Well…just a short one on the stupidity that seems to be a badge of honor amongst repubs these days…and it didn’t used to be that way…I wonder why these ignorant bastards keep getting elected? Just yesterday, a repub rep from Oklahoma commented during a town meeting that he felt that there still should be a congressional investigation into Obama’s birth, birth certificate, etc. but thinks it may be too late now. I can’t keep saying this enough…there has never been a question that Obama’s mother is a US citizen and that makes Obama a “natural born citizen” of the US and makes him eligible to be president…no birth certificate needed…and just the other day, ole Ted Cruz said that he was eligible to be president even though he was born in Canada…and his reasoning? That his mother was a US citizen so that makes him one, too….I really want to go to one of these town hall meetings and have these idiots that so revere the constitution actually read it…geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Well…a couple of thing have come up over the past few days that just made me laugh about how stupid the republicans have become…or still are? First, we have the idiot congressman from Florida name Yoho that came out the other day to proudly say he has told ole Boehner that he thinks the 10% tax on tanning beds that is included in the law is racist against whites since “no dark-skinned people” use them…yeah, not making this up, again…and then he goes on and on about how terrible the rest of the ACA is and how he will vote to repeal it…yada, yada…statements that are just dripping with stupidity since repeal is never going to happen. Then, we have a rep from NC at a town meeting the other day boasting about how many times he has voted to repeal the ACA when his constituents asked him why he wanted to make sure that they will never be able to afford insurance and never be covered for pre-existing conditions…and then asked what he would replace the ACA with…and, of course, the idiot couldn’t answer since they really don’t care if people like me can afford insurance or not…they have theirs and anyone else can go to hell….geez…
More republican hypocrisy…
Well…with all of the stories on Detroit’s bankruptcy, the one thing has struck me more than anything else is the height of the repub hate of the city….with Rand Paul spouting that there is no way in hell that he would ever vote to help them out and that has been echoed by the normal group of crazies on the right…and no, that’s not what I don’t understand…I have come to expect nothing but racism and meanness from the repubs…but, these are the same folks that had no problem spending hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan to rebuild those countries after we destroyed them, but they can’t see why it’s the federal government’s responsibility to help out in Detroit. Well…let me point it out to you…Detroit is part of America! The people that live there are US citizens! What the hell kind of world do the repubs want? One where…oh, yeah, that’s right…they want a world that is winner take all and to hell with everyone who is not connected, white, and Christian….this crap has got to end….geez…
The lack of outrage is doing me in…
Well…I have been working on trying to circumvent the lack of outrage lately but trying to make some faux outrage…is not working at all so I really don’t know what to write about…politics has reached the level of absurdity that I can’t top with the repubs going off the rails constantly…I really can’t believe how crazy these folks have gotten…the latest one that has me shaking my head is an editorial in the Detroit News yesterday arguing against medicaid expansion here in Michigan since when it was done in other states, not as many people signed up as was projected so we should not make it available to anyone who can’t afford insurance….or the other day, too…when ole Steven King. R from crazyland, said that he could spot an illegal immigrant from their “cantalope sized calves” that they get from carrying 75 pounds of drugs across the border…and sadly, I’m not making this up….then in another fit of the crazy…there are about 14 repub senators who say they will crash the world economy unless Obamacare is repealed…going along with ole Boehner who says that he will hold the debt ceiling hostage unless every safety net is destroyed….never mind that before Obama, the debt ceiling was raised 57 times with no drama…I wonder what the difference is now…hmmmm…could it be because the repubs are a bunch of racist hacks? No wonder the repub controlled congress is at the lowest approval rating in history…we just need to do something to throw these know-nothing idiots out in 2014…geez…
Not sure what to write…
Well…haven’t been thinking too much about what to write today but I do need to find something so I don’t get too far behind….maybe I’ll take a second look at the papers and see if there is anything there….oh, maybe we should all boycott Florida until they become humans again…I mean, letting ole Zimmerman off for killing a kid but then putting a black woman in jail for 20 years for shooting at her boyfriend (and missing) while he was beating her? No matter what anyone says, racism is alive and well and institutionalized in Florida. Then we have the repubs across this country seemingly unable to do anything but think, talk, and legislate against abortion when even their constituents don’t want that crap from them…so who are they representing? I am damn tired of having these religious nuts getting their way when they only represent about 15% of the people, the hard right that wants to turn this country into a theocracy. Maybe there is a little hope with the filibuster deal that was reached in the senate today….as I’ve said, the repubs only respect power and that Harry Reid finally used his is a good sign…but ole Mitch McConnell acted like the spoiled brat he is and opposed it….now, ole Harry just needs to use the nuke when, not if, the repubs renege on the agreement…
The repub stupid runs deep in Florida…
Well…I am laughing today after reading about a new law that the idiot repubs passed in Florida that would close all of the internet cafes there since they mistakenly believed that there was a huge network of illegal gambling going on in them…no matter that it wasn’t true…as in every repub controlled state, the facts don’t matter…just the gut feelings of these idiots. But, as always, in the rush to fix a problem that doesn’t exist, these folks wrote a law that essentially defines illegal slot machines as “any system or network of devices” that may be used in a game of chance…” I’m not sure about your phone or computer, but mine can easily be used in a game of chance…in fact, there are thousands of sites that I can access from both…so, what these geniuses have just done is outlaw all cell phones, computers, or computer game consoles that can access the internet…good job republicans, you are finally going to be able to go back to the founder’s times that you so revere…what a bunch of maroons…geez…
Obama needs to just say no…
Well…with the congress coming back this week…of course the first thing we get from the repubs is the newest threat to crash the world economy unless Obama agrees to slash SS, end Medicare, and cut, cut, cut the budget that even the IMF thinks is one of the worst ideas they have ever heard. The reason that our unemployment rate is holding steady and we are seeing moderate growth here in the US is the fact that Obama and his administration didn’t buy into the lies that the repubs were pushing that austerity leads to growth…just look at the continually rising unemployment rate in Europe to see the effects of this crap…and the study they used to push this crap was exposed as the right wing hack job and ideology cloaked in economics that it was…but that doesn’t matter to the repubs…they are still at the same crap they have been at for the past 20 years…gut the middle class and the unions and make the rich richer while destroying what little safety net there is left. So, Obama needs to keep his promise and just say no to this hostage taking…or, let them crash the economy…and drive the final nail in the coffin of this terrorist organization that is playing a political party…the entire country rejected the Ryan plan in the last election so why would Obama even consider trying to compromise with these idiots? No, more…..geez…
The repubs overrereach…
Well…one of the things that I find to be so telling about the crop of new laws to restrict womens rights that is happening in all of the repub controlled states is that they don’t see it to be the overreach that it is….in every state where this nonsense is going on, polls show that from 65 to 80% of the people there don’t want the legislatures to do this crap…they want them to focus on jobs, infrastructure, and education but the repubs, driven by their colossal hubris, and their need to control people they don’t like can’t help themselves…but, the one thing they just don’t get is that their win in 2010 was not the mandate they think it is…and the country is not the right wing utopia they want it to be…in fact, over the past two years, the country has moved more to the center as they see the repubs going farther and farther to the right. This delusion has driven the right to try to drag the country back into the bad old days of discrimination and this overreach will be their downfall in 2014…it can’t come too soon…geez…
House idiots…
Well…I was going to call this one “snakes on the trail” since I did see 5 of them today….or “snakes in the house” for the nonsense that is going on there, but “House idiots” seem to fit better with the fiasco that was the farm bill that didn’t pass this week. The funniest part was ole Beohner and Cantor trying to blame the dems for it…saying that “the dems don’t know how to govern”….no, that’s not the case…the reason the dems voted against this ugly bill is the 20 billion dollars in cuts to food stamps an other onerous requirement that were put on the people that have the need for assistance. These ugly repub idiots wanted to use this bill to punish people for losing their jobs and needing temporary assistance…going so far as to mandate drug tests before any benefits are offered. I guess the repubs don’t know how to read since the same ALEC fueled nonsense was struck down by the courts in Florida last year and the same thing would have happened if this law was passed. What the hell did they expect when the dems said no? There is still one party that cares about people, not just corporations and the rich and it isn’t the repubs…..
Still trying to write…
Well…have been trying to figure out what to write about today and I have been having little luck….I am just so burned out writing about the crazy on the right….the legislator in New England that thinks his “man’s brain” is the only way to understand healthcare…saying that women are too emotional to think straight….and then the craziest thing I have ever heard from another repub saying that we should ban abortion since fetuses masturbate…yeah, not making this up but the daily toxicity of this nonsense is taking a toll on me….how are people so stupid? What do we do? Just hang on until we can vote some of these idiots out of office…it used to be that if any congressman said any of this stuff, his own party would put an end to it and marginalize them until they were gone..but, it seems to me that the entire purpose of the right and conservatives these days is the grift, the payoff that comes from being crazy…and you just have to look at people like Palin, Bachmann, Gohmert and Cruz who are out to make their bones so they can then leach off the stupid on the right for the rest of their lives while the people that voted for them eat catfood to survive as the safety net is cut….it’s not going to be th UN that is the end of the US…it is going to be the stupid….geez…