Tag Archives: Donald Trump

The right is still crazy…and projecting….

Well…this one is going to meander a bit since I have a couple of topics that I want to cover…first, I read an article in the Detroit News…yeah, I know, a right wing rag that I should stop supporting, by the idiot Michael Barone, who asserts that it is unhealthy to only listen to news, or talk to, or associate with people from your end of the political spectrum…and the funniest part is that he was attributing that behavior to those of us in the middle and on the left. My jaw just about dropped since I don’t know of any republican that watches anything other than Fox News or listens to anything but the right wing echo machine. Talk about projection there Mikey? It is the right’s exclusive purview to be ignorant; to listen to no one but those on the right, and to build a worldview that consists of the talking points of the day….man, what a load of crap.

The second thing I wanted to talk about here is the resurgence of the nonsense of birtherism, driven by the rantings of the Donald and now, even the repub candidate for one of the senate seats from here in Michigan..I can’t believe…well, yeah, I can…that ole Mitt would be seen with Trump since he is eleven ways of crazy…then we have Pete Hoekstra here in Michigan that thinks we should have a “commission” that would certify that people that are running for president are eligible for the office…just a more disguised shot at Obama than the normal birther crap…this from a guy that thinks it would be just peachy to allow oil drilling in the Great Lakes…where do they find these idiots? Geez….and that makes the goal for the month!!!!

What’s “the Donald” going to talk about now?

Well…just a shorty to comment on the morning’s knife to the heart of the birther movement. If you haven’t yet heard, Obama released the long-form birth certificate that these idiots, including Donald Trump, have been clamoring for for over two years and that he hopes will end this moronic obsession with where he was born. Yeah….I know, the truth never matters to these people and now they will just move on to knowing that this new one is a fake…I’ll predict a few of the new attacks: Why did it take so long? the typeface wasn’t invented when he was born….that it looks like there are erasures, etc., etc., etc….you can’t reason with irrational people. But, it is going to be fun to watch them tie themselves into knots when their primary argument goes up in smoke…