Well…reading and watching the news this morning and I came upon a little tidbit of information that dropped my jaw about 2 feet…with the widespread destruction in the middle of this country caused by the tornados and flooding, there is a need to do for these people what only government can do…manage the financial burden by giving FEMA and other agencies money that will help alleviate the suffering….well, not alleviate it but mitigate it some. But, what do we hear from the most evil man in the US House? That before he will even consider a supplemental appropriations bill to fund the recovery efforts, Eric Cantor rolls politics into and delays what should have been done yesterday…he won’t allow any bill to be voted on until the amount they are appropriating is cut from other parts of the budget. Yeah, that sound you just heard is my brain locking up with this nonsense….and to make matters worse, the repub controlled Missouri legislature and the other Missouri repub members of congress and senate support this evil man’s ideas….if you ever had any doubt about what the repubs are, here it is for all to see….keep tax breaks for oil companies but when the people are in need, tell them to go to hell…geez….
Tag Archives: Eric Cantor
Here comes the Christian Taliban….
Well…okay, the title is a little hyperbole and I know that most Christians are not the murderers that the Taliban are, but they are so similar on the way that they want to control the women and ideas in their societies that I have to make that comparison if only to raise the big red flag and wave it like a crazy person. This is what we have to look forward to with the idiots who’ve been voted into office…
First, we have Boehner and Cantor, with the prodding of one of the right wing religious blogs threatening to withhold funding for the Smithsonian because of what one person found “objectionable”, never mind that in the months the display was there no one, not one person, complained that the exhibit was inappropriate. The display in question has a short film (all of 14seconds) of a decayed crucifix with ants crawling over it and this one person, with the help of Fox news, got the head of the museum to withdraw the display. Doesn’t anyone see the parallel here between the conservative Muslims threatening to kill anyone who makes an image of Muhammed and conservative Christians threatening to kill an organization for art that steps on the toes of Christianity? There will be more of this to come….I will predict that right now with 100% certainty.
The second harbinger of doom I can’t attribute right now since I can’t remember what rep it was who said it…I’ll look for it and amend later but I wanted to get his idea down first…but one of the new repub chairs of a house committee said this week that his primary focus was going to be on getting stronger restrictions on a women’s rights; going after Roe V. Wade to make abortion and other women’s health issues (like contraception) much more difficult for women to cover in the new healthcare law. I’m not making this up folks….they just want to take us back to the culture wars that have made such a huge divide in our country just so they can get what they want from their base and force the non-religious and those of other faiths to heed their religion; sounds like an organization that starts with a “T” a little doesn’t it? ….geez….
Eric Cantor is no James Madison….
Well…talk about your delusions of grandeur…Ole Eric Cantor and Bob Bishop of Utah put forth their plans over the past couple of days to fundamentally change the way government does business..proposing that if a few states don’t like a federal law, they can band together to ignore it…ignoring the fact that this “nullification” idea has been rejected by every court that has had cases dealing with it come before it….there are so many ways that this is wrong that I am almost left speechless…but, if you know me that won’t last for long. First, why are the repubs wasting time with this frivolous crap when there are still things to be done on the economy, UI benefits, the START treaty, and other important issues that will affect how the middle class fares in the near future? And, do they really think that they can improve on the document written by the founders? I, for one, think that Eric Cantor is no James Madison, someone who he has taken to comparing himself to and feels he knows what Madison would think about revising the government. These delusions of grandeur along with their continuing mis-interpretation of the election results is fostering the worst kind of demagoguery and a return to the faith-based ideas of governance where the facts don’t mean anything when they get in the way of their right wing political agenda. I fear for this country if these are the “leaders” we have to look forward to…geez…