Tag Archives: Donald Trump

You would think it would be easy…

Well…with all of the crap that is going on with the idiot in chief still trying to overturn the election and his moron followers threatening violence in the streets if the hitler in waiting is not installed as president for life, you would think it would be easy to find a topic in politics to talk about…yeah, not so easy so I’m going to just noodle a bit to see what happens. Did you see where one of the idiot boy’s lawyers actually thinks he is the reincarnation of Jesus? Yep and there is a long rant out on the internet…I won’t link to it because…geez, of course not….there is enough crazy out there without me posting any of it…oh, and Louie Gohmert get slapped down for his lawsuit against Pence with the novel interpretation of the constitution the he says gives Mike Pence the authority to overturn the results of the election on the 6th? After he lost the suit, Gohmert called for trump’s supporters to riot in the streets and threatened the appeals court with violence if they didn’t take up the case…and that led to ole Louie getting a bar complaint lodged against him for multiple violations of the law…so, there’s that…oh, and the moron in chief is still calling for his brown shirt supporters to show up in DC on the 6th and burn the place down if pence doesn’t give him the election…I wonder if that is proper for a *president to do? Okay, yeah…that’s sarcasm….god I can’t wait til that asshole is gone…

4 years and the idiot still doesn’t know how government works…

Well…you would think that after 4 years of being in charge of the government, the idiot trump would have some idea how it works…but you would be wrong for thinking it. After throwing his little temper tantrum over the weekend where he said he was going to veto the covid relief bill and the bill that would keep the government running, idiot boy signed both bills….but not until costing almost 20 million people 630 dollars each since they will lose a week of unemployment benefits that they wouldn’t have if the moron would have signed the bills on Saturday. That might not sound like much to the asshole in chief, but to people who will go hungry without it, it is a pretty damn big deal…and, I’m sure there will be some people who will be homeless just for that week’s delay. The worst part of the whole thing is the idiot stating that he has sent a “redlined” version of the bills back to Congress and wants them to make changes that he has requested…cripes, how stupid is that? The bills he signed are laws and can’t be changed unless they are replaced by new ones…and the *president doesn’t have a line item veto and no one around him knew or told him? The Congress has already said they are not going to change the bills…and what leverage does idiot boy have now other than tweeting nasty tweets at the senators and house members? You know, a good place to have started to get these changes would have been in the negotiations between the administration and congress…but trump was too damn busy shouting “election fraud” and golfing to be bothered with that…what a waste of space…

The baby pouts and the nation burns…

Well…we have a pouting baby for *president who is going to let the nation burn and people die just because he didn’t like the truthful reporting that he is not doing a damn thing and that includes the covid relief negotiations that led to a bill being passed…so now the pouting baby won’t sign the relief bill or the continuing resolution that is needed to keep the government functioning…and more people are going to die because of it…and 18 million Americans are losing their unemployment, 24 million face eviction, and millions of small businesses will fail without the funding that is in the relief bill…and the baby in chief is doing it all just because his own behavior made him look bad. One insider told a reporter that he is also doing this to “punish” the repubs in congress who don’t support his lies about “voter fraud” who he sees as betraying him…I put all of this on the repubs who knew what he was and what he would do when they unanimously voted to keep him in office even though he committed enough crimes to lock anyone else up for the rest of their lives….and they knew he would lash out at the country when he lost the election and they still support him even to this day…not one of them have said boo about throwing people out of their homes because they just don’t care…and this lays bare who the repubs are…but, people still vote for them, too, so I guess almost half the country doesn’t care either….and that’s a shame…geez…

Stupid trump supporters…

Well…with the eviction crisis barreling down on the country and widespread hunger accompanying it…and a relief bill sitting on idiot boy’s desk, gee, I wonder where he is? Hell, that’s one’s easy…he’s off golfing which has cost the taxpayers over 150 million dollars so far….no food for his voters but lots of golf for him…I wonder how his followers are going to feel when they are on the street because idiot boy couldn’t be bothered to do his job? The only damn thing he has been doing is pardoning left and right…letting all of his co-conspirators in the Russian election collusion go and the thing there is he told them if they just keep their mouths shut, like manafort and others did, they would get pardoned…clear obstruction of justice but the repubs are okay with that…after all, they had every chance to hold him accountable but not one of them did.The only thing we have to look forward to is more and more damage being done and I think that is idiot boy’s plan…destruction on a wide scale just for spite…and he doesn’t care who he hurts…he just gets his jollies from hurting people and revenge is now his top priority…and he doesn’t give a damn that his cult followers are going to be hurt the most by his assholery…geez…

The pardons begin…

Well…we all saw this coming…that the idiot trump would start pardoning the dregs of society and those who helped him collude with the Russians to win in the 2016 election…of course he started with Flynn and now Flynn is driving the bus of getting idiot boy to declare martial law and destroy the constitution….pretty bad dreg, huh? The latest pardons include three disgraced repub congressmen, and the worst one possible where he granted clemency to one of the Blackwater thugs who murdered 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians and was serving life without parole…but I guess that’s okay to the modern repub party…after all, killing 300,000 plus Americans is okay to them so what is 14 Iraqis?  This bullshit has to be tied around every repub neck for the rest of time since they had to chance to remove him and didn’t just to protect their power…and now they own it forever….and, it’s going to get worse…

It’s only 614 million dollars…no big deal…

Well…you know, I can’t believe that the maga assholes out there know about the outright theft of their donations to the idiot boy…I would be pretty pissed if I donated to a political campaign and found out that 614 million dollars of it was skimmed off by the trump family and made to disappear…but, then again, I have a working brain that knows the only reason the idiot got involved in politics was to grift as much cash as he could….just this week it was reported that Kushner created an LLC that funneled over 600 million dollars of campaign contributions through it with no reporting on where it went or who it went to…this is just another bigger version of what these criminals did with all of the inauguration cash that disappeared but that we all know ended up in trump’s pockets and it is still illegal to do that….do you think that trump’s justice department is going to look into that? Ha, ha, ha…that made me laugh out loud just writing it…but, as I’ve said before, on January 20th at noon, they lose their protection and they are so stupid they think that just because they got away with it during the idiot’s term, they are in the clear….I wonder if that smoke I see over DC is the indusrtial sized shredders running wide open to destroy the evidence? It won’t matter in this digital age where there are multiple copies of everything out there in the cloud….and DC can bring charges if the stupident pardons everyone…tick tock, trump…prison is coming….

Not a peep out of idiot boy…

Well…after the revelation of Russia’s ongoing cyber attacks on the US, have you heard a peep out of idiot boy on this subject? Nope, not a damn word….and I can guess why…trump doesn’t want to get Putin pissed so he can’t take asylum there when he is charged with the many crimes he has committed. Look, let’s call this what it is…it’s not a hack like the media is framing it…it is the new type of military attack on the battlefield where most battles are going to be fought from now and into the future….and it is from the Russian military that this attack is coming…and trump and the morons he put in charge of this country’s safety sit and do nothing…and to compound that (and I think to hide their incompetence) these idiots have told the experts in the Biden administration that there will be no more briefings at all until next year so that’s two weeks at least that Russia can do whatever it wants since trump won’t do anything other than bitch about “voter fraud” and golf….this is what happens when you have a *president who talks tough but is scared shitless of Putin, and who believes him more than our own IC….I guess idiot boy thinks this is just “fake news” and he has checked out anyway…refusing to take any intelligence briefings since he lost the election…maybe that is a good thing…he is so damn dumb he wouldn’t have anything to offer anyway…geez…

Bye, bye Bill Barr….

Well…hey, can you tell I’m still bored? I am…so let’s do another one…just yesterday, the worst AG int he country’s history announced that he is “resigning” effective on the 23rd of December to spend time with his family for the holidays. I’m sure this has nothing to do with the “heated” meeting this crook had with the idiot boy after he announced that there was no widespread vote fraud that the justice department could find that directly destroyed all of trump’s lies about the election. I think Barr is afraid of trump’s delusional followers since he wrote the most ass kissing resignation letter I have ever seen…praising trump’s “leadership” and all of his accomplishments…and all of the other bullshit that his synchophants always put in these letters…even though Barr’s damage is already done…at least he won’t be able to do more before January 20th…but the trump lover who takes his place could so we still need to watch out for that…good riddance asshole…

I’m already bored….

Well…it’s 9:21 am and I am already bored with this day….and it’s still only 21 degrees outside so even the prospect of getting a ride in today is far, far in the future…so, let’s talk a little politics…yesterday, the electors made it official and Joe and Kamala won the election…but the stupid repubs just won’t give it up…here in Michigan, they tried to send a bunch of “alternate electors” into the state capitol to vote for the idiot trump but they were stopped at the door since they had no legal standing other than in some delusional repubs head…I do like that Joe has started to call out idiot boy’s behavior for what it is…damaging to our country and democracy but I think he is naive if he thinks he is going to be able to work with the trump cult as he said in his speech….these people are too far gone down the rabbit hole and Joe needs to see the reality of it…that none of this is normal and normal methods aren’t going to do the job…he needs to have a plan in place for the alternatives when working with them fails…but, I’m sure that they have smart people working on that problem right now since Joe’s people are competent….not like idiot boy’s whose only skills are kissing trump’s butt….still haven’t seen trump’s tweetstorm for today but it must gall the hell out of him that Putin called Joe to congratulate him on his win and there will be comments coming…that should be rich…

The electoral college votes today…

Well…in any other presidential election year, voting by the electoral college to elect the new president would go by without many people even noticing it, since it has always been a foregone conclusion that the person getting the most votes in each state go the vote of that state’s electors. But, with the new, radical repub party, there are no rules and they are still trying to use the EC to cheat like they do everywhere and install the idiot boy for 4 more years. In all my long lifetime, I have never heard of threats of violence aimed at the electors in any state, but this new trump repub party, it is standard procedure to try to bully people and threaten violence if they don’t get their way…the threats got so bad here in Michigan that they closed the capitol for the EC votes in the senate chamber today and the electors have been given police escorts both to and from the chamber for the vote that is going on right now. Look, this is not normal…this kind of thing has never happened before and shouldn’t be happening now and the blame lies squarely on the repub party and it’s ringleader trump….at any point, or at every point the repub leadership should have shut this bullshit down but they are too damn scared of getting a trump tweet aimed at them…what kind of person can be scared of that asshole?  All I know is that everything that is happening is the fault of the repubs…and there is no “both sides do it bullshit”…not once, not ever, has a dem politician called for the cancelling of election that they lost in a desperate attempt to stay out of jail…but that is just what is happening now…and that is the only reason idiot boy is doing it now…he needs the office to stay out of jail…nothing deeper than that…and he believes that because he would do anything to win in business or politics, he projects that the dems did that in this election…a delusion he will die with…