Category Archives: Politics

Less than 6%….

Well… we all know (at least those of us in the fact based community) that the repub “middle class tax cut” was a scam since the start…it was always driven by the need of the repubs to reward their big donors and to keep them from turning off the money taps that keep these idiots getting elected….and now the facts are in, that less than 6% of the business cuts went to workers…and the lies told by the repubs to get them passed are now objectively lies. You remember them don’t you? That the tax cuts would raise wages for workers, that the tax cuts would spur investment that would mean more jobs? that the tax cuts were targeted at workers and they would get a huge windfall? None of it is happening (are you surprised?) and, with the latest analysis, the only people who are benefiting are, of course, the 1%. Now, there are slivers of hope that the media is finally starting to do some actual, factual reporting on this issue but I still want to hear them ask idiot boy Ryan why he lied about who the beneficiaries were going to be of this budget busting monstrosity…and then do some damn follow up questions to hold his feet to the fire….geez…

Now they’re hypocrites about free markets…

Well…as the pressure mounts on the corporate supporters of the NRA to flee before permanent damage is done to their brands, we now have another huge bout of hypocrisy by the repubs in Georgia (are you surprised?). The free market is just fine, fine, fine, as long as it supports the right wing assholes in this country, but as soon as it doesn’t go their way, they screech that it’s unfair and try to use the government to force business to do what they want. The latest is the idiot repubs in Georgia threatening Delta airlines with increased taxes sine they broke with the NRA and decided to not be part of NRA sanctioned murder machine that almost daily kills children across the country. And, do you know what Delta did? They immediately started looking for a new state to move their headquarters to…putting 30,000 jobs in Georgia at risk and making real the possibility of billions of dollars of economic losses just so the lieutenant governor can earn his NRA bribes. This has fallout past just Delta moving…with the politicization of business tax breaks in Georgia, Amazon is now re-thinking putting a headquarters there citing the uncertainty of doing something that would make the idiot repubs there mad and bringing retaliation down on them. So, nice job hypocrites…I hope the bribes you got from the NRA are enough to offset the billions of dollars you are going to lose with your bullshit….and I can’t wait for you to explain to the 30,000 people who will be out of jobs that the NRA is more important than them…November is coming….geez…

Now they’re trying to kill children…

Well…can the repubs get any lower? Their continued support for the NRA and the gun manufacturers have meant that children are just fodder for their political games…they will protect the hell out of them until they are born but after that they are on their own…and that was emphasized by the announcement yesterday that the idiot running the EPA….”first class Pruitt” will be closing the lab that studies the effect of new chemicals on children…yep, idiot Pruitt can fly first class all over the world but he says the US can’t afford to ensure that the new chemicals pushed by the chemical companies don’t kill children…this is all part of the dystopian vision that these idiots have for this country, that corporations will do the right thing and not kill us in the service of profit for the rich. Remembering back to my anatomy classes when I was working on my psych degree, it was known that chemicals affect the fast growing tissues of children in completely different ways than adults….and it is necessary to study these effects before using the children across this country as guinea pigs by introducing new chemicals without study. This is the modern repub party, folks…it’s okay for corporations to profit off of the killing of our children as long as the political donations keep flowing…geez….

The NRA is a bunch of whiners…

Well…I have been laughing at the meltdown that has been coming out of the NRA over the past couple of weeks as their advertisers and partners flee them in the aftermath of the Florida murders…as people rightly assign blame to them for preventing meaningful gun control by buying repub politicians. The response from the NRA to these latest developments started out with denial…that there was no problem with losing partners since it was a only a few leaving…that changed when almost all of their corporate partners bailed over the past week and then they turned to anger at the companies that left calling them “unpatriotic” and bleating that the NRA was the only organization protecting our “freedom” and that these companies would be sorry for leaving…that one made me laugh since it was just so predictable…sounding like an 8 year old throwing a tantrum. The latest is that they are now attacking the survivors of Parkland, calling the teenagers “bullies” for working to neuter the NRA and make sure that anyone taking money from them will be voted out of office. Now, that is just too rich..the biggest bully in the political sphere is calling a bunch of teenagers bullies for standing up to the NRA and fighting their nonsense….I just love that the nuts at the NRA are finally getting a dose of their own medicine…maybe we can get some sensible gun legislation now…..geez…

Since when is Warren Buffet in the middle class?

Well…we all know that the repubs lie all the time, every damn time they open their mouths it’s a lie…and that was the case with the tax cut scam that has been foisted on the American people. They have gone on an on about how much of the cuts will go to the middle class; that it’s primary benefit will go to the middle class…my question is since when is Warren Buffet in the middle class? Just yesterday, Buffet revealed how much his tax cut was from that odious piece of crap…29 billion dollars…yep, one person, one of the richest people in the world got a gift of 29 billion dollars from the cuts…I wonder what you got? I know I didn’t get a damn dime and analysis of the law found that companies and the rich got over 95% of the cuts….so, that leaves 5% for the rest of us…I wonder what 5% divided by 330 million people is? Not jack shit, and the lie that giving companies all that money would “trickle down” to higher wages…nope wrong again….only 3.5% of the tax cuts went into wages and most of them went to “bonuses” that are one time things…not a raise in wages that are permanent. The rest went to stockholders and owners just as it was designed to do….so when you look in your paycheck and see that extra buck fifty….remember the 29 billion and how the repubs screwed you….

Let’s stop the NRA nonsense of arming teachers…

Well…yesterday, the idiot trump, under prompting by the NRA (or is it under orders from the NRA?) proposed that the solution to school massacres is to arm every teacher in the US since “the only solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” to quote the NRA. Yeah, there are a few huge problems with that…the first is that, once the shooting starts, the teachers will certainly be outgunned since there is no crazy assed proposal to give all of them an AR-15, the murder weapon of choice for school shooters, and second, according to sheriffs across the country, is that in an active shooter situation they don’t know who the good guy is so any teacher responding would be just as likely to be killed by the police than by the terrorist. This whole fallacy that “good guys with guns” can take down bad guys with guns was proven by the attack on St. Ronnie of Reagan when his 12 good guys with guns (the Secret Service) couldn’t stop the one “bad guy with a gun” that shot him three times before anyone could wrestle him to the ground. This whole nonsense is just a ploy to change the conversation away from gun control and getting rid of some of the 300 million guns in this country to how can they sell more guns and continue to normalize them in every facet of our lives….even the conservative police departments across this country don’t want more guns…they even want to end open carry and concealed carry since it makes life more dangerous for them…but, the NRA doesn’t give a shit…they just want to sell, sell, sell….geez….

This is too damn funny….

Well…it has been a busy day today with lots of traveling but, after I read this one, I had to do just a short one on this. Okay, buried the lede again…not sure if you saw it or not but twitter went crazy today getting rid of the bots that infest the site…and since most of them were supporting the right wing assholes that also infest the site, they went crazy today screaming “censorship” since they didn’t have any bots reinforcing their right wing assholery. But, the funniest thing was that the idiot trump went from 49 million followers to 14, and Twitter revealed that all of his “followers” were from a Macedonian bot farm whose full time job was to support trump…and now he is left with his idiot family as his only followers…and that makes me wonder why Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell or any other repubs don’t follow the idiot…could it be that they realize how ridiculous he is? And how worthless that anything that comes out of his mouth or out of his twitter account is….the poor baby must just be crushed tonight…cripes, I have more followers on Twitter than he has…and that make me laugh out loud…impeach….

It was a coup d’etat…

Well….with what we know now about the Russian’s attack on this country, it is clear that the Russians were successful in plotting and executing a coup d’etat in the US. With this coup, they have successfully installed the least qualified person in the world to be president here, and, when you look back in history, this really doesn’t look very much different from the many other coups that were done by Russia in the 50′s through the 90′s…although the earlier ones were done by military intervention instead of cyber manipulation of the electorate….the goal was similar, to ensure that an easily manipulated stooge was installed to sow chaos across the target country. The only question left to answer is what are the repubs going to do about it? When will they “protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic” as they all pledged to do when they took their oath of office…yeah, right…never…impeach….

The right smears the victims…

Well…almost as predictable as the sun rising, the hard right, pushed by the NRA is smearing the kids who survived the shooting in Parkland Florida, calling them “FBI plants” and rolling out the right’s perennial bugaboo, George Soros, as being behind the student protests. No, assholes…these are teenagers who have had enough, who look to the adults in this country to protect them, and all they see is the repubs saying there is nothing that can be done, that dead children are the price we pay for “freedom”. I understand how they feel…not from a school shooting when I was young, but we did walk out at my high school to protest the Vietnam war and the lies that started it and continued it…and the same tactics were used against us that are being used now…calling us communists and un-patriotic while we were just trying to stop something we knew was wrong. Just like the Parkland kids. The knuckle dragging, NRA funded gun fetishists on the right are trying to use the fact that these kids are organized and putting together protests so quickly that it must be a left wing plot, that no group of teenagers could do what they’ve done in the past few days…hey, knuckle draggers…do you know any modern teenagers? With how social media is ingrained into their lives, they know how to use it to organize…I mean, I even set up my Facebook page in less than 5 minutes, and I’m an old guy. It is imperative that those of us on the right side of this issue, those of us who support these kids trying to finally DO something about children being murdered have their backs, and to push back on these right wing assholes who would smear and denigrate their efforts…go get ‘em Parkland!

Trump is just unhinged…

Well….as every day goes on, it gets clearer and clearer that the idiot trump is unhinged and divorced from reality. After the indictments that were released for 13 Russians and two Russian companies for throwing the election to trump, the idiot boy went into full meltdown mode, trying to reassure himself in tweets that, because he wasn’t indicted in this round, that there was not going to be one for him…something that anyone who has even one foot in reality knows is just not true…this is the first round of indictments, and I’m sure that Mueller released them now to insulate himself from being fired, and to make it completely clear that if trump tries it, he is doing the bidding of Putin…something he has been doing since he was installed. The second shoe that dropped over the weekend that fed into trumps madness was the announcement that Rick Gates (Paul Manafort’s business partner and trump campaign manager), is going to plead guilty and is going to help Mueller build his case…this is in addition to Mueller loading bank fraud charges onto Manafort to up the pressure on Manafort to flip. So, we know why the meltdown happened….and to rub salt into his wounds, the survivors of the Parkland school shooting have refused to meet with trump and be used for a photo op….that must just burn the idiot and I wholeheartedly agree with them….what’s the point of meeting with the idiot? He’ll just give a thumbs up and make it all about him…impeach….