Tag Archives: Benghazi

The lies continue…

Well…BENGHAZI!!!!  Just had to get hat one out since the repubs are back on that kick again…as Dave Weigel said this morning that no matter what the repubs say, there is no more there there…still the propaganda wing of the party, Fox news, is on the all Benghazi all the time kick they were on a few months back….all this because the administration trusted the CIA analysis and used it in a press conference…I guess this is so much worse than lying us into war and spending 5,000 American lives and 6 trillion dollars on those lies…and being cheerleaders for breaking international law and torturing people…of course it’s worse, it was done by the administration of the dem in office…and just being in office and being a dem is an impeachable offense to the idiots on the right….geez…

Just some stuff….

Well..just remembered that I need to do two of these today but almost forgot….have been doing prep for the interview all day and am just about done…so, I thought I’d comment on a new article from the NY Times that basically says that everything that the Obama administration has said about Benghazi was true….not in the fever dreams of the right, of course, but all of the eyewitnesses who were interviewed said the same thing,,,that it was not an al Queada attack…it was a bunch of pissed off Libyans who were attacking because of blasphemy to Islam of some such nonsense….but, ole Issa just couldn’t believe it and went on the sunday shows saying it was still all lies…yadda, yadda…yeah, so we’re going to believe an arsonist, high school dropout and not the NY Times? Not me…Issa is just a waste of space that is wasting our money, too…geez…

What happened to the news?

Well…not sure if you’ve read or heard about the latest implosion of a news organization, where CBS’s 60 minutes ran a supposedly new report on Benghazi that was going to finally get to the bottom of it…even when there is no bottom to get to. They ran the report a couple of weeks ago and almost immediately, other news organizations dug just a little bit to find that the person they hung the entire expose’ on was a liar…saying in official reports to his company and the FBI that he was at his seaside villa when the attack was going on, but in the 60 Minutes report and his book, this liar made himself out to be a hero…scaling a 12 foot wall to get into the consulate and killing an insurgent by hitting him in the face with his gun butt. When did 60 Minutes become just another hack news show? And, how can the producers there throw away 50 years of integrity just because they want to get on the right wing bandwagon…ignoring the basic tenets of journalism for sensationalism? The fallout from this sordid affair continue with even the publisher of the book who is well known for publishing right wing screeds removing it from the shelves and the supposed author going into seclusion. I do have to thank our liberal attack machine, Media Matters, for their work on exposing this blatant set of lies…good job.

The real Benghazi scandal…

Well….with all of the repub outrage over Benghazi when there was never really any there there…we now have a real scandal but it is one that can be pinned on the repubs…late last week, ABC news reported on the “smoking gun” e-mails that were supposed to show that there was some sort of coverup by the WH..of what, no one is really sure, and the funny thing is that this was before the e-mails were released by the WH…so this means that some member of Congress must have given them to ABC…and the even worse thing is that the e-mails were doctored by someone (read repubs) to make it appear that there was a coverup…so, what we have is that these thugs are using the deaths of four Americans for pure partisan reasons and when the facts don’t support their narrative, they just lie and continue on as if their lies are the truth….now here is a real scandal that ole Issa should be investigation…oh, wait, that will never happen…the repubs don’t want the truth they just want the black guy gone….geez…

Darrell Issa is still an idiot…

Well…my jaw just dropped today when I read about the reason that ole Darrell thinks the whole nothing of Benghazi is so important…and it comes down to only 5 words…he is so hot after Obama because Obama called the attack an “act of terror” and not a “terrorist attack”…yep, this idiot is spending millions of dollars and wasting the time of the house just because he didn’t like the way that Obama described the attack and nothing more…there is no “coverup” there is nothing there and yet this moron just keeps it up even when the author of the report on Benghazi called him a liar on tv this weekend and destroyed every allegation ole Darrell has made….I, for one, have had enough of this crap…how many people could have been fed with the money he has wasted…how many kids could have been given a free college education with this money? Just shut the hell up Darrell and do some real work for a change…geez…

Benghazi is just another repub witch hunt..

Well…I am still waiting for the “bombshell” that was promised by the idiot Issa in his fourth hearing on the supposed scandal of Benghazi…and the only people who are pushing this nonsense is fox news and the rest of the crazy assed right wingers who just “know” that there is a coverup that is “worse than Watergate” there….but the problem is that there is no there there….all of the facts have been out for months and everyone who is not one these crazies see it as what it is: a failure to defend the consulate from determined terrorists….that’s it…nothing more. Let’s not forget that on ole GW’s watch, there were 14 attacks on American consulates and embassies across the world with hundreds of people being killed but not one peep from Issa or any of his crazy assed cronies…no hearings, no “worse than Watergate” no nothing….and that is where this just stinks…everyone knows that Issa’s antics are just them trying pre-emptive strikes against the woman that scares the hell out of them…Hillary Clinton…and she will crush any repub that decides to run…not just that she is more qualified than Ted Cruz or any of the other idiots, but they are so locked into the most unpopular ideas that make up their platform that no one can sell that pile of crap….geez…

Wasted days and wasted nights…

Well…it has been one long, wasted day today and I have done absolutely nothing except rest and watch movies today and I may be feeling a little better…still have the chills and am sweating like crazy but the throat is better, I hope, and that may be cause to have some hope…I did want to write about the whole Susan Rice hypocrisy and the comparison to what Condi Rice did during her time in GW’s administration…okay I will…as you know, the repubs have been screaming conspiracy about the whole Benghazi nonsense, and they have been vowing to block Susan Rice’s nomination for sos just for her reading the talking points that were given to her by the intelligence folks…what about the approval of Condi Rice when she deliberately lied to the American people about Iraq’s ability to make a nuclear weapon when she had been told that the intelligence was faulty and she used it anyway. Now, which is worse, reading a paper or lying to the American people? And getting us into a war that cost us trillions of dollars and got over 4,000 Americans and countless Iraqis killed? I think you know the answer to that…so when you hear the hypocrites McCain and Graham (who helped push Condi Rice’s approval through the Senate), just think hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, and stop listening to these idiots…they don’t deserve it…

I think it’s funny..

Well…I needed to make just one short comment this aft on the meltdown of John McCain and the resultant smackdown that has come from his own party along with that of Harry Reid….who wrote a very pointed letter to the “gang of three” that made fools of themselves by holding press conferences instead of going to the intelligence briefing that would have explained everything about Benghazi…but those idiots just wanted to score political points instead of getting to the truth…but, I shouldn’t be surprised with the only passing acquaintance with the truth that the repubs have shown over the past few election cycles…can you say “death panels?” I don’t know why anyone even listens to these folks anymore….they’re crazier than anyone I have ever seen in public life in my lifetime….and if it wasn’t so sad, I would think it’s funny…geez…

Not sure what to write about…

Well…it’s been another day today and I have been reveling in the meltdown of John McCain over the Benghazi crap…and this idiot keeps doubling down even when people in his own party say there is nothing there to be so crazy about…I just think he’s become unhinged…or addicted to the cameras on the Sunday morning shows…it kind of looks like he has one of those attention needs that is not being met by him actually doing his job as a senator. There was a great article in the Daily Kos today about the secessionist nonsense that has swept the crazys on the right…this, coming for people who supposedly are the great patriots and love this country…man, I’m not sure what they are putting in the water in the red states but it is just frickin stupid what these people want to do…kill the country to save it? I think there has been an invasion of the body snatchers or brain snatchers? When did it get to be a badge of honor to be stupid and ignorant…oh, well…at least we won the election so the crazy will be limited…geez…