funded by the congress…who control the appropriation of money to be spent by the government….and it is against the law to do what trump and his cronies are going to try to do…and that is steal money from other parts of government to build his racist wall, including money that is supposed to be spent on veterans and active duty service members. But, that is not the worst of it…the “news conference” was the most delusional piece of shit I have ever seen…and if this doesn’t invoke the 25th amendment and remove idiot boy from office, what will? trump is clearly unfit for the job and unable to perform the duties of the office, including the biggest one…to preserve and protect the constitution…this speech today shows he just doesn’t give a damn about that and is doing his best to destroy it…and the repubs, starting with Mitch McConnell is going along with it…making wreckage that will take decades of dem control to repair…and I am damn tired of our side having to clean up after the repubs…impeach…
trump’s just a damn loser…
Well…if the long, long record of the idiot trump in business wasn’t enough to show it, this latest defeat on “wall” funding along with the decision of the TVA to close two more coal-fired generating plants, that trump went out of his way to try to save, there is no conclusion to be drawn other than trump is just a damn loser and has been his entire life. Let’s not forget his 6 (or more) bankruptcies, either, and the only way that he “won” the election was by cheating with the Russians….something that is becoming clearer every day as the Mueller investigation churns along, chewing up everyone who has been in contact with the idiot. On any objective scale, the only way to describe trump is as a loser who has been propped up by daddy’s and other people’s money his entire life…I mean, how do you start out with over 400 million dollars and end up shilling for bottled water and steaks…and even those businesses went bust. Maybe that will be my new way to refer to trump…the loser trump…nope, I’ll use it a little but I just like idiot boy better…or moron, or ignoramus, you get the drift…impeach…
trump “invents” the 4th of July…
Well…geez, how damn stupid is trump? That’s not a rhetorical question with the latest idiocy to come out of the idiot in chief’s mouth yesterday. Talking to reporters, and with a straight face, idiot boy said he had an idea for celebrations in the summer, around July 4th that would include maybe fireworks and parades and that they could possibly be held across the country to celebrate the US and it’s people. The idiot then acted like it was a brand new idea that he should be given credit for and that no one has ever thought of before…okay…how can anyone be this damn dumb? What’s next? Taking credit for inventing a game that has people throwing a ball through a round steel hoop? Or how about grocery stores…after all, he has never been in one so how can they exist without trump? Man…I am tired of writing about the stupidity of this moron…I think it’s melting my brain cells and I don’t have that many left to give…impeach…
The idiot is becoming irrelevant…
Well…not sure if any of you watched the idiot’s rants last night, and if you did, not sure if you belong here…but even the conservative pundits are calling it an “incoherent, rambling mess” and have noted that he’s getting less and less coverage since his schtick is getting “boring” after hearing the same old crap for years now. Now, with the agreement on keeping the government open that was hammered out by conference committee in the House and Senate, idiot boy is not getting the 5.7 billion dollars he cried about for his wall…and, in fact, there is a part of the bill that specifically prohibits building his “big beautiful” concrete wall, instead financing a small fence that will only be a few miles long. Again, Nancy Pelosi has shown trump the new reality in Washington, that she is running the show and, along with senate repubs, has made idiot boy irrelevant since, if he throws a tantrum and won’t sign the bill, they are already talking about overriding his veto…adding to his embarrassment of being owned by Pelosi. The funding bill must be a pretty good compromise since fox news has been hammering it all day, trying to ensure that trump sees it and will then do what they say and veto the bill….it will be an interesting few days as we wait for the idiot to rant away on twitter and try to convince everyone that he wanted it just the way it is and it is a “Huuuuge” win for him…impeach….
Don’t worry about Mueller anymore…
Well…with the latest reporting that trump and his cronies have been trying to prevent Robert Mueller from investigating trump’s money laundering through Deutsche Bank, one thought popped into my head…we don’t have to worry about Mueller anymore. Look…with the dems in charge of the house and it’s investigative powers, having the idiot in chief continuing to focus on stopping Mueller is just fine…let him do whatever he wants there because there is not one damn thing he can do about Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee, who has made it clear over the weekend that he is concerned that Mueller is not looking into the Deutsche Bank loans and it’s relationship to trump and his cronies. So, let’s all take a breath and understand that no matter what trump does, he is in for a world of hurt when the truth comes out of the house committees…and there are at least four of them that have taken up their constitutional duty of oversight of the most corrupt, criminal administration in the history of this country…and there are no “red lines”, no anything that is off limits to them…and trump can only watch as they peel back the years of criminality of the thug in chief…impeach….
The swamp gets deeper….
Well…there was so much that happened late in the day yesterday concerning the National Inquirer and it’s attempts to blackmail Jeff Bezos that I don’t know where to start with this one. The facts as known now: late last year the NI somehow got hold of some compromising phone pictures of Bezos and his affair that ended his 25 year marriage….and they tried to blackmail Bezos into dropping a story that his newspaper, the Washington Post, was doing on the connections between the Saudis, the NI, and the trump administration or they would publish the embarrassing photos of Bezos; something they have done many, many times to suppress stories that made their friends look bad…just like they did for trump and his payoffs to the pornstars who were going to come forward to expose trump during the election. But, there is a twist in this one…Bezos wasn’t playing along and exposed the blackmail yesterday which just freaked the publisher of the NI, David Pecker, completely out since it would mean their business model of blackmail and collusion was exposed in the worst possible way for them…and that involves the no-prosecution agreement with the SDNY from the payoffs to the pornstars that Michael Cohen is going to jail for…the pertinent clause being that if they were caught breaking the law within 3 years of the agreement being signed, then all of the charges that were stayed were back on the table along with the new charges of extortion and blackmail from the Bezos affair. So now, AMI, the parent company of the NI is in for a world of hurt…but the one little detail that is not getting too much airplay is that a reporter lat last night revealed that the hacking of Bezos phone may have been done by a “government agency” and then the photos given to Pecker for blackmail…and that couldn’t have happened without the approval of the idiot trump…okay, that’s a lot to take in and this is a long one…but the one takeaway is that it looks like trump conspired with Pecker to use the government to attack one of his biggest enemies…and idiot boy is on record tweeting how much he hates Bezos because he is digging into the criminality that is rife in this administration..stay tuned, folks…this is going to be good….impeach…
I think idiot boy is confused…
Well…I am just laughing my butt off this morning with idiot boy’s latest tweetstorm going off on the fact that Adam Schiff is going back to the start with the Russia investigation of trump and how the Russians affected the election in 2016. I think one of the problems is that trump is confused on how the government works but even more than that, he is confused that the bluster and bullshit that has always worked to intimidate people and protect him from consequences of his criminal behavior is no longer working….and he is just not bright enough to think of what else to do…one of the funny things that the bloated moron whined about this morning was that “they never investigated Obama like this”…hey trumpy…Benghazi for 5 years, your damn birther conspiracy that went on for 8 years, e-mails, etc, etc. so no, they did investigate every damn thing that Obama did but his wearing of a tan suit…but the key here moron? Obama followed the rules and they found no wrongdoing….no bribes in the guise of renting hotel rooms, okay…I don’t need to list all of the lawbreaking and scandals…let’s just leave it at every damn thing you have ever been involved in is rife with criminal wrongdoing and that is why your “life” is being investigated…not some “deep state”, not some grudge, but elected officials who see their duty to the constitution, not to some tin pot dictator like you…so, buckle up buttercup…you’re in for a bumpy ride…oh, and prison…impeach…
Well…not sure if you could stomach listening to the idiot in chief last night, I know I couldn’t, but the reviews are in and it was all just more of the same old crap the trump spews every time he opens his mouth…need wall, best president ever, murdering immigrants, I’m great and you’re not, interspersed with many adderal sniffles and stopping after every sentence for applause by his toadies in the congress…and that applause is the only reason he wanted to do the speech…he is so needy that he would cease to exist without applause and affirmation by his cronies. There was not one damn policy proposal…no comparison of where we are and where we need to be and how to get there…no anything at all of how to make the lives of Americans better….but there was a threat that if the investigations into him and his crime family didn’t stop, there would be no legislation signed by him…doesn’t the idiot know that that statement can be used as evidence of obstruction of justice? On a historical note, this is exactly what Nixon said in his final SOTU…that the investigations into Watergate had gone on long enough and needed to be stopped…and, how did that turn out for him? All in all…the whole speech was just a word salad of hate and bragging that no one should have watched….impeach…