Category Archives: Politics

Let’s investigate the investigation of the investigation…

Well…did you see this one coming? That the first response of the repubs to the FBI not finding any crime in the Clinton e-mail “scandal” is that the investigation the FBI did needs to be investigated? Because everyone just “knows” that Hillary is guilty and there must be a cover up going on since nothing was found…just like nothing was found in the 9 Benghazi investigations, like nothing was found in the Whitewater investigation…but the repubs continue to think that it is because the Clintons are “above the law”, not that there is nothing there…and now they are going to waste more of our money holding hearings on the investigation…I have had enough of these partisan hacks using our government for scoring political points….why don’t you do your job for a change? To go along with the obstruction that has been the centerpiece of the repub agenda for the past 8 years, we now have the idiot Ryan opening a new front by saying that he will ask the DNI to withhold security briefings from Hillary since she just can’t be trusted with the information….and Trump can be? God I hate these guys….they have done more to destroy the trust in the institutions of this country than any terrorist group could ever do…geez….

Trump is still an idiot…

Well…I guess now we know what the right wing meme is going to be over the ending of the Clinton e-mail “scandal”….the Donald tweeted that now that Clinton won’t be charged, then the administration has to pardon David Patraeus for doing the same thing…guess what you thin-skinned fraud? It’s not even close to being the same thing…Patraeus knowingly gave classified information to the woman who was writing his biography and who he was having an affair with…Clinton never gave classified information to anyone who didn’t have the clearance for it….she just used an un-secured server…the same thing Colin Powell and Condi Rice did…not a crime versus a clear crime…but, you don’t understand anything since you are such an idiot… should be right by accident at least a few times but even that never happens….what a maroon….geez…

The e-mail “scandal” is over….

Well…was just watching the FBI director’s news conference on the Clinton e-mails and I can hear the heads exploding on the right with the announcement that they are not recommending any charges in the case. Now, I really didn’t think there would be any charges since if there were, they would have to go back and charge every secretary of state from the past 25 years since e-mail was invented because they all did exactly the same thing…using private e-mail accounts for public business….but I agree with the director that this was sloppy and there was the possibility that some secret material could have been stolen. I can’t wait for ole Trump to tweet about this one….should be fun to see…maybe I’ll came back when he does…..

Are you surprised?

Well…with all of the evidence that the repubs economic plans of tax cuts for business and the rich do not work to create economic growth, are you surprised that another state has weighed in and it is not pretty…for workers, that is…for the rich it’s great. The latest analysis centers on Wisconsin and the tax cuts that the idiot Walker said would magically create jobs even though they have never worked anywhere else. But, that’s not the worst part of the whole scheme….these idiots missed the projections on what the tax cuts were going to cost the state and now they are more than doubled to almost 300 million dollars a year….and these cuts were a direct transfer to the rich with people with incomes of over a million dollars a year getting almost 80% of the cuts…a direct lie from ole Scotty who said the “middle class” would benefit. Where did the money for these cuts come from….hmmm…it seems like it just matches the amount of money they cut out of the University of Wisconsin system…after all, there are no repubs who want educated people…it makes them much harder to lie to. After the wreckage of Kansas and now the unfolding one in Wisconsin…and in every other state run by repubs that are in dire fiscal states, shouldn’t we be able to bury this tax cut nonsense once and for all? Probably not…since there are so many people driven by hate in this country….and they are all on the repubs side…geez…

Notorious RBG is at it again….

Well….just read a little story that was part of the landmark abortion rights win for women this week and the assent that was written by Ruth Bader Ginsberg….she basically put all of the repubs in the counrty on notice to stop the damn TRAP laws that don’t do anything to protect a women’s health by saying that none of these laws will pass muster since their only purpose it to make abortions harder to get. And today, the people who won the Texas case filed suit in Alabama since they have the same type of nonsense law that was thrown out in Texas….all I have to say is it’s about time that the courts started protecting women’s rights to control their own bodies…keep it up RBG….

An epic smackdown for hate….

Well…I was really pleasantly surprised yesterday with a federal court ruling that was an epic smackdown of hate legislation enacted in Mississippi that would have allowed discrimination against the LGBT community by idiots that would only have to shout “religion” and then be able to fire people for being gay, or refuse them housing, or doctors could refuse to treat gay people…you get the drift. In handing down the ruling, this judge did what I have  advocating for quite some time now…that the 14 amendment’s equal protection clause be used to attack this discrimination since they all create classes of people who have less rights than everyone else…and this judge threw in the establishment clause from the first amendment for good measure since the idiots that passed this law openly said it was based on religious beliefs and that is directly forbidden by the first amendment. It has been a pretty good week for we progressives who believe in an equal society…and with the appointment that Hillary will make to the supreme court….it is only going to get better…I can see the smoke coming out of the the ears of conservatives…and I just fricking love it….

Last one for the month…and more Trump, of course…

Well…you have to hand it to the super geniuses that are running the dumpster fire that is the Trump campaign for thinking out of the box…their campaign is so bigly stupendous that it can’t be contained in the US…and when those super geniuses sat down to figure out how to milk the most money from the rubes with the least amount of work, I’m sure one of the super geniuses thought that there are conservatives all around the world so why not ask them for money? So, earlier in the week, the super geniuses sent out a fundraising e-mail to conservatives all over the world to try to fill up the empty coffers that their fearless leader thinks is just not important enough of a task for him to do. Just one teensy little problem with the e-mail…it is illegal to solicit or take campaign contributions from outside the US….but Trump is so  bigly stupendous that he thinks the law doesn’t apply to him….or these “best people” are just to damn stupid to even tie their shoes in the morning…either one shows that Trump is not even remotely qualified to be president….or anything else but to be king of the grifters…geez…

Republicans are just evil…

Well…if you haven’t heard, there is a new health crisis that is heading for the US in the form of a virus called Zika…and, as usual, the repubs are playing politics with the health of citizens who may be affected by it. When are these evil bastards going to do their jobs? Okay, I’m ranting about this because Obama has asked congress for 1.9 billion dollars to protect the country and the most vulnerable pregnant women from this serious virus but what do the repubs do? They poison pill the bill with the funding by adding on riders that would defund PP, that would defund Obamacare and a laundry list of other right wing wet dreams that they know Obama won’t agree to…and they are doing it to just score political points and to be able to say that the dems are the ones holding up funding since Obama will veto any bill that is not clean….now, I don’t know about you but I think these assholes should actually do something to benefit and protect the American people…there are now almost 500 pregnant Americans who are at severe risk of having babies with birth defects because the repubs think everything is about politics and scoring cheap politcal points…this is the modern repub party folks…the party of pure, pure evil….geez…

Another stake through the heart of “religious freedom”

Well…finally, the supreme court the other day drove a stake through another claim of “religious freedom” from a case in Washington State when they turned aside claims by some religious pharmacists who claimed that to have to fill prescriptions for birth control violated their first amendment rights to their free practice of religion. Now, maybe, this will drive religion back to where it belongs, in churches and not being used to force these fanatic’s warped view of religion on their customers….one thing that struck me was Alito’s petulant dissent that the only source of moral and ethical behavior is religion and by not allowing people to force their religion on others, religious freedom will die….that’s a paraphrase, not an actual quote but you get the meaning…and, as an atheist, I take extreme exception to this religious fool trying to tell we atheists can’t be moral or ethical…but, I assert that an atheist choosing to live his or her life morally or ethically without the fear of retribution that comes with religion puts our morality and ethics on a different level than when derived from religion….after all, with no hell to fear or no vengeful god to appease, we live moral and ethical lives because it is the right thing to do…and it’s our choice….

Money down the drain in Michigan…

Well…those wonderful, fiscally responsible repubs that are running our state  flushed $800,000 of our dollars down the toilet over the past few months drug testing welfare recipients ostensibly to prevent them from spending welfare money on drugs. But, guess what? In all that testing not one person tested positive…and that explodes the repub myth that all welfare recipients are low life drug users…but, that’s not what testing is about anyway…it is just another way for the repubs to punish the poor since being poor, in the repub mind, is their fault and they are beneath contempt….I hope this starts to put an end to this nonsense once and for all…we all should let our reps know that this crap is unacceptable…won’t make any difference to the repubs but we should try…geez…