Category Archives: Politics

Mr. Destructo….

Well…if you have been watching the antics of Mr. Destructo…aka the idiot trump, you’ve seen that he has been in a twitter feud with Jeff Bezos over some truthful coverage of the idiot in the Washington Post which Bezos owns, and the idiot has taken to trying to punish Bezos by threatening actions against Amazon…which have resulted in Amazon losing over 50 billion dollars in valuation as it’s stock has fallen. Now, none of the things that idiot boy has spouted off about, like renegotiating the Post Office’s contract to deliver for Amazon, and some nonsense about Amazon not paying enough taxes (which the repubs are responsible for with their tax cut for corporations) can be done, but to threaten a public company with government retaliation for publishing a story the idiot doesn’t like is pure impeachable offense…if the repubs would just do something about it. Who does that 50 billion loss in evaluation hurt? Basically anyone who has an IRA or 401K….you know, working people who the idiot was supposed to protect…and bought into his propaganda that he was a “great businessman”…when the reality is that he has failed at everything he has ever tried and has been bailed out every time by the Russians or the mob. What needs to happen right now is a lawsuit by some investor who has lost money by Amazon’s stock decline….it would be really easy to prove cause and effect of the idiot’s attacks and the stock price decline…and it would put just a little more pressure on Mr. Destructo and maybe we’ll see him blow…hope so….impeach….

Boycott WWMT channel three…

Well…with the FCC not doing it’s duty to ensure that news isn’t turned into propaganda, that is exactly what has happened with a company called Sinclair. This company has been buying up tv stations across the country and has been turning them into trump propaganda machines by forcing local anchors to read from the “fake news” script and lie to the people they are supposed to serve. We have one of those stations here in West Michigan, WWMT, or channel three from Kalamazoo that is joining in…so, what we need to do is hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook by boycotting this un-American company that is doing Russia’s work in undermining our democracy…and the person who wrote the script that the news anchors are forced to read  used to work for the Russian propaganda channel RT…that should be enough for anyone who wants to help protect this country…boycott….

This is so ironic…

Well…as we all know, Jeff Sessions is a liar….he constantly lied about his contacts with the Russians during the campaign, and he also lied about the meeting where Papadopoulos told him that he could set up a meeting with the Russians and Sessions lied that he “pushed back” on the whole idea. Remember that the investigation into  trump’s conspiracy with the Russians started when Papadopoulos got drunk in a London bar and told an Australian diplomat that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary in the form of thousands of e-mails…and, in an ironic twist, the same thing happened with Papadopoulos this past Friday night in Chicago….where he was out drinking with his wife and revealed to a stranger that “Sessions encouraged him” to find out anything he could about the hacked e-mails that a Russian operative had mentioned to Papadopoulos. This means that Sessions is still lying to everyone and that Mueller knows about it…how does that feel, Jeffey? Next stop…federal prison for perjury and for lying to congress….couldn’t happen to a bigger hypocrite….

Is this treason yet?

Well…if you’ve been reading the news lately, you would have seen that the idiot trump made a huge deal out of expelling 60 Russian diplomats in response to the chemical weapon attack in England a few weeks back….but, it was revealed today that “high ranking WH officials” have told the Russians that it is no big deal and the “door is open” for those expelled to be replaced by other spies as soon as the heat dies down….is this treason yet? How about it repubs? Is faking punishment for attempted murder to keep the Russians happy treasonous?  I just really wonder what the Russians have on trump…especially with the new directive from trump to everyone in the government to never, ever criticize Putin….how much more of this crap do we have to take?  Okay, this one is not as lucid as I would have expected….not sure why, things are just not flowing…so, I’ll end here and maybe come back later to polish it up or do another one….more later…

Boycott “Roseanne” part two…

Well….just when you thought Roseanne couldn’t be any worse of a person, it comes to light that she has been attacking the Parkland shooting survivors, David Hogg, specifically by re-tweeting the right wing conspiracy that claims that David Hogg gave a Nazi salute during his March for Our Lives address…and this is just one of the harassments and conspiracies that the right has been pushing since these brave kids said enough to school murders and have started doing something about it. To have someone like Roseanne personally attack  and slur a 17 year old kid for speaking his mind and expressing his first amendment right to speak, is just frickin wrong and the execs at ABC who support this person need to do something about it…a fake apology is not enough…we need to boycott this rotten to the core person and ensure that this hate is not rewarded…after all, boycotts work…just look at Laura Ingraham, whose advertisers are abandoning her show on fox after she also attacked David Hogg on Twitter….this type of hate can’t go unpunished in a civil society…and I hope Roseanne pays with the loss of her show….geez…

Anybody else worn out yet?

Well….with everything happening in this country right now, is anyone else worn out following it? I long for the days of “No drama Obama” and the good governance that came with that administration….and the contrast with the fools who are running this country now is so stark that I struggle to think that this country can survive it. The latest attack on our institutions was the firing of the VA administrator yesterday to be replaced with the WH doctor who cheated the idiot trump’s physical to make him look like he is healthy, adding inches to his height and shaving pounds from his weight to make sure he wasn’t seen as obese, which he is, and then lied that trump has no cognitive impairment….and that is the biggest lie of them all. But now, this moron has been put in charge of the VA with the sole purpose of privatizing it…to make the VA just another profit center that trump’s cronies can bleed dry while they ensure that our veterans will never get the care that they have earned with their service to this country. This is the repubs wet dream of governance….from Betsy DeVos and her for profit charter schools, to Eric Prince’s proposing to privatize the US military’s action in Afghanistan, and now the VA…the only thing the repubs want is to steal and steal and steal from the taxpayers and line their pockets…November can’t come quickly enough for me…I’m just so damn tired….impeach….

Boycott “Roseanne”

Well….I’m not sure where the media and the right come up with the idea that Hollywood has a “liberal bias” when crap like “Roseanne” and “The Ranch” keep getting made. I wonder why the producers or the studio heads would approve of this trump fluffing nonsense if they are so liberal….probably because money trumps anything…money trumps the truth…money trumps morality…get the idea? Just read an article with Roseanne where she was asked about trump’s anti gay bias, his affairs, his criminality, and she just let it all go saying that she didn’t “believe” that trump has done anything wrong…giving him a pass during the week where he and Pence rolled out their new trans bashing policy that would throw all trans people out of the military…and where Pence spoke at a conference saying that gays shouldn’t have the same rights as the rest of us and that he will work for a constitutional amendment to permanently make them second class citizens. That’s not homophobia, or bigotry, or wrong…at least not in Roseanne’s eyes…and that is just the kind of normalization of trumpism that these shows are all about…that’s it’s perfectly fine to hate the “others” and live with no moral character at all…the only response to this whitewash is to boycott this toxic brew and make sure that this hate is not rewarded….geez….

The tax scam revealed….

Well…just go suited up to get on the bike and it started to rain again and it is nowhere near warm enough to get out in the rain, so I thought I’d come back here to do one of these while I wait for the weather to cooperate. Just read a short little article on Kos that is just another small bit of evidence that the tax cuts for the rich and corporations that the repubs passed, using investment and job growth as the reason for cutting taxes, is just the scam that those of us in the reality based world said it was. The Federal Reserve does a survey every quarter to judge the state of the economy, asking CEO’s to report if they are going to invest the tax cuts and/or crate more jobs….I think you can guess where this is going…almost 80% of those surveyed said that they have NO plans to increase investment or to hire anyone for both this year and next…let that sink in a minute…the entire reason that the repubs gave for screwing over most of the US and exploding the debt was to get the economy going and that they would create good jobs….but, I guess they didn’t check with anyone other than their masters when they did the tax cuts that ended up benefiting only their masters…with the rich getting over 90% of the cuts. But, don’t expect anything to change as long as the repubs are in charge…after all, they don’t believe in facts or empirical data…just their “gut” feelings….so, let’s get out and vote this fall…they need to go away soon….geez…

Hidden damage…

Well…with the huge march yesterday against gun violence across the country and the world, a realization came to me about the hidden damage that this violence causes that no one talks about. Since the shootings at Columbine, there have been over 180,000 kids who have been in a school shooting situation….and what hidden damage has this done to these poor kids? Why should they have to live their lives with this pain just so a few white guys get to keep their killing machines? Can you imagine it? Every day having to live with their fear and panic…and even ones who have not been in a shooting still live with it…with the shelter in place and active shooter drills…can you remember being in grade school? Now add to that your teacher explaining to you that there could be a killer coming in the school to get you so you have to learn how to hide from him? How could a 5 or 6 or 7 year old deal with that? Why should they HAVE to deal with that? Just so a few white guys can have the same firepower as the army has? Every other damn amendment to the constitution has been altered over time as the society has evolved so why not the 2nd? Don’t give me the crap that you need all those guns to protect yourself from the government or from crime…do you think a few idiots with AR-15′s are going to take on the US army? And, crime is down sharply across this country except by guys that just have to prove how tough they are by lugging their guns around everywhere they go….and it doesn’t make you tough…tough is going through your life unafraid…and unarmed….and standing up for a safer, saner America even after 17 of your friends and teachers are gunned down in front of your eyes…that is tough…something the gun nuts will never understand…

A million people!

Well…have been following the coverage of the march for our lives today and I am just so proud of the people who have had enough and are showing the NRA and their lackeys that their time is up…and it was just announced that there are over a million people marching in DC…a million frickin people! Five times the people who were at the idiot trump’s inauguration…in NYC, Paul McCartney is leading the march since his friend, John Lennon, was killed with a gun and it is just time to say enough…no more damn guns everywhere….

When I was out on the bike today, the perfect song came on…”five to one” by the Doors:

“The old get old and the young get stronger, may take a week or it may take longer, they got the guns but we got the numbers, gonna win, yeah we’re takin’ over…Come on!