Tag Archives: polls

Nolan Finley is still an idiot..

Well…the rationalizations start with the repubs this morning and they are reaching for any straw that might make them feel better about the implosion….and ole Nolan Finley from the Detroit News is leading the charge here in Michigan….he conveniently discards the polls saying that most of the country holds the children of the repub party responsible for the mess in Washington…but then hangs his theory that those don’t mean anything on another poll that asks “did the shutdown affect you personally” which a majority answered no. I will say this again…Nolan Finley is still an idiot…what he doesn’t get…or conveniently forgets is the the lack of empathy that this question reveals…he thinks that it is a good thing that people don’t give a damn about anything that doesn’t affect them personally. This trait is seen in repub circles as a good thing…the old “I’ve got mine, everyone else can go to hell” theme that permeates the repubs these days….they don’t give a damn about gay rights until it affect someone in their family, or they don’t give a damn about abortion rights until one of their daughters needs one…I know ole Nolan thinks he’s being clever, but his cleverness is just the same old crap from repubs…they don’t give a damn about anyone since they have theirs…geez…

Talk about denial…

Well…some good news after the Dem convention where it appears that Obama got a 6 point bump as compared to none for ole Mitt…and he is now up by 5-6 points across the country including Ohio and Pennsylvania where the repubs thought they would win in a walk…and the repubs only response is that it is a “sugar high” from the convention and they are really ahead…what I think has happened is that the repub convention was based on lies and the people in this country are starting to see that, while the dem convention was based on a shared vision of America that is what it used to be….and can be again if we keep ole Mitt out of the White House…these are going to be short…kind of like tweets so I can get caught up…

Some good news delivered by Fox?

Well….this is going to be a short one about a couple of new polls that came out today showing that Obama is growing his lead as people get to know ole Mitt. One of the most surprising ones was one that came out of Fox News…yep, that Fox…the propaganda arm of the repubs who no one should ever trust…but, their poll shows that Obama is leading Mitt by 49% to 40%, the largest margin in any of the large polls. This makes me wonder “are they manipulating the poll to show Mitt farther behind so their base will be more energized?” It wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened at Fox and probably won’t be the last….but, not being a person that is normally into the conspiracy theories, I compare this one to the others that came out that have Obama up by 7-8 points and think that maybe it may be close to accurate. The trend that I like to see is that the lead is growing as people get to know Mitt and his gaffe fest…along with the crazy assed ideas on the economy…maybe people are starting to pay attention? Hope so…

A few short thoughts…

Well…I just wanted to comment a little on some things that really don’t have the meat to be an entire article here….yeah, I know, I’ve turned really small ideas into whole columns before but I don’t feel like it today…so, here goes…I am a little heartened by the unemployment numbers that came out the other day and my hope meter for ever finding another job went up a little but I know I have to temper it a little since this has happened before and I’m still not working…I did like the poll numbers that came out a few days ago, too…where Obama is 6-7 points ahead of ole Mitt in the general election polling but I do understand that a lot can happen in the next 10 months…one of the striking things from one of those polls is the results of a question that asked if people liked ole Mitt more the more they heard him….and 54% of the people didn’t…so now ole Mitt is going to not say anything the rest of the election cycle? Then there was the study done over the past couple of years that found that conservatives in the US are much less intelligent than the rest of the population…things that anyone would know if you ever listen to them…Oh, one last thing, the right wing idiot that was coordinating the attack by Komen on PP has resigned (or was fired)…I say good riddance….there is no place for politics in health issues, especially womens health that has been the hotbed of controversy since I was little…

Musings again…

Well…I’ve been noticing a trend lately where I do a column here and the read almost the exact same thing in one of the major newspapers….I wonder if I’m just getting obvious or if it is some kind weird time travel paradox…not sure which yet…so, today is going to just be rambling around a little since I don’t really have a topic yet…I do question the intelligence of Americans when I see the latest polls have Obama and the repubs basically tied…tied with the idiots that promise to dismantle what is left of the safety net for the middle class? Tied with the idiots that thought that defaulting on our debt was a good thing? Tied with the idiots that are selling the soul of America and want us to go back to the days of the robber barons? Yep…if the US votes for this nonsense, I guess we will all get what we deserve….but not me….I was cured of my republicanism when the party went nuts on social issues….and embraced the voodoo economics that are based on faith, not facts….geez….

I just love this…

Well…this is going to be a shorty since it is just a short thought on my part…it came from a quote from our gov Rick Snyder that I read in the papers a couple of days ago, when asked if he is concerned that his approval ratings and the polling on his agenda is moving steadily downward, this moron (or republican…today the terms are pretty much interchangeable) said that the only thing that counted was the result of the election that put he and his repub co-conspirators into office….he just doesn’t care that 66 percent of the people of Michigan do not like or want the direction he has taken with raising taxes on individuals and giving more tax breaks to business, along with the undemocratic laws that have been passed by his legislature that will allow him to remove elected officials and replace them with his cronies. I think the people are finally waking up to the shenanigans of this new crop of repubs and their anti middle class agenda once it was revealed for what it is…stealing more from the working class to give to the richest…governor, you are supposed to govern for all of the people of Michigan…not just your country club buddies…geez…

I know….I’m late…

Well…I know I’m late, and I also know that most of you read this after you get back from lunch…and I’ve tried to write to the statistics of my site and make sure there is one here for you then…today has just been crazy with too many things happening for me to keep the schedule…I did get the car back already and I hope thy have fixed it…they better have for 300 bucks.

Now to get to the topic….I’ve been seeing really heartening developments when I look at the recent polls on what the repubs have been doing in Wisconsin, Ohio, and other states, including my own great state of Michigan….the only way these guys got elected was to lie and conceal what they were truly going to do and now that it has been revealed, all of the independents that voted for them are gone…and even some of the repubs are bailing on these idiots because some repubs still have a sense of fairness and I say to them, come on over, the waters fine on the thinking side…can’t wait for 2012….

The bait and switch is not working too well…

Well…I have to be heartened by the news here in Michigan and across the country that the electorate is starting to wake up to the odorous tricks that the repubs have used to get elected…specifically, the lies and obfuscations of the their true agenda that includes breaking all of organized labor and the continued transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich. Here in Michigan, the people bought into the “tough nerd” label that Snyder used in his campaign and elected him, only to be shown that he is no different from any repub out there; with his tax cuts for the rich being paid for by the poor and the middle class. His approval numbers have plummeted since he revealed himself for what he is…just another millionaire businessman who does not care one whit about the people of Michigan..just about rewarding his cronies.

This mirrors the national trend in the polls where the majority of people do not support the draconian cuts to social programs that the repubs propose, and they also don’t support the dismantling of unions, the environment, or regulations designed to rein in the worst of the financial thieves. So, where do the repubs get the idea that the majority supports their agenda? Oh, that’s right, they don’t care…the public doesn’t elect them, big money does….there is finally a glimmer that the majority of us want a reasonable country where there are protections for the ordinary famliy, not just for people that have money and connections. Can we hope?

They always legislate for their base…

Well..just a short thought and warning to the independents that are thought to be leaning toward the Republicans this fall…they always try to legislate to their base. An example is their concerted effort to keep gay people in this country second class citizens by the various laws that restrict their freedom to marry whomever they want. With their slavish devotion the the far right of their party, there is no way that they will soften this stance in their legislative agenda; no matter what they say to the media. Independents, it has been shown by every poll that you do not want less regulation of business but that is just what you’ll get if you vote for the repubs this fall…don’t be misled by the propaganda that these folks spew everyday….they are not the reasonable adults they would have you think…and I will challenge you to give the Dems more of a chance to get this country moving again; after all, you gave the Bushies 8 years to run the economy into the ditch using the same policies that they now propose to salvage it…you are smarter than this….I hope.

I don’t get the media…

Well…as you are aware, the narrative that the media has taken up about the mid-term elections is that it is going to be a landslide for the repubs and Boehner is already working with lobbying groups since it is all but assured that he will be speaker of the house when the election is over. Let’s just wait a minute before we anoint the tanned one as the winner….what the media is reporting was the Gallup poll from last week that showed that a general repub candidate was almost 11% ahead of the general Dem one. But where is the reporting on the same Gallup poll from this week that shows the two general candidates in a dead heat at 46% each? Where are the stories about the erosion of this huge repub lead? Where are the stories that the ideas that Obama has set forth in speeches in the last week have started to gain traction with the electorate? Why has the media become so lazy that once they have a story they can lead with, they stay with that story and it becomes the general wisdom that is unchanging?

We all have to remember that in August of 2008, McCain led Obama by about the same 11% as the general repub candidate led by last week…and that McCain’s lead started to evaporate just as quickly. So let’s not write the epitaph for the Dems just yet; you and I still have to vote and if we all get out I think there can be a surprise for the conventional wisdom in November.