Well…with the Nunberg meltdown that took all of the oxygen out of the news media yesterday, one little story flew under the radar that is just more evidence of Russian meddling in our country and the fact that the idiot trump is not doing anything about it. This story would be shocking in any other “administration”, but with all of the scandal and cronyism coming out of the WH, it has not gotten the attention it deserves….yesterday it was reported that Christopher Steele told Bob Mueller that his contacts in Russia have told him that Russia intervened when the idiot trump wanted Mitt Romney as his Secretary of State since Romney is a noted hawk on Russia and would ensure that the sanctions on Russia were not lifted. So, who did we get when the Russians vetoed Romney? Rex Tillerson who Putin awarded the Russian Order of Friendship to for his collaboration with the Russians when he was the head of Exxon/Mobil…and someone who has so many connections to Russia that Putin thought he would be easily manipulated to support removing sanctions. Is this treason, finally? How about it repubs…are you going to do anything now when the idiot in the WH is clearly doing Russia’s bidding? What a traitorous bunch…impeach….
Tag Archives: impeachment
What a meltdown…
Well…haven’t been feeling that hot this afternoon and I thought I wouldn’t be back for a second one…but, this was just too damn delicious to pass up. This afternoon, one of the idiot trump’s campaign aides, Sam Nunberg, went into a total meltdown on every news channel there is today in response to a grand jury subpoena that was served on him by Mueller, saying that he wouldn’t turn over the e-mails and texts to and from others on the campaign and wouldn’t even show up for his meeting on Friday…basically daring Mueller to arrest him. In the multi show meltdown, there was one nugget that came out that I’ll bet has the WH crapping themselves today…talking to Jake Tapper, Nunberg said that trump knew about the meeting in trump tower with Russian spies and talked about it a week before it happened…now, I’m not sure how much you can trust someone who has clearly gone over the edge, but, if true, this will just add to the obstruction of justice evidence that Mueller already has on idiot boy…can’t wait to hear Rachel tonight…this should be fun….impeach…
This is too damn funny….
Well…it has been a busy day today with lots of traveling but, after I read this one, I had to do just a short one on this. Okay, buried the lede again…not sure if you saw it or not but twitter went crazy today getting rid of the bots that infest the site…and since most of them were supporting the right wing assholes that also infest the site, they went crazy today screaming “censorship” since they didn’t have any bots reinforcing their right wing assholery. But, the funniest thing was that the idiot trump went from 49 million followers to 14, and Twitter revealed that all of his “followers” were from a Macedonian bot farm whose full time job was to support trump…and now he is left with his idiot family as his only followers…and that makes me wonder why Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell or any other repubs don’t follow the idiot…could it be that they realize how ridiculous he is? And how worthless that anything that comes out of his mouth or out of his twitter account is….the poor baby must just be crushed tonight…cripes, I have more followers on Twitter than he has…and that make me laugh out loud…impeach….
It was a coup d’etat…
Well….with what we know now about the Russian’s attack on this country, it is clear that the Russians were successful in plotting and executing a coup d’etat in the US. With this coup, they have successfully installed the least qualified person in the world to be president here, and, when you look back in history, this really doesn’t look very much different from the many other coups that were done by Russia in the 50′s through the 90′s…although the earlier ones were done by military intervention instead of cyber manipulation of the electorate….the goal was similar, to ensure that an easily manipulated stooge was installed to sow chaos across the target country. The only question left to answer is what are the repubs going to do about it? When will they “protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic” as they all pledged to do when they took their oath of office…yeah, right…never…impeach….
six frickin minutes….
Well…I know, I promised to not do another one on the idiot over the weekend but I just had to comment on the hospital visit the moron did yesterday on the way to another golf weekend….and yes, it only lasted 6 minutes including the walk from his limo and back…so really, he was in the hospital for around 3 minutes to get the photo op that the repubs are so good (bad) at…just like Paul Ryan washing clean dishes at a homeless shelter, the idiot trump basically walked in one door and out another while trying to praise the staffers at the hospital where many of the injured were being treated…and failing spectacularly at that….the feeling of the community was conveyed succinctly by some of the students in Parkland who tweeted “just stay the hell away from us”…a sentiment that is shared by most of us here in the US…just stay the hell away from us….and go golf…geez…
Just a couple more things…
Well…yeah, I know, too much of the idiot trump over the past few days but damn, it’s such an easy target that I have to do just one more today…won’t promise that this will be the last one for the week but, I’ll try to cleanse my karma over the weekend by not doing more on the moron. So, donnie, what about this latest cheating on your wife with a Playboy bunny? Yeah, I can’t even imagine anyone wanting to sleep with the obese idiot..let alone have an affair with him…that reaches to the top level of my ick meter and mine goes to 11. I wonder if it will ever come out that this was all caused by Obama? I’m sure that will be idiot boy’s response this weekend…oh, one last thing…I wonder when donnie will get on placing the sanctions on Russia that he is required to do for them meddling in our elections? And, I wonder when the rest of the repubs are going to stop supporting this poor excuse for a person? Yeah…never….impeach…
Can’t call it a “hoax” anymore, donnie…
Well…just finished watching the announcement of new indictments in the Russia conspiracy where 13 Russians were charged with interfering in the US election process…starting in 2014. So, donnie, you can’t call the Russian meddling a “hoax” anymore and, as more info comes out, it will surely be proven that it was all done to get you elected since you and your cronies are the stupidest group that has ever sat in the WH…and the most easily manipulated “president in the history of the country. What are you going to say to Putin now? Since you continue to trust Putin’s denials more than your own justice department, will you still continue to cover his ass and do his work for him? The media needs to latch onto this one and understand that this is just the first set of indictments and the idea that Rosenstein dropped that the trump campaign was only an unwitting participant will be seen as the lie that it is….there are going to be many, many more indictments since Mueller is just now flipping Manafort’s buddy, Rick Gates, and is offering him a plea deal…and, let’s not forget that Steve Bannon talked to Mueller’s group for hours this week and that information was not used in today’s indictments. I just can’t wait for the idiot trump to try to spin this one on twitter this weekend…after all, he is golfing, again, and we all know that is when he goes berserk….impeach,,,
Trump opens mouth, more lies….
Well…god, how much longer do we have to listen to this two-bit liar every day? Just today, the idiot boy tried to take credit for GM closing down it’s Korean assembly plant, saying that they were closing it to move production back to the US…and trying to make it all about him in his deluded little mind…that all he had to do was be alive and every good thing that ever happens is due to him…one little problem…it’s another lie, lie, lie…..the only thing he got right was that yes, GM is closing it’s assembly plant in Korea, but it has not one damn thing to do with the idiot Donald…when asked, GM said it was a part of a restructuring of it’s Korean unit and no production from that plant is going to come back to the US….none…and yet, what is the media’s reaction to this blatant, deluded lie? Nothing but crickets and that is the problem, why aren’t they peppering Sarah the liar with questions at the WH daily briefing…or, why the hell are they even still going to it? The media gets nothing from it other than lies…they need to all walk out and just stop listening to the liars…geez….
trump does nothing….
Well…as we all know, the idiot trump is the laziest person ever to sit in the WH and really doesn’t do anything that a normal president would do…this laziness is starting to endanger the country and congress needs to do something about it…okay, that’s not going to happen but that doesn’t mean we should resign ourselves to just accepting the damage as being normal. Just today, the head of the FBI revealed that trump has not once asked any of the intelligence services to look into Russia’s attack on our elections or to put plans in place to stop them from doing it…yeah, I’ll repeat that…one of the most dangerous threats to our country is not important to the idiot…and I’m sure you can figure out why….the Russians still have the compromising info they use to control the idiot and keeping that quiet is more important to trump than the future of this country….the frickin definition of treason and yet the rpub congress does nothing….and to put an exclamation point of how stupid and dangerous trump is, we just have to look at his behavior when dealing with the Russians on the middle east…idiot boy has had 8 conversations with Putin that no one, no media or any other people in his administration has been able to listen in to….and now, trump has said that Putin “speaks for him” about the Palestinian problem and has left it to Putin to find a solution….how would this have played in the repub congress if Obama had abdicated his responsibilities to be president since he was just too lazy to put in any effort? When, repubs? When are you going to put the country first? Yeah, I know, never….impeach…
Defending an abuser…
Well….the repub party continues to sink to new lows after trying to defend the child molester Roy Moore in the Alabama senate election, and now that continues with the full throated defense of Rob Porter, a senior WH adviser who resigned yesterday after revelations of domestic abuse surfaced from both of his ex-wives. This is the party of family values, folks…the party that has beaten the dems over the head with their holier than thou attitudes for the past 30 years but now we see the reality…that they are perfectly fine with hiring abusers just as long as no one finds out about it…and even when it is found out, they continue to support these folks, with Orrin Hatch saying he would hire “as many Rob Porters as he could” and that he is a “fine man”…yeah, no, no man can be a “fine man” if he verbally and physically abuses his wife or significant other…and this is just not up for debate…any incidence of this and that disqualifies you period….and the sick thing is that trump and his cronies knew about Porter’s abuse of both of his exes before they hired him…with this latest expose of how the repubs really feel about women, they have no damn right to lecture anyone on “family values” or morality…they sacrificed that when they elected a serial sexual abuser to the WH and are perfectly fine with it…impeach….