Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Trump is still a “birther”….

Well…we all know that Trump lies like he breathes, and the disavowing of his “birtherism” is just another one of them….last week, he said that he “believes” that Obama was born in the US…a whole seven seconds in a speech…but that seven seconds doesn’t erase the 6 years of constant attack on the president, the constant racist dog whistles that were lapped up by all repubs and still are…and ole Donald admitted yesterday that his abandoning of his racist birther stance was just expediency….just to get people to stop talking about it…not that he apologized to the president for his many, many slurs over the past 6 years…nope, that won’t happen since he still is a racist piece of shit who still believes all of his own lies about Obama…I think part of this is the fact that Obama has come from nothing and, through hard work and intelligence, has made a difference in the lives of many Americans and has tried to do what is right for the entire country…while Trump was given everything…never had to work for a dime of his supposed “fortune” and has done everything in his life for one person…Trump…and has hurt thousands of people as he cut his path of damage across this country….I detect some jealousy there…after all, how could any minority do better than Trump? Trump is just one pissed off little boy trying to look like a man and failing at it…and it couldn’t happen to a worse person…geez…

What does it take to disqualify Trump?

Well….you really need to read about the Trump foundation in the articles done by David Farenthold from the Washington Post where he reveals that the foundation is not a charity foundation at all, but a private slush fund that Trump has been using for personal gain, illegally. Payments to political organizations to go after the NY AG who is going after the fraudulent Trump University, buying portraits of himself to hang in his hotels, and to pay off lawsuits are just a few of the illegal things that Trump is still using his foundation for…now my question is…where are the IRS and FEC and why aren’t they doing their jobs to bring this criminal to justice? To show you just how crooked the Donald is, he held a golf tournament at one of his golf courses that had a hole in one contest that paid out a million dollars to anyone who got one. Well…of course Donald had to rig it….in the contact, it stated that the hole in one had to be of at least 150 yards…so what did Donald do? He made sure that the tees were at 149 yards so that he could renege on the contract if someone won….the problem was that a rich guy won and sued him for the million dollars…the suit was settled and where do you think the 150K to settle it came from? Yep, another illegal payment from the Trump Foundation…now, with the way that the media is letting Trump get away with all of his lies and fraud, I am truly starting to believe what Trump said…that he could stand on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and people would still vote for him…what a sad state of affairs….geez…

Bye, bye first amendment….

Well….I wonder if you have been paying attention to the asinine, dangerous crap that has been spewing out of Trumps mouth for…okay, forever….and yesterday, in the aftermath of the bombing in NYC, he let another mouth fart go…blaming the first amendment for the bombing…yeah, I know, just reading about his torturous logic make my head hurt, too, but bear with me….his reason for blaming the first amendment is that magazines and newspapers have instructions for making bombs in them and he would arrest the people running the mags since they are “accomplices”….and any website that had anything he didn’t like…arrest them, too…even though it is illegal to do…this is what the repubs have given us…the first candidate who waves the constitution with one hand and the wants to shred it with the other….now, who else thinks this is disqualifying?  Yeah, I know, it really doesn’t matter what Trump says…he is the first post truth, post knowledge candidate that over 40% of the country says they’ll vote for….I knew there were lots of stupid people in this country, but not this many…geez…


Well…unless you’ve been avoiding the news lately, you’ve heard about the controversy where Hillary called Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables” and with what we have seen since he started his campaign, the statement is mostly true. In it, she said that half of Trump’s supporters were deplorable for the violence and hatred they show…and being part of the “white supremacist” movement that wants the US reserved for just white people. But, I think I agree with what Keith Olbermann said on his webcast this morning that it is not true that half of Trump’s supporters are deplorable…it is 100% of Trump supporters that are deplorable. Anyone who could still follow and vote for any candidate who has said what Trump has said, is deplorable…and this deplorableness is highlighted at every Trump rally…just look the one in SC where one of his supporters sucker punched a 69 year old female protester….and at the same rally, another supporter grabbed and beat another protester inside the rally…and guess who got ejected…certainly not the violent Trump supporter…and this is the definition of deplorable….and it needs to be shouted that anyone who supports Trump IS deplorable….geez….

Now pneumonia?

Well…I am so damn tired of the media these days when they ignore the slush fund that is the Trump foundation that has been used illegally to make political donations and to secretly fund lawsuits against AG’s who sued the fake Trump University…and what do they focus on? Hillary has pneumonia…every network, every news show…wall to wall today about a common sickness and the effects she showed from it. Of course, the right wing slant in the media is that having pneumonia disqualifies her from the presidency…and that has already morphed into: “what is she hiding about her health”….now, I’ve had pneumonia and the symptoms I had mirrored what Hillary had…the long term cough that drags on and then the rest manifests in quickly declining…it put me in the hospital in the course of one night after walking around with it for a couple of weeks…and yes, you do feel weak…I hit the floor after getting off the bed getting ready to go to the hospital….the really sick part is that there is no sympathy for her feeling bad…just the normal Clinton conspiracy crap that is constantly floated by the right….while Trump continues to lie, cheat, and steal and not a word about it in the press….I fear for this country if the media continues on this path….geez…

Shame on you, Matt Lauer…

Well…not sure if you watched the debacle of the commander in chief forum last night, I did watch part of it and all I have to say is shame on you Matt Lauer. What a poor excuse for moderating this idiot did…the difference in how he treated Hillary vs. Trump was just stunning…going on for almost half of Hillary’s time about the stupid e-mail “controversy” that has been ginned up by Fox news with Matt interrupting Hillary constantly and showing her no respect at all…but when ole Trump came on, it was an ass kissing festival where Lauer let Trump lie and lie and lie and never called him on any of them…even the easily proven lies; never interrupting Trump once…just letting him go on and on spewing his ignorant nonsense and basically kissing Putin’s ass through the whole thing…lavishing praise on his “leadership”…when his “leadership” meant the murder of thousands and causing a war in the Ukraine. The ironic thing here is that he treated Hillary like some kind of criminal when she has never been charged or convicted of anything but completely ignoring the bribes, bankruptcies, and cheating that Trump does on a regular basis…along with the scam school of Trump U whose only purpose was to steal money from the rubes. I have lost all respect for Matt Lauer and think he should just go back to fluff pieces on Today…he has shown that he doesn’t have what it takes for serious political journalism…shame on you Matt Lauer…geez…

Not going to watch…

Well…have been feeling better today after being kind of queasy for the entire weekend so I thought I’d do one now and maybe another later….the first big event for both candidates is tonight and I’m not going to watch it…it’s a serial forum on military matters and I know for a fact that Trump doesn’t know anything about that so there is no need to watch…and we all know Hillary’s views so there will be no surprise there…and, I can’t stand the sound of Trump’s voice….it makes me ill just to hear him mangle the English language….oh, I did want to talk just a little about another…not sure if I can call it a flip flop by Trump since he really doesn’t seem to have any positions that last longer that a sentence…but, earlier in the campaign ole Trump said that he knows more about Isis than any of the generals in our armed forces…and then yesterday he said that he would let the generals plan how to attack them….this is the frustrating thing that I will keep harping on until the election…not one reporter called him on it or asked any follow ups….. and Trump gets to go his merry, delusional way….geez…

Just trying…

Well…not sure why I am not creative at all when I don’t feel well but you can see it with me missing post number two the past few days….now, there is one thing that just makes me furious with my fellow Americans…over 40% of them want the idiot Trump to be president…just let that sink in for a while….that there are millions of people that have bought the fox news bs so totally that they could run a Saint Bernard and they would vote for it…..I am at a loss why that could be other than they really enjoy hate and they really do hate gays, AA’s, and anyone that has a thought that is to the left of Ghengis Khan….I wonder what it would be like to live in that world? Now, I used to be angry quite a bit, but it was a righteous anger aimed at the inequities and stupidity in the world…and mostly at the idiot GW since he did so much damage to this country…damage that would look like a tea party compared to what Trump would do…but, I got better over time and I find myself more bemused most of the time since I realize that there isn’t a damn thing I can do about anything….much easier on my psyche….

The media is in the tank…

Well…I am so damn frustrated with the media lately and the low, low bar they set for  the Donald…a bar so low that I heard one pundit describe it as a paint line on the parking lot….that was shown in all it’s glory yesterday with the idiot’s trip to Mexico when they said he looked “presidential” by just standing there and looking like the idiot he is…and none of the media called out his lies when he said that the subject of the wall he wants to build never came up…and then the president of Mexico made a statement that it did…who are you going to believe? The serial liar, Trump, or the president of Mexico? And after all that “presidential” nonsense…ole Donald gave the most racist, crazy speech that he has ever given and lied some more saying that Mexico will pay for the wall “100%”. Now, I know the media has a vested interest in keeping the race close, but to be deliberately in the tank for one candidate, especially one who is so insane as Trump, is just journalistic malpractice writ large….geez….

Trump does have a black hole in him…

Well…it it wasn’t already obvious that there is something seriously wrong with ole Trump, you just have to see the tweet he sent out this morning that shows that, as his ghostwriter says, he has a black hole inside of him. After the tragic death of Dwyane Wade’s cousin in a shooting in Chicago Friday, Trump’s response is just the worst thing I have ever seen: Dwayne Wade’s cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago…Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!

Not sure what more I have to say about this but if the delusional Donald thinks that any black person would vote for him after that cynical use of a tragedy, he is just stupid, too…and yes, he did spell Dwyane Wade’s name wrong in the tweet….what an utter asshole….sad