Well…as the whitewash continues about the repubs involvement in the January 6th insurrection, the latest installment of that gaslighting was done just last week by Chuck Grassley on the floor of the senate when he spent an hour trying to normalize the idiot trump’s behavior that day as just “meetings” that all presidents do. He further went on say that every president has a right to talk to his advisors and that is all trump was doing that day and in the months after the election as trump and his minions plotted how to overturn the election. Yeah, Chuck…that was treason and no president has the right to try to overturn the results of an election…an election that was the most secure and accurate in the country’s history…and you trying to defend a traitor make you one, too….these attacks on the investigation are all part of the plan to make sure no one ever understands how deep the repub party and almost every damn elected repub was involved in this crime…and to make sure that trump is never held accountable for his role in it…but that is not going to happen….Nancy is going to get to the bottom of it and I hope that means the end of the repub party…and Merrick garland needs to prosecute every damn person involved…and lock them up….geez….
Tag Archives: January 6th
Now it’s the FBI…
Well…if you’ve seen any of the news since the attack on the capital on January 6th, you’ve seen the right wing excuses change almost daily…first it was antifa, then it was just a “visit” like “tourists”, then it was just citizens expressing their first amendment rights…you get the picture…they will blame anyone but the terrorists who actually planned and attacked that day or the elected repubs like Josh Hawley and Paul Gosar who supported the attack and could possible even be involved with helping it. The latest right wing bullshit is that the FBI did it…all of the planning and leading the attacks so Biden could use the justice department to get rid of republican members of congress…and that is all based on the new part of the conspiracy theory that some people haven’t been charged so they must be FBI spies that was spouted on the idiot tucker’s show last night….the whole thing hinges on the idea that there were two people who rented a room in a nearby hotel and only one of them was charged…yep, that’s it, because the spouse of one of the attackers hasn’t been charged yet, that is “proof” that the FBI ran the whole show and the attackers were just victims of a conspiracy between them and the justice department….yeah, batshit insane but that is what the entire repub party is these days….any way to excuse thousands of right wing assholes attacking the country and it doesn’t matter that it is just made up bullshit….it is just as good as truth to them…better than truth, really, since they can make it be anything they want…what a bunch of crazy assed shit…geez…
Sinema couldn’t be bothered…
Well…darn, I almost forgot to do this one today with cleaning all day…and I’m still not done but only have the bathroom to do so I’ll get that done in the morning…just today ole moscow mitch used the filibuster to keep the senate from passing the law that would set up the January 6 commission to investigate what happened when the right wingers attacked the capital…but the repubs sure don’t want that since all of them were involved if you look at the votes they took to dispute the election results…but the thing that burns me is that the supposed democratic senator from Arizona, Kristin Sinema couldn’t even be bothered to show up for the vote….and that made sure the filibuster couldn’t be broken….what the hell is her job? What is more important than saving our country? Now is the time to just end the filibuster and get the rest of Biden’s agenda passed…and that includes the law to nullify all of the voter suppression that the repubs have passed across the country…and tell Sinema to be the dem she is supposed to be and do her job….
It’s treason….
Well…with every damn one of the repub senators set to vote against a commission to investigate the January 6 attack on our country, it is not hyperbole to say we are witnessing a continuation of that attack and that makes this vote treason for every repub senator that votes against the investigation. This from a party who spent two years and 8 separate investigations on Benghazi! and found nothing…while there have already been over 400 people charged in relation to the attack and I’m sure the reason they don’t want an investigation is that a large number of these same repubs were involved with the sedition….I want to know who Kevin McCarthy talked to that day and what he had to say to them…we know he talked to trump and we know that trump was happy watching the attack and now ole kevvie heads down to trumps tacky resort to kiss his ass almost daily? Look, what Nancy Pelosi needs to do is just appoint a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of it…just like Watergate or any other attack on this country and let the repubs stew about it…they are all dishonest assholes anyway and will only obstruct the investigation…so cut the repubs loose and tell them to go to hell….geez…
This is kind of funny..
Well…I guess you have to hand it to the lawyers who are defending some of the traitors who attacked the capital on January 6th…the latest one made me laugh a little since it is something I have commented on quite a few times in the past and it is kind of satisfying to have my thoughts verified…at least a little. Just the other day, one of the lawyers presented the idea that his client was not guilty since he was forced to watch fox news for 6 months straight and even coined a new term for the malady…”foxitus and foxmania” that resulted from being fed a steady diet of lies by both fox and the idiot trump…and started to believe what he was being fed by both…and even one pundit even termed it “not guilty by reason of sean hannity” as a cute take off on insanity that this traitor is trying to plead. Now, I’ve talked about the propaganda that spews daily from fox and other right wing “news” services, and have likened them to Tass and Pravda in the old Soviet Union who did exactly the same thing as they brainwashed their people with lies about the US and the world…the only thing that penetrated this dome of lies was the work of Radio Free Europe to try to send the truth to the people under Soviet domination…but the key difference here is the people behind the Iron Curtain wanted the truth and sought it out anywhere they could find it…unlike fox news viewers who are just perfectly happy to be lied to everyday and accept these lies as the unvarnished truth that can’t be penetrated by a “radio free America” which is the rest of traditional media. I am curious to see if and when this gambit will be laughed out of a courtroom…which it will…but there may be a civil suit against fox for the lies that they still spew that I would pop popcorn and sit down and watch….cripes…
Repub traitors day…
Well…I guess the new repub talking point about the traitor trump trying to get Georgia to “find” 12K votes to give him the win there is “how dare they expose our criminality”…not a damn thing about maybe not doing crimes? This criminality is going to continue on Wed when the seditious traitors in the House and senate try to have idiot boy’s landslide loss reversed by throwing out all of the votes in the swing states that overwhelmingly voted for Joe…and that gave me a thought….we need to make a name for wed…so every year it on January 6th we can remind this country what these traitors tried to do….and publish a list of all of the repubs that took part in it…I vote for “Repub traitor’s day” but I would be amenable to any other name that describes what these fools are doing….nope…it has to be traitors day….and we need the media to do their damn jobs for a change and stop using euphemisms for it like “disputed” votes or any other bullshit that softens what these un American assholes are doing and any time they get mentioned in the press, they need to say “wannabe traitor” and then the reps name…we can never forget that these assholes are trying to kill our democracy and they need to be shunned completely….or expelled from the congress like reps were that supported the confederacy….treason is treason after all….geez…