Well….if you missed it, the Donald gave what could be called an economics speech the other day in Detroit…and, in between the Hillary bad crap, there was just one little bit of truth that came through…ole Trump was going off about how bad the Michigan economy is and how it would be so much better if the dems weren’t running it…yeah, well, Donald…take another look…the dems don’t control anything here in Michigan so of course, the crappy economy is the repubs fault…that wage stagnation is a result of policies that take money from retirees and give it to CEO’s so they can buy another summer home while we struggle to pay our bills….and laws that allow the repub freeloaders to not pay their fair share of taxes, and that allow freeloading union members to reap the benefits of union representation while not paying for that representation…but that is the repub way…bitch about freeloaders and then put policies in place that allow repubs to be the freeloaders while everyone else can go to hell…sad….
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Trump brings the crazy and stupid…again….
Well…you know, I’ve really never watched a crazy person as long as I’ve watched Trump without someone coming to lock them up so they don’t hurt themselves…this guy is just nuts. And stupid, and ignorant…going off today on wind and solar power saying it’s too expensive and will kill “all the birds”….let’s break this one out for a sec…the cost of solar has dropped by over 70% in the past 5 years and now costs abut 4 cents a KH for an installation…compare that to a coal or gas fired plant that averages almost 11 cents a KH…so, again the ignoramus is wrong….and yes there have been birds killed by wind turbines, but how many have been killed by the pollution from coal fired plants? Or from mining coal that destroys habitats across the country? Okay, we all agree that Trump is an ignorant idiot…but his latest outrage is that he is trying to de-legitimize the election itself…saying that if he loses the election it will have to be “rigged” since he is so popular and has so many people showing up at the freakshows he calls campaign rallies. This is the true danger of Trump….he will say and do anything…even destroying the trust in the country for the 40% that are his followers and not caring about the smouldering wreckage he leaves behind….this alone should disqualify him…and does…sad…
The worst and most stupid person in the world…
Well…have been staying away from Trump the past few days since it really pollutes my being to even think about that idiot…but, after his breathtaking stupidity from the past few days, I just can’t stay quiet and not comment. First, this idiot attacks the Muslim mother and father of a young man that was killed in Iraq…and, by the way, they are and were citizens of the US….comparing his “sacrifice” of working hard (which I don’t think he ever has) to the loss of a son in service of their adopted country. I could go on about that one but it is readily available all over the web so I’ll move on to the Donald’s breathtaking ignorance of what is going on in the world….on one of the news shows this morning, the idiot was asked a question about Ukraine and his response was basically that Putin would never attack Ukraine…”he wouldn’t go in there” were the exact words from the idiot…now, I think that would be a surprise to the Ukrainian army who have been fighting Russian troops for over two years now and to the over 10,000 people who have been killed in the conflict. I know the repubs revere ignorance and despise “experts”…but the ignorance this idiot would bring to the presidency should disqualify him from getting anywhere near it….there will be more of this tomorrow…now I need to take a shower….sad….
How is this different than Watergate?
Well…with the hack and spying that was done to the DNC by the Russians to try to throw the election to the idiot Trump, I have only one question: “how is this different than Watergate?” The Watergate burglars got caught breaking into and bugging the DNC to gather information for Nixon to use to against his “enemies”…and the Russians broke into and bugged the DNC..although electronically, to do essentially the same thing…to dump the e-mails to give Trump information to attack his “enemies”. Where is the difference? There isn’t any and the very idea that Trump can spout off about Islamic terrorism and the threats to the US while at the same time he colludes with Russia to hurt the US is treason pure and simple…and we can connect the dots to the influence that Putin would have with a president Trump by looking at the only thing that Trump was interested in the repub platform…to soften the promise that we would protect the Ukraine in case of a Russian invasion…just what Putin wants. It is breathtaking to have a presidential candidate already doing the bidding of a foreign power…foreshadowing what Trump will be like if elected…the first wholly owned president of a foreign power….sad!
From Russia with love…
Well…as the bromance between Putin and Trump blossoms, it has taken on the slight stink of scandal…after all of his bankruptcies, the Donald can’t get any bank in the US to lend him money to do his “deals” so he has gone to Russia and the criminal oligarchs that surround Putin for financing to keep his house of cards standing….and now, Putin appears to be meddling in our election by having his security service hack the Democratic National Committee and then giving the information to Wikileaks to be leaked to news services across the world to try to discredit the dems in front of their convention. Now, if this kind of thing was going on between Hillary and Putin, you could bet that Fox news would be all over it with a headline like “Hillary pals around with a murderer” or some such nonsense but, as always, silence out of almost every news organization…there is one good thing, the FBI has just opened an investigation into the whole affair and the question I have is “did the repub leadership and Trump know or coordinate with Putin to hurt the dems?” Sad! That would be treason folks….
Trump foreign policy run like a Trump business…
Well…in a very scary interview with the NYT, it is clear that any Trump foreign policy is going to mirror his business practices…and that is not a good thing. In particular, he said that he may not uphold our obligations to NATO if one of the countries is attacked….only if they have met their “obligations” to the US…whatever that may be. Now, to even a novice in foreign policy, saying that Russia can attack anywhere and we might support out allies and we might not is an invitation for Putin to expand his mischief in eastern Europe…but, it looks just like his business practices…where he might or might not pay the people who have done work for him…and it is entirely up to his whim whether he will…just like saying that he will “negotiate” on the repayment on our national debt to get the people who hold our bonds to take pennies on the dollar…which would destroy the credit rating of the US…just as his reneging on our NATO treaty obligations would obliterate any trust the rest of the world has in our word. These are just two reasons why this idiot should never be even considered to be president…he just has no comprehension of how diplomacy or the world works….sad!
More Trump dump…
Well…every time I read more of the truth behind the Donald, it feels like there is a little bit more pollution in my karma or that I have come too close to a black hole and had some of it ripped away. After reading the latest article in the New Yorker magazine, I think I need a shower to wash off the slime….the article, written by the the guy who actually wrote “The Art of the Deal”, the book that is responsible for making the sociopath Donald famous, paints a really, truly, scary picture of a Donald that has the attention span of a housefly and lies as easily as the rest of us breathe. One really salient point that the author makes is the insatiable need that Donald has for ever increasing doses of attention that logically led to him running for president…just like a crack addict that needs more and more to get the same buzz…I think one descriptive phrase was the Trump would run for emperor of the world if he could…he has that large of a need for attention….and truly believes that he would be “the best” at anything that he does…even though the evidence shows he is a mediocre businessman at best whose entire career has been propped up by his father’s money and cheating everyone he comes into contact with. This is the thing that the modern repub party thinks should be president and that 40% of the country says they will vote for…sad!
Things are shaping up…
Well…have been sitting here trying to think of something to write about when the news came over Twitter that it appears that Trump has picked Mike Pence of Indiana to be his VP. The repubs in Indiana are cheering like crazy today since Pence was behind the LGBT discrimination bill that has cost Indiana tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars and had made Indiana the laughingstock of the country. Now, they can run someone for governor that has a chance of winning…and the business community will have a chance to get the law repealed. But the stink of this discrimination will waft right along with ole Mike as he rides into Cleveland but the christianist right will think it’s perfume since hate groups like Family Research Council have succeeded in getting rabidly anti LGBT planks put into the repub platform. The only thing that ole Mike brings to the table is that he has actually been in government….shitty government that gutted education in Indiana while giving tax cuts to the rich…as all of the repub governors do….but for those supporting Trump, that’s a great thing since they think cutting education only hurts the teacher’s unions that they hate more than anything. The one thing I don’t understand about this whole election is how the Clinton e-mail “scandal” is equivalent to the serial bankruptcies, lies, and hate that come out of Trumps campaign….I fear for this country if the media continues to let all of Trumps transgressions go…geez…
Random stuff….
Well…sitting here waiting for the rain to stop so I can get on the bike and thought I’d just get a few random thoughts out while I wait…I found it funny the other day that over 2,000 alumni, teachers and administrators at the Wharton school of business signed a letter asking the Donald to stop talking about going to Wharton…a nice long letter objecting to basically everything that Donald has said during the campaign…good on them….just read about some damn Pokemon game that people are playing on their phones that bad guys are using to rob people…first, who plays these games? And second, has humanity sunk this low? I mean, come on people….the Baton Rouge police department didn’t learn anything from the bad publicity that beating on protesters usually brings…they did it again over the weekend, arresting a bunch of people using their constitutional right to protest…but the big laugh was a post commenting on the pictures that came out of it…by a combat veteran who was amazed how armored these idiots were…saying that he never wore that much body armor in the war he was in….I can’t wait to see the loser that gets selected to be ole Donald’s vp….should be a great laugh with the “deep bench” the repubs have….okay, that’s it for now…will try to get to another one later today….
Trump word salad…
Well….if you have ever listened to the Donald talk…I won’t call it a speech because that would imply that the rules of speeches apply…that there is subject that you state, and then you proceed to make arguments to support your thesis….but, I have never seen that in a Trump “speech”…they seem to be a word salad of him saying totally unrelated things, doubling back, and then driving off on any tangent that strikes him at the time….kind of like listening to a three year old…but, it is even worse when you read the transcripts of these “speeches” and then you see that they never make any sense at all…and yet his followers take that as “telling it like it is” or some such nonsense…and I wonder if it is because they are just not too bright and don’t understand how the English language is used….as I have said before, in my time when I was younger, the rants that pass for Trump speeches would have been shouted from a soapbox in the town square by a homeless guy wearing a tin foil hat….not the candidate of a national party…at least we can hope that when ole Don is done, they might no longer be a national party….geez…