Tag Archives: sarah palin

I made it!

Well…it just dawned on me that I made it through February without once mentioning sister Sarah and her traveling circus of crazy…it wasn’t easy…well…it really was since the repubs always have newer and crazier people that are constantly stepping up to the plate to amaze and astound me….along with the golden oldies like Rush, Rick Santorum, and any of the other “leadership” that passes for deep thinkers on the right.

So….everyone is fair game again and I will promise you that I will have some substance over the next couple of days….it has been a weird couple of days and I can’t remember being so busy…

Sister Sarah….

Well….I know I promised one last one about sister Sarah but I am really bored with her and don’t think I should waste any more time writing anything about someone who is only famous for being famous….no accomplishments other than to lead the other far right crazies out from under the rocks where they live…as I’ve said before, in this media saturated environment where we live, folks who were left to howl at the moon and shout their craziness on street corners now have an outlet in fox news who have done their best to make it appear that these people are speaking for the majority if us when it is just not true. But, I detect a falloff of the novelty of their views and with that falloff comes the movement to the next crazy thing…so Sarah…your 15 minutes are up…go back to Alaska….no, that’s not what I wanted to say….I will never want to silence anyone for any thing they say or any views they may have that differ from my own….so, I won’t talk about her anymore but I hope she keeps up her comedy act…we all need to laugh more and I’m sure her self-important parody of a national figure will give us a few more good ones….

I’m on board Dana….

Well…just read an op-ed piece by Dana Milbank from the Washington Post where he proposes that all of the media declare February a “Sarah Palin free month” and I think it is such a good idea that I will pledge to do the same. So, after Jan 31…this will be a Palin free zone….even though she is such an easy target that on the days that I’m somewhat less than lucid I can still get a post out on her latest craziness….it is kind of a sacrifice for me since…as Dana said, when she is in the tags for an article, the article goes much higher in the search results…but that is a crutch I’m willing to do without if it will help to make her go away….

Bullies and victimhood…

Well..I have worked up a little outrage while working out…I only get a couple of channels on the tv by my weight machine and was watching Today when Dr. Laura came on touting some new screed she wrote, and I was struck by the sense of victim hood that just exuded from her….but she is not the first bully on the right who has done this…it appears to be page 8 in the right wing bullies handbook…after you get called out for your bad behavior, go on tv and claim the mantel of the victim…that it was not your fault that you spewed your hate, it is the fault of the media for reporting on it….and, of course, it’s a concerted, organized, effort by the left wing media to smear you. We’ve seen this in almost all of the right’s darlings…especially sister Sarah, who has used her self- identified victim status as a bludgeon whenever the press doesn’t kiss her ass..but it is not only her, the entire list of the right’s leaders from Beck, to Limbaugh, to Gingrich use the same tactics all the time. But it is not only these folks, but the Christian Majority in this country that always feel put upon and whine and cry whenever anyone questions them. Aren’t you getting tired of this crap? I know I am and I think the right needs to follow it’s own favorite admonition from the last election..”man up”…you’ve made a good living spouting your hatred and division….now reap the fruits….geez…

Still a swamp out there…

Well…I think I may be coming to my saturation point for reading the news for a few days….one thing that has moved me to this realization might be what I see out there in the comments to articles that I read…and I know, I shouldn’t expect a change in the discourse this soon after the calls for civility…but the swamp has not been drained one bit…well…the lefties seem to have realized the error of their ways and have toned it down somewhat…but, why can’t we have the progressives be adults all the time? Why is there no thoughtful contemplation of an issue before everyone starts to weigh in? It used to be okay or even preferred when public figures didn’t comment on every story in the nanoseconds after it occurred but thought about it for a while… to make sure they had time to form an opinion that took in all the facts…but not any longer. Do they get paid more if they comment first? I think one factor that has spurred this kind of behavior is the fact that no one is held accountable for being wrong anymore. People can just spout whatever comes into their heads and then come back later to clean up the mess with their well-oiled spin machines.

Now that I have excoriated the left and it’s behavior, can I just ask one favor of the progressives out there? Can we stop talking about Sarah Palin? She just doesn’t deserve any more of our energy….and the right is never going to change so let’s just try to change ourselves; let’s be the adults here….

Still can’t figure it out…

Well…this thought came to me when I saw the Palin video and it’s reference to Reagan’s statement that ultimately individuals are responsible for their actions…not people that spew the imagery of violence and hate; that there is never a causal link between the two. Then why do the Islamaphobes on the right tar the whole religion as being one of violence and murder when there have only been a few individuals responsible for the terror attacks? Why do they oppose the building of mosques across the country and especially in Manhattan, when none of the people involved with these organizations have ever done anything wrong? I think we need to call these folks out on the inconsistencies in their statements…what is it, righties? Are individuals responsible for their actions or are the groups they belong to? You can’t have it both ways…geez…

Good to see and hear…

Well…it’s finally good to see some of those on the left starting to use their heads….the wholesale rush to politicize the Arizona tragedy has started to be repudiated, with apologies coming from many of those who jumped to conclusions for their own agendas….a good thing to see that even in this supercharged political environment, there are still lines of propriety and standards that we can all agree on….except sister Sarah…who yesterday put out a video with 8 minutes of the “I’m the victim” schtick she has used since she started in politics….defending her behavior like a petulant 8 year old and including no pledge to cool the rhetoric. But, she couldn’t do that…then where would she get her money? I know, I shouldn’t turn this into a bashing but…we are all in this together and words do matter….geez….

It’s been weird…

Well…with all of the strange things happening over the past few days, I’ve really struggled with working up outrage over politics or really anything; so that’s why you’ve only seen a few of these lately. There is a small bit of one that I might be able to use to get started, though,…with Sister Sarah putting her foot in her mouth once again, this time on the Koreas, I was taken that her reaction to criticism of her gaffe was to tweet about the few times that Obama has misspoken; trying to equate her ignorance and stupidity with Obama’s distracted statements. Really, Sarah? There is not much else to say when the media covers the village idiot with the same gravitas as the president. Does anyone think she’s not running?

Okay….I’ve exhausted what little energy I had…so I’ll come back later and continue…

It’s later….went out for a while to meet up with the twins and V for a couple and to watch Michigan lose…again…to a new place called Farah’s that I’ve never been to…but that is about it for the day…I’ll probable feel lousy tomorrow so there may be a lag in the normal post times…who knows?

9/11 is not a politcal prop…

Well…since it’s 9/11 today, I have a few thoughts about how the right has used their fake reverence for the losses on that day to score political points at every turn. If they had any true feelings, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin wouldn’t be staging political rallies in Alaska today to further their crazy brand of patriotism that cynically uses the wrongheaded fear of Islam to stoke the fires of hatred for their own financial gain. If the right’s feelings were true, you wouldn’t have had Giuliani running for president with his only stump speeches consisting of a noun, a verb, and 9/11. Of course, you’d have to be a hermit to have missed the pandering the right has done to score political points with the opposition to the Park 51 project in Manhattan…and before you say it, no, the left has not been involved to any comparable degree.

What has happened to the integrity of the Republican Party? Of course when you have people like Newt, Palin, and Beck considered leaders, this is what you get. What happened to the GOP of old that didn’t protest the building of Shinto shrines in Hawaii where the sneak attacks by Japan on December 7th killed almost 4,000 soldiers and sailors?

Who is going to restore the reverence for a day that is still fresh in the collective memory of our country? Don’t count on it being the right….and every time they sow dissension using the 9/11 attacks, they are giving Osama bin Laden just what he wanted; disruption in our society and moving it toward his vision of the world. Is this what they want? Geez….

Why are we such chickens these days?

Well…had this thought while I was reading some of the online papers this morning and I will be adding to it as the day goes on…I think I’ll need the bike ride to solidify it but I’ll start with this….when did we, as a people, become so scared of everything? When did our courage start to melt with just the building of the Park 51 project in New York? Or any building for that matter…why are we so scared of immigrants and a bunch of cave dwellers in Afghanistan? There was a time that we believed we could handle anything; any challenge that faced us and our leaders were of the same thoughts..now it seems that our leaders (mostly on the right) think that we should fear threats that our previous generation, and my generation would laugh at…after all, we made it through the cold war looking at a USSR that had 20 thousand nuclear weapons pointed at us and the largest army in the world sitting on the border with Western Europe. Do you think the threat from Islamic (or any other type of ) terrorists is of the same scope? We have gone from leaders who believed that the US would prevail in any conflict to the Newts and Palins who believe that building an Islamic center in Manhattan threatens our way of life. They should be ashamed that they don’t believe in this country…..geez….