Well…I’m sure you read about the ongoing problems in Texas where there are still widespread power outages that the moron governor Abbot is lying his ass off about, telling anyone who will listen that it is because of the green new deal that never passed the congress and is not in effect…or that the wind turbines froze up, or, or, or….you get the picture, the reasons keep changing…just to make the words rhyme…yep, stole that from Joe Walsh but it is true here….first, it’s not the wind turbines since they only supply at most 10% of the power for the state and wouldn’t cause this mess even if all of them froze up and fell down…..the great majority of the outages are caused by the fact that the energy producers aren’t required to make their plants weatherized at all and the gas and coal plants froze up…just like chemical plants keep exploding because they have also been deregulated to the point where there is no regulation and the owners can do whatever they want….and the Texas electrical grid is a stand alone that can’t draw power from the rest of the country so the feds can’t regulate it and make sure it’s reliable….one of the egregious giveaways to the power companies is that they are not required to have any excess power built in for emergencies, and are allowed to charge whatever they can get in an emergency….and that leads to exploding electric bills that are a hundred times what people normally pay per month….one example was from a homeowner who got a bill for 2800 dollars for two days of electricity that she got when the power came back on…and this is by design since the morons who run the system think that unfettered capitalism is just the best thing since sliced bread and ripping off the people is just how it is…and it makes their donors richer so it’s all good. I know the feeling in Texas is that people should take care of themselves…the “rugged individualism” that they spout every day…but if you can’t depend on government to help during a disaster, what the hell is it good for? Texas is turning into a third world country before our eyes….maybe this will open some of them to see how their state government has failed them…nah, probably not…
Tag Archives: Texas
Countdown…5 days til the election…
Well…there is quite a lull in polling right now so there is no movement to talk about but there is one thing that I do want to talk about and that is turnout. News reports from across the country are reporting record after record turnout…in Texas, they have already passed the entire turnout of the 2016 election with one day of early voting to go and election day to add…and this is being repeated in Georgia, NC, and other states including here in Michigan. But, what does this mean? There are some good results for the good guys with a million people voting in Texas that have never voted before (much of them the under 30 crowd) but there is no way to tell which way they will break in total…I think the other side is almost as motivated as ours and that is seen in Florida where we are only up by 2% in early voting and that has come down from almost 25% up….one thing that I see as important is the young, democratic county clerks in some locales who are being very creative in getting around the repub restrictions on voting as in Texas where their repub governor limited ballot drop boxes to one per county, even in counties with 5 million people in it…so Chris Hollins the country clerk opened 100 early voting locations, kept some of them open 24 hours a day for shift workers, and even instituted drive in voting for people who were concerned about voting in person…and this has led to an explosion in people voting who just couldn’t swing it with the restrictions that the repubs had in place. So, should we be optimistic that this explosion is going to help our side? Cautiously, probably…that is how I’m looking at it with the hope in the back of my mind that there is a landslide in the making for our side…and that we can finally drive a stake through the heart of the repub party…after all, and I’ve said this before…we outnumber them…and if we vote, we win….keep it up folks…vote!
We all knew it was bullshit…
Well….remember back a few weeks when governor Whitmer extended the stay at home order here in Michigan and the militia crazies showed up at our capital with guns, confederate flags, and trump signs howling at the moon that their constitutional rights were being “violated” as they threatened lawmakers? Now we know that was all bullshit and was just for show…and guess why? The repub governor of Texas did the same thing to attack the coronavirus outbreak there and I can hear the crickets from here in Michigan…not one damn peep for any of the so called “unconstitutional resrtictions on liberty” that they howled about when there is a dem governor in charge….so it had nothing to do with “liberty” or anything but the right wing hatred of anyone who is not a racist repub….Where are the protests of Abbott or Ducey, or DeSantis who did the same thing as governor Whitmer? What a bunch of hypocritical fools…but we knew that, they show it every day….
18 dead and not a mention…
Well…with the idiot trump visiting the flooded ares of Texas yesterday, I wonder what he talked about? How about this quote: “great turnout, great crowd”…no mention of the 18 dead or any condolences to their families….no talks with anyone whose house was lost in the flooding…no comforting of the hundreds of thousands whose lives have been ruined by this tragedy…nothing…and today, guess what the idiot is doing after he did the barest minimum for those affected by the floods? Another frickin campaign rally in Missouri that he has been tweeting incessantly about today….okay repubs, how can you continue to support this useless piece of crap? You are all going down with him….impeach…
Shameful trump….
Well…if you weren’t sure what kind of a person the idiot trump is, just look at his tweets today…with millions of Americans in danger from the weather in Texas, the idiot boy tweets a plug for a book written by one of his donors, about how big his election win was, (again), how they love him in Missouri, and a bunch of other nonsense, even going so far to brag how much “his” government is doing for Texas…seemingly reveling in the storm and that he can respond to it…every damn thing he has tweeted today was about him…nothing about how the country feels about our fellow Americans who are in danger and losing everything, nope, not from this asshole….repubs, are you tired of this yet? I know 60% of the country is and it is your job to remove this stain on the country…impeach….
Now it’s bribery…
Well…if being a racist wasn’t enough, now it is becoming clear that ole Trump is a briber, too….and he freely admits it. What will it take for someone to do something about this? As a little background, as AG’s around the country investigated the fraudulent Trump University, and it started to look bad for Trump with at least 5 investigations in different states getting to the point of proffering charges, two of the AG’s…in Florida and Texas decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a suit….even though two other AG’s disagreed….now we know why they dropped the investigations….ole Trump gave campaign contributions to the AG’s of both Texas and Florida and then magically the cases were dropped. Yep…I guess now you can buy your way out of legal trouble with 25K in Florida and 50K in Texas…just as long as you have repub AG’s…I guess money talks and justice walks. Trump has even said that when he makes political contributions, he expects to get something for them in the future. And the AG that took the bribe in Texas is now the governor there…funny how that works out. One thing they didn’t count on in Texas is that one of the people that was in the office during the investigation just released 14 pages of material that shows that the case there was really strong and now the governor…Abbott is retaliating against the individual that made the scam public….just another day in the repub run justice system…grease my palms and you can do anything you want…geez…
Texas is just crazy…
Well….as you know, I really don’t understand Texas and the idiots who are running that state…and that was really brought home by the latest bit of insanity that their legislators have foisted on that state. On August 1st, a new open carry law takes effect that requires state run universities to allow students to carry guns on campus…needless to say, this has administrators scrambling to figure out how to deal with this crap….they are now having seminars for professors across that state that basically tells them to let the gun carriers do whatever they want…to not criticize them, to makes sure they get “fair” grades, and to not ever confront them over bad behavior….so, the gun nuts get to do whatever they want while the rest of the people have to just take crap from them…I guess that’s consistent with the repub hatred of education and teachers…that teacher’s safety is less important than the nuts that want to carry guns everywhere….how much more stupid can people get? And do you believe for a minute that these gun carriers aren’t going to try to intimidate teachers and other students?
Can these guys get even more stupid?
Well…with the scaredy cat repubs doing everything they can to prevent any of the refugees from Syria being settled in the US since they are all 8 feet tall super terrorists…even the 5 year olds…we now have Texas weighing in on why they shouldn’t be allowed to come here and it is so dripping with irony and stupidity that I just had to comment on it. I wonder if you can guess what that would be? A state rep, Tony Dale, went off on a tv interview the other day saying that Texas can’t accept any refugees since it would be too easy for them to buy guns when they arrived…yep…let that one soak in a minute…a guy who has the highest rating for being a shill for the NRA basically says that if you’re a crazy assed white person threatening to shoot federal government employees you can have all the guns you can afford, but, if you’re a refugee (a brown person and probably not a good christian), you can’t. He goes so far as to make sure that any id they may get from the government be stamped so that it can’t be used to purchase a gun…never mind that this idiot blocked laws that would have mandated ID’s and background checks for gun purchases in Texas…and that any refugee could walk into any gun show in Texas and buy whatever he wants without showing any ID…so, what this boils down to is that this racist just doesn’t want any more not white people in his state and he will use any reason to rationalize keeping them out…and to him, the constitution doesn’t apply to anyone except those he approves of…typical asshole repub….geez…
Jade Helm is over…
Well…not sure if you remember this one or not but I find it funny enough to write about it again….there was a huge military exercise in Texas and other southwest states this summer…just like they have held it for years and years, but this year the crazies on the right went nuts with their conspiracy theories saying that it was going to be a takeover of Texas by the federal government. Not only a takeover, but there were secret tunnels under abandoned Walmarts and FEMA camps where “true patriots” were going to be rounded up and then their guns were going to be taken away…and something, something….you get my drift. The funny thing here is no matter how ridiculous this all sounds, almost half of all repubs believed this crap…now, how frickin delusional do you have to be to believe this nonsense? Now, they no longer have to be scared…Jade Helm ended last week and, as far as I can see, Texas is still there, no one has been rounded up and the tunnels under the Walmarts are still empty….I wonder what the next big conspiracy is going to be for these folks? What must it be like to live in that kind of a fevered brain? Something I never want to know…geez…
The crazy train picks up speed in Texas….
Well…just when I thought it couldn’t get any crazier in Texas, the crazy train there just keeps on picking up speed….the latest head slapper comes form the newly elected governor who put the national guard there on alert the other day…can you guess the reason? Nope, you will never get this one in a million years….his reason was that he thinks that the feds are going to take over Texas, confiscate all the guns, and lock up the politicians. Yeah…from an elected governor no less…we have this new level of crazy that was triggered from the annual military practices that are held at the military bases there every year….and have been since the bases were established over 50 years ago. I wonder if it’s something in the water since ole Ted Cruz jumped on the crazy bandwagon and sent a letter to someone in the federal government asking them to reassure Texans that they have nothing to fear from these exercises. Now, it makes it really easy for me when these idiots go over the edge, like they seem to do about once a week now, but, c’mon…really? This takeover would just never happen….and now this idiot governor has the righties there worked up and polishing their guns getting ready for an attack…..let’s waste more time and money getting ready for something that is just a delusion….and not fund schools….geez…