Tag Archives: Donald Trump

I guess there are no rules for the right…

Well….if you have been following politics for a long time as I have, you will no doubt remember the rule that the repubs used to have..”never speak ill of another repub”….looking at what is going on now, that rule has been shredded and dumped down the sewer. You only have to look at the spat between ole Donald and Ben Carson when the Donald compared ole Ben to a child molester to start and then trotted out some tried and true racist dog whistles to go after him since he is rising in the polls. Then ole Ben shot back with the comment that “he is terribly sad for Donald” and it is bad to see him “implode before our eyes”….now, I can see the ads that are going to be run if either of these idiots gets nominated and it won’t be pretty since they will use the words of other repubs to attack the nominee and the dems won’t even have to write anything. Contrast that to the deep policy discussions that are going on on our side….now, I am not naive enough to think that no one on our side will go negative…after all, negativity works in some instances and we do want to win…I am laughing at the lack of discipline on the right when they have lived by staying on the talking point message so well over the past few years…just hope they keep it up….

Trump got a “small” loan to get his start…

Well…if you have to have more evidence that the rich really are delusional, you just have to look at the Donald’s comments from the past few days…I’m not sure of the context of this one but I think he was asked how he got so successful or some such nonsense….and he responded that he got a “small” loan from his father and took that small loan and made a fortune in real estate….sounds like a typically American story…young guy starts out with a “small” loan from his father and makes good in the big city….the only teeny little problem is his definition of “small”…small to him was a million dollars that daddy gave him to dabble around and get him out of the house….he did make some money so I won’t fault him there…but on the recommendations of daddy’s business partners which really means he didn’t do crap except be the face of the investments…and he has turned that into an “empire” by defaults, bankruptcies, and screwing people…something I guess the rich really are proud of…and the largess didn’t stop there…when ole Donald was going to default on the bonds from his casino, daddy stepped in again and laundered almost 4 million dollars to bail him out, which was illegal by the way, and the Donald had to pay a 30K fine for the wrongdoing. So, as with many of the rich, the delusions run strong in this one….another richie that started life on third base and is just convinced he hit a triple…geez…

The cost of Trump’s nonsense…

Well…if you’ve heard a newscast or read the paper lately, you know of the Donalds pledge to round up and deport all the undocumented immigrants that are now in the US on “day one” if he is elected president…yeah, I never in a million years thought I’d use Trump and president in the same sentence either…kind of creepy to say the least..okay, back to the topic…one of the things that ole Donald doesn’t talk about is the cost to do this…well…there are now estimates that do put costs to this idea and that makes it even more nonsense….the latest estimates say that it would cost from 400 to 600 BILLION dollars over 20 years to get the job done….so, he thinks that spending that money just to satisfy the haters is a better deal than say, fixing the roads and bridges, or paying for college for a whole generation of Americans? It is just like a repub that they can always find money for war and hate but never to make citizens lives better…I wonder why I’m surprised at this? Shouldn’t be, it’s been this way since saint Ronnie….geez…

Trump slush….

Well….just had to do a short one on ole Donald’s latest comment on Obama and his presidency….the other day, ole Donald said that it will be generations before we elect another black president since he thinks Obama has been a “failure”…..yep, a failure..who helped end the financial crisis, who worked to get millions of more Americans health insurance, and who worked with our allies to negotiate an end to Iran’s nuclear bomb program. I wish more presidents would fail like that. but the funny thing here is, by the Donald’s logic, we won’t elect another white president since the last one was such a failure…do you ever think before you open your mouth, you idiot? Man…have to try to figure out when stupidity became a requirement for the repubs to run for president…geez…

A little music stuff…

Well…didn’t get to putting the clothes away but I did read something that I find to be really funny…during old Donald’s announcement yesterday, one of the reporters mentioned that he came on stage to “Rockin in the Free World” by Neil Young….and that was too funny because I knew what was coming next…and, sure enough, Neil Young sends a ‘cease and desist” letter to the idiot Trump who thinks  (like most repubs) that he can take what he wants without paying for it….and the kicker of the thing is that Neil is a supporter of Bernie Sanders as I am…

One last thing that I have been thinking about lately that has me confused…what the hell does a DJ do that would make them famous? They play other peoples music in an order that is different than anyone else? I think that is called a playlist and I have made a bunch of those in my day….just don’t understand why that would make you famous…I know I’m not….weird…


Donald Trump is in!

Well…I can hardly contain my glee after hearing the announcement that the Donald has declared his candidacy for president…and his speech announcing it was just the riches bit of absurdist theater I can remember seeing in a long, long time…starting with his rant that illegal immigrants are “drug dealers,  they bring in crime, and they are rapists”  wow, way to go Donald…alienate some 40% of the voters out there that are Hispanic and then all of us that are on the left…hmmmm…what does that leave for you? Oh, the 26% that are tea partiers…not the brightest way to get elected by any means. But, really….does this delusional idiot think he has any chance in this election? Yeah…I’ll be he does since he still believes in a fake Obama birth certificate…that there is no global warming, or that he is a businessman of any sort….I guess it would be pretty easy to be rich when you start out with 400 million dollars of daddy’s money and then use bankruptcy as your business plan to screw all your creditors and the people that work for you…I guess it’s not much different than ole Mitt’s plan from Bain…the two of them should work well together…it is going to be a fun summer listening to this idiot…and the rest of the idiots that are running…go Bernie!

The right is still crazy…and projecting….

Well…this one is going to meander a bit since I have a couple of topics that I want to cover…first, I read an article in the Detroit News…yeah, I know, a right wing rag that I should stop supporting, by the idiot Michael Barone, who asserts that it is unhealthy to only listen to news, or talk to, or associate with people from your end of the political spectrum…and the funniest part is that he was attributing that behavior to those of us in the middle and on the left. My jaw just about dropped since I don’t know of any republican that watches anything other than Fox News or listens to anything but the right wing echo machine. Talk about projection there Mikey? It is the right’s exclusive purview to be ignorant; to listen to no one but those on the right, and to build a worldview that consists of the talking points of the day….man, what a load of crap.

The second thing I wanted to talk about here is the resurgence of the nonsense of birtherism, driven by the rantings of the Donald and now, even the repub candidate for one of the senate seats from here in Michigan..I can’t believe…well, yeah, I can…that ole Mitt would be seen with Trump since he is eleven ways of crazy…then we have Pete Hoekstra here in Michigan that thinks we should have a “commission” that would certify that people that are running for president are eligible for the office…just a more disguised shot at Obama than the normal birther crap…this from a guy that thinks it would be just peachy to allow oil drilling in the Great Lakes…where do they find these idiots? Geez….and that makes the goal for the month!!!!

What’s “the Donald” going to talk about now?

Well…just a shorty to comment on the morning’s knife to the heart of the birther movement. If you haven’t yet heard, Obama released the long-form birth certificate that these idiots, including Donald Trump, have been clamoring for for over two years and that he hopes will end this moronic obsession with where he was born. Yeah….I know, the truth never matters to these people and now they will just move on to knowing that this new one is a fake…I’ll predict a few of the new attacks: Why did it take so long? the typeface wasn’t invented when he was born….that it looks like there are erasures, etc., etc., etc….you can’t reason with irrational people. But, it is going to be fun to watch them tie themselves into knots when their primary argument goes up in smoke…