October 22nd

Well….running late this morning with working out some computer problems…and I didn’t get out of bed until 7:30 which is really late for me….oh, and I lost at pool yesterday but had tons of fun driving out and back with the top down so that was cool…don’t feel as bad as I should this morning and I’m not sure why…but I’ll take it….not even too sore…didn’t get much done yesterday since it was a Friday and today looks the same with all of the sports that are on…lots of races, football and soccer so at least I won’t be bored…and I have some work to do around here so it may be one of those days that I accomplish something…or, maybe not…who knows? I do know that I want to have more coffee as I wait for the temp to come up so I can get on the bike…need to get the rub on the pork loin for tomorrow but that will come later…..more later….

October 21st

Well….I still have that damn headache I’ve had for a couple of weeks now and I am getting tired of it…I know it’s allergies but I have that line from “Kindergarten Cop” in my head…”it’s a tumor” said in Swartzenegger’s voice….left a window open last night and it’s not a good idea when it’s 41 degrees…pretty darn cold in here but I refuse to put the heat on yet….too early….got a few things done yesterday but nothing really big…but, didn’t have anything big to do so I guess that’s okay….it’s pool day today and I think I may have to wear a fleece to put the top down out and back…at least it’s not going to rain…not much to do today….boy, haven’t used that line in a while…just pool and that is it….but, right now I need more coffee and to catch up on the news…more later….

The final debate….

Well….I’m sure you’re as glad as I am that the last debate is over and we don’t have to listen to the idiot Donald anymore. Anyone who still thinks that moron is even remotely qualified to be president is just as delusional as he is….and he showed his delusions last night….113 lies in an hour and a half is a new record for any political event. I really liked the way that Hillary just eviscerated him on abortion rights…okay…and everything else and the zinger “I was in the situation room when you were on your reality show” just highlighted the differences in experience that there is between the moron and Hillary. All in all, I was able to watch most of this one since I had confidence that Hillary would maul him and Trump would go off the rails again…and he did…with the worst statement by any candidate from any era…that he wouldn’t say if he’ll accept the results of the election….and just today at another speech (why he is still doing them is a mystery to me) he joked that he would accept the results “if he won” and showed again that he knows and cares nothing about the constitution…but, we really don’t have to worry about him winning…the latest polls put his chance of winning at under 8%…so, bye bye Donnie…and good riddance….sad….


October 20th

Well….not sure what kind of a day it was yesterday…I did get my hair cut and then the rest of the normal stuff but that is about it…have just felt off the past few days and I’m not sure why…and that continues today….hmmmm….I did watch the debate last night and I will do one on that later today….it was fun to watch the idiot self destruct…what a poor excuse for a human being….I did get the grocery run in today and it’s another week of spending 50 bucks for nothing….and that is a little discouraging….they are going to finish up putting the turn lane in at the end of my road today and that should make the traffic bearable in the morning…can’t believe how busy the streets around here are….okay….need more coffee and news so I’m going back to the couch for a while….more later….

Tonight’s debate…

Well…don’t really want to talk about the idiot Trump again but I guess I have to with the shenanigans that Trumps advisers are pulling for tonight…no policy other than the nonsense we’ve heard throughout the campaigns but, of course, Trump is running off into his delusions with who he invited to the debate. First, he invited Obama’s half brother who is a Trump supporter…not sure if they know it or not but he is also a Hamas supporter…you know, the terrorist group that wants Israel wiped off the map? I wonder what the reason would be? I hate to break it to you, Trump, but Obama is not running anymore and I’m sure that Hillary just doesn’t give a damn who you invite. One of Trump’s idiot surrogates say that inviting this loser is just the beginning of the “surprises” that they have for tonight…yeah, like having the grieving mother of one of the four killed in Benghazi there so they can use her, again, for some damn reason….what about the families of the 4,000 plus Americans who were killed by the GOP’s trumped up war in Iraq? I did get cocktail materials for the debate tonight since I am going to need it…but, the bottom line is that unless Hillary collapses and dies on the stage, she is going to be president…and there is nothing Trump can do about it…SAD!

October 19th

Well…the furnace guys finally came at 1:30 in the afternoon and that put a big crimp in my day…by then, the wind was blowing 20-30 and going into that left me with many more muscle pains today…but, there is an explanation for it so that is cool…and it was almost 80 when I went out but that will be the last on of the year that warm….but, it is almost 50 right now so I will be able to go out after I get my hair cut….I did get this place cleaned up over the past few days and I kind of like it….it is easy to let the place go since no one will see it but me….still do need to get rid of the papers since the pile is head high but that can wait til later….don’t have a lot to do today but get my hair cut and the normal stuff so it will be an easy day…Man City and Barcelona are playing in the champions league this aft so that might be one to see…more later….

Neil Young….

Well….no, nothing has happened to Neil….let’s get that out of the way right off the bat….I just watched an hour long interview with Neil done by Dan Rather and, even after being a fan for over 40 years, I learned a bunch of new stuff that I didn’t know before. First….he had polio when he was a kid and still can’t really control the left side of his body as well as his right…and that flashed into my head the explanation for how he plays guitar…the choppy, kind of crude way that he plays is a result of that disease….but the rest of the interview was a portrait of someone who is at peace with his life and yet wants it to continue…similar to how I’ve started to feel over the past few years…I wonder if that happens to everyone or if it’s a result of the introspection that I have felt and done, and what Neil has done? Whatever it is…it was a riveting and good natured hour…one of the pieces of insight that I took away was when Dan asked Neil if he was angry all the time given that many of his songs protest things going on in the world…and Neil said no…his answer was that he loves people and this country and that love drives him to comment and try to make the place better…and the funny part was Neil asking Dan if he thought he looked and acted angry and Dan had to admit he didn’t…pretty cool stuff for a Tuesday morning as I sit here and wait for the furnace guys to show up….

October 18th

Well….I finally got this place cleaned up some yesterday and I feel a little good about that…made a little cash, too so there will be a haircut and groceries this week…..but today will be disrupted by waiting for the guys to come and work on the furnace today…and that makes a lot of work for me and I may not be able to get out on the bike until later…so, I guess I’ll just sit here and wait and have more coffee….had the car crushing dream again last night but it was not the Miata…it was some British car that I was driving like a 50′s Jaguar XK-120…weird….not too sore today and that is an improvement over the past few days but the allergies are still bad and they are probably worse than any year so far….could be that it is 75…in the middle of October…and it’s only 8:14 in the morning…oh, well…need to go get more coffee and read more news for a topic for later….at least the Wings won last night…..more later….

Those bastards are ruining our democracy…

Well…if it wasn’t enough that ole Trump is undermining our democracy by claiming there is “widespread” voting fraud going on right now (there isn’t)…now we have John McCain doing even more to ruin the US democracy by promising that the repubs will never approve another supreme court nominee that is put up by a dem president. Yep, you heard that one right…the repubs have promised to do their best to wreck democracy here in the US by making sure that the supreme court can’t do it’s job….these idiots are proposing a constitutional crisis as politics as usual…something that has never happened in the history of our country…never happened when GW appointed justices or any other repub but these guys just think that ideology is more important than doing their jobs and it makes taking back the senate even more important since the repubs have shown they have no interest in following the rules that have worked for 240 years. So, get out and vote and let’s not let these self centered idiots ruin this country…geez…

October 17th

Well…I finally got a bunch of cleaning done yesterday and that will continue today after I get the normal stuff done….the allergies are better this morning and I’m not sure why…still have that darn headache I’ve had for weeks now and I would really like it to go away…the newly painted wiper arms look pretty cool and I’m glad I got them done before winter….makes the car look more modern and new….I did get a bike ride in with just a t-shirt yesterday and today looks the same since it is already 66…but the wind is supposed to be blowing 30-40 later in the day so I need to get out soon…still blowing 15 or so right now so I’ll probably come back sore going into it….okay need to get going to finish the coffee and read some more news before I get started…and Man U plays this aft so I need to get everything done before 3….more later….