Tag Archives: Donald Trump

More Trump dump…

Well…every time I read more of the truth behind the Donald, it feels like there is a little bit more pollution in my karma or that I have come too close to a black hole and had some of it ripped away. After reading the latest article in the New Yorker magazine, I think I need a shower to wash off the slime….the article, written by the the guy who actually wrote “The Art of the Deal”, the book that is responsible for making the sociopath Donald famous, paints a really, truly, scary picture of a Donald that has the attention span of a housefly and lies as easily as the rest of us breathe. One really salient point that the author makes is the insatiable need that Donald has for ever increasing doses of attention that logically led to him running for president…just like a crack addict that needs more and more to get the same buzz…I think one descriptive phrase was the Trump would run for emperor of the world if he could…he has that large of a need for attention….and truly believes that he would be “the best” at anything that he does…even though the evidence shows he is a mediocre businessman at best whose entire career has been propped up by his father’s money and cheating everyone he comes into contact with. This is the thing that the modern repub party thinks should be president and that 40% of the country says they will vote for…sad!

Things are shaping up…

Well…have been sitting here trying to think of something to write about when the news came over Twitter that it appears that Trump has picked Mike Pence of Indiana to be his VP. The repubs in Indiana are cheering like crazy today since Pence was behind the LGBT discrimination bill that has cost Indiana tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars and had made Indiana the laughingstock of the country. Now, they can run someone for governor that has a chance of winning…and the business community will have a chance to get the law repealed. But the stink of this discrimination will waft right along with ole Mike as he rides into Cleveland but the christianist right will think it’s perfume since hate groups like Family Research Council have succeeded in getting rabidly anti LGBT planks put into the repub platform. The only thing that ole Mike brings to the table is that he has actually been in government….shitty government that gutted education in Indiana while giving tax cuts to the rich…as all of the repub governors do….but for those supporting Trump, that’s a great thing since they think cutting education only hurts the teacher’s unions that they hate more than anything. The one thing I don’t understand about this whole election is how the Clinton e-mail “scandal” is equivalent to the serial bankruptcies, lies, and hate that come out of Trumps campaign….I fear for this country if the media continues to let all of Trumps transgressions go…geez…

Random stuff….

Well…sitting here waiting for the rain to stop so I can get on the bike and thought I’d just get a few random thoughts out while I wait…I found it funny the other day that over 2,000 alumni, teachers and administrators at the Wharton school of business signed a letter asking the Donald to stop talking about going to Wharton…a nice long letter objecting to basically everything that Donald has said during the campaign…good on them….just read about some damn Pokemon game that people are playing on their phones that bad guys are using to rob people…first, who plays these games? And second, has humanity sunk this low? I mean, come on people….the Baton Rouge police department didn’t learn anything from the bad publicity that beating on protesters usually brings…they did it again over the weekend, arresting a bunch of people using their constitutional right to protest…but the big laugh was a post commenting on the pictures that came out of it…by a combat veteran who was amazed how armored these idiots were…saying that he never wore that much body armor in the war he was in….I can’t wait to see the loser that gets selected to be ole Donald’s vp….should be a great laugh with the “deep bench” the repubs have….okay, that’s it for now…will try to get to another one later today….

Trump word salad…

Well….if you have ever listened to the Donald talk…I won’t call it a speech because that would imply that the rules of speeches apply…that there is subject that you state, and then you proceed to make arguments to support your thesis….but, I have never seen that in a Trump “speech”…they seem to be a word salad of him saying totally unrelated things, doubling back, and then driving off on any tangent that strikes him at the time….kind of like listening to a three year old…but, it is even worse when you read the transcripts of these “speeches” and then you see that they never make any sense at all…and yet his followers take that as “telling it like it is” or some such nonsense…and I wonder if it is because they are just not too bright and don’t understand how the English language is used….as I have said before, in my time when I was younger, the rants that pass for Trump speeches would have been shouted from a soapbox in the town square by a homeless guy wearing a tin foil hat….not the candidate of a national party…at least we can hope that when ole Don is done, they might no longer be a national party….geez…

Trump is still an idiot…

Well…I guess now we know what the right wing meme is going to be over the ending of the Clinton e-mail “scandal”….the Donald tweeted that now that Clinton won’t be charged, then the administration has to pardon David Patraeus for doing the same thing…guess what you thin-skinned fraud? It’s not even close to being the same thing…Patraeus knowingly gave classified information to the woman who was writing his biography and who he was having an affair with…Clinton never gave classified information to anyone who didn’t have the clearance for it….she just used an un-secured server…the same thing Colin Powell and Condi Rice did…not a crime versus a clear crime…but, you don’t understand anything since you are such an idiot…..you should be right by accident at least a few times but even that never happens….what a maroon….geez…

Last one for the month…and more Trump, of course…

Well…you have to hand it to the super geniuses that are running the dumpster fire that is the Trump campaign for thinking out of the box…their campaign is so bigly stupendous that it can’t be contained in the US…and when those super geniuses sat down to figure out how to milk the most money from the rubes with the least amount of work, I’m sure one of the super geniuses thought that there are conservatives all around the world so why not ask them for money? So, earlier in the week, the super geniuses sent out a fundraising e-mail to conservatives all over the world to try to fill up the empty coffers that their fearless leader thinks is just not important enough of a task for him to do. Just one teensy little problem with the e-mail…it is illegal to solicit or take campaign contributions from outside the US….but Trump is so  bigly stupendous that he thinks the law doesn’t apply to him….or these “best people” are just to damn stupid to even tie their shoes in the morning…either one shows that Trump is not even remotely qualified to be president….or anything else but to be king of the grifters…geez…


Well…not sure if you’ve been following it or not, but England just voted to leave the EU and, in the process, threw a wrench into the global financial system….with the Dow losing over 600 points in reaction. And, it didn’t need to happen…it was just a political miscalculation by their prime minister, Cameron, who has been wrong on almost everything since he took over…especially with his slavish devotion to austerity which has hit the middle class and the poor in England much more than the ruling classes. But, when you dig into the numbers, it was the old, white people who were duped into voting against their own self interest by racist, xenophobic lies…does that sound familiar? It is the template that the repubs have been using in the US for some time now and, up to this point, it has worked…you just have to look at the nomination of Trump who threw the racism into overdrive and shouts it every chance he gets…but, the problem with the low information voters in England that voted with their guts instead of their heads is that they have just resigned their country to almost permanent recession….and have sentenced their children to less than they had…less opportunity for good jobs and less chance for them to advance in the world….just what Trump wants to do here….the stupidity is just hard to fathom….geez…

An 8 year olds word salad…

Well…watched a bit of ole Donald’s supposedly “pivot” speech where he was supposed to show that he could be “presidential” and came away just shaking my head…the whole thing sounded like a word salad that some 8 year old would say…no, that’s not being fair to 8 year olds….the entire thing was Hillary bad, Hillary crook, Hillary murder, Hillary liar, Hillary responsible for everything bad that has happened in the world since she was born. I laughed when the fact checkers at MSNBC just threw in the towel since the whole speech was one big conspiracy laden lie fest…no policy, no nothing but 45 minutes of supposed applause lines that weren’t even getting much applause. So, do I need to ever watch one of these again? Not really…unless I want to see what the bizzarro world inside the Donald’s head looks like…it’s not pretty…..geez…oh, and he does have really tiny hands with stubby little fingers…couldn’t stop looking at them….

The Trump campaign really is a dumpster fire…

Well…have been trying to stay away from writing about the Donald for a while since it really makes me feel slimed like in Ghostbusters….but today, I think I’ll give it a go since there are things to comment on…first, ole Donald brags that he has raised more money than any campaign in history but then a problem comes up…he has to tell the truth to the FEC and we find he has a little over a million dollars on hand for the entire campaign…and it is easy to see why when the RNC gives him a list of twenty donors to call and he gets bored after 3 and says the hell with it…let someone else do it…all the while, Hillary’s campaign has already spent 23 million dollars on advertising in swing states…..kinda funny if you ask me…then, today, we find that the Trump campaign has spent 35,000 dollars on some fake company that may or not exist for “consulting”….now, having lived through Watergate, this appears to be just a slush fund to drain money from the campaign and enrich someone on the campaigns cronies….just like happens all the time with any Trump project….and then we find that 20% of all expenditures from Donald’s campaign has gone to businesses that he owns…and he has spent more on hats than on staff to run his dumpster fire of a campaign….man, I hope he keeps this up through the convention…I have lots of popcorn and will watch it for the first time in many cycles….I really think Donald thinks that running for president is just like his reality show….or he is confused on what reality is…either way it’s going to be fun to watch the implosion….

Keep talking Donald…just keep talking…

Well….I think all we need to do in this election is just let the Donald keep talking…the more he talks the dumber he appears and the more his poll numbers tank….in fact…after the Orlando speech debacle, his unfavorables have hit a never before seen 70%…that means that 70% of the people in the US now have an unfavorable view of Donald….this number would better fit with a murderer or a serial killer; not a candidate for president from one of our major political parties…but, that doesn’t matter to him…he is so delusional that he truly believes that polling didn’t exist before he came along….”I think I’ve made polling a very important thing. ‘Cause I never used to hear about the polls.” How much more isolated of a person can there be? That polls don’t exist because he didn’t notice them before? We just need this guy to keep talking and we will not even need to spend any money on the election….typical rich repub….that nothing exists unless they can see it personally…what a maroon….geez…