A good day…

Well…just a had a visit from a friend and his dog and it was a lot of fun…I did get two bike rides in outdoors today and then had to wash the bike since there was so much dirt, sand, and leaves on it that had jammed the front shifter and started to make a lot of noise…will take it out again in the morning to try to get two rides in before the rain comes in and it looks like it will be warm enough as soon as the sun comes up…I should get to 5,000 miles tomorrow and then everything after that will be gravy…the Lions won today and that makes them NFC North champions for the first time since 1994 with an 11-4 record…so now maybe some playoff football for the first time since I was much younger…now it’s time to make ice for the cocktails tonight…

December 24th

Well…I really thought that today was going to be one of those days when you wake up at 5 and just know you won’t get back to sleep…but then I looked at the phone again and it was 6:26 so I guess I was wrong…and I can get going on the bike this morning at first light since it is 45 already and the wind is cooperating, too at only 6 out of the SE…so I’ll have both rides in before 11 and then can get on to doing nothing the rest of the day…I think the Lions play at 1 so maybe I’ll just veg out this afternoon…need to use the soup I made the other day and I need to keep with the one meal a day thing I’ve got going to keep losing weight…didn’t get a lot done but the rides and cooking yesterday and just need to clean the kitchen up a bit today so that shouldn’t take long…going to voltaren my right thigh before I get on the bike today since it hurt like crazy yesterday…my whole right leg hurt from my hip down and now the damn gout is back and my right big toe is killing me,,,might try voltaren on that, too, just to see if something works on that…not much to do today…just the rides to get started and then I’ll wing it from there…more later,,,

Rode outside again today…

Well…yeah, I didn’t do a political one today since I got so far behind with getting two rides in outside and then making the big ham and everything that goes with it…so, of course I’m still full and will only do one meal today…might have some cheese and crackers with ham and stone ground mustard later and that will count for my second meal…they’ve closed the beach road…hmmm…I think I talked about that yesterday so I won’t go on about it again today…I did get the tires all aired up on the car and bike today and got to use my new digital pressure gauge and it’s pretty cool for 9 bucks…the car tires were down about 6-7 pounds since I haven’t checked them in a long time…now I have them all within  a half pound of each other…okay…still have stuff to do so I’ll end here…

December 23rd

Well…up and down last night and finally out of bed at 6:14 but I feel okay so I’ll take it…it’s warm enough at 41 to get out on the bike as soon as it gets light so I’m going to try to get two rides in this morning before I start the ham on the grill….and it looks like I’ll be able to ride outdoors for the next couple of days and that is such a change from last year when I was off the bike from ice on the trail from Thanksgiving until March…crap…Man U plays at 7:30 so that throws a wrench into my plans…so maybe I’ll cook early and ride in the afternoon…had an okay day yesterday with getting lots of miles in and hope to do that again today…should probably clean a bit today but that could wait til tomorrow…need to find a new book to read today after finishing the Clarke yesterday and I’m not sure what genre I want to get into…scifi or mystery? I guess we’ll see later…the coffee needs to work right now so I can get on with it but I wonder why? One of these days I’m going to break the spell of doing things and just relax for a while…could that be today? Probably not but I can think about it….more later…

Getting there…

Well…it was a good day today and I got two rides in downstairs and then went out and did a ride outside for a total of 31 today…and I did the math and I only have 73 more to go to get to 5,000 for the year when I really thought I’d be lucky to get to 3,000…and I’m not too sore today but my damn right thigh hurt on the whole outside ride so I’ll have to voltaren it tomorrow if I get out…along with my right thumb…and my damn gout is back again so I’m drinking tons of water since not getting enough is the cause of it for me…I am so happy with the repairs I made to the bike and I’m even getting used to the new pedals with figuring out where my feet have to be on them to be comfortable…they closed the beach road gates today and that means they won’t be moving any sand until spring and I’ll have to cut the loop out that goes to my water stop on the boardwalk in  a couple of days…and make it up by riding past downtown and then looping back to here…and that will be okay since I want to look at the lights they have up downtown and see if anything has changed…break time…

Elections have consequences…

Well…I know you’ve heard me post that phrase much more than once but with the news out of Wisconsin yesterday, it is even more true…a couple of months ago, another dem was elected to the Wisconsin SC that tilted it away from repub control for the first time in years…and guess what happened? In the worst gerrymandered state in the country, this new court just ordered the repubs who cheated by making districts that really favor them to the point that in a 50-50 state, they control over 65% of the legislature seats…to draw new ones that don’t cheat and give them an unfair advantage…but you know that the new repub thing is to ignore court rulings they don’t like all over the country…and when they ignore the court, which they will here, too…how do you enforce it? Not sure about that one at all since there has never been a political party in the US that only believes and respects rulings that favor them…and we need to realize that and fix it…geez…

December 22nd

Well..the pattern holds with waking up around 4 and the out of bed before 6…only two sips of coffee into the first cup and I need to pour it down to get moving…have an errand to run this morning then I’m going to try to get two rides in outdoors but it’s looking like I’m going to be a little short on getting to 5,000 miles this year and I’m okay with that…tried hard and worked my ass off to get there but how can I be disappointed with what used to be a triumph? I did make the potato soup with kielbasa yesterday and it came out great…now the question is do I make the ham today or tomorrow? Think I ate too much with two meals yesterday so I’ll have to cut back to one today and that means just a bowl of soup so I’ll make the ham tomorrow….didn’t get enough done yesterday but I don’t feel like doing anything right now at 6:49….I am going to take a day off at some point…yeah, that made me laugh, too….that’s probably not going to happen…not much to do today…just the errands and bike rides…might do one downstairs if it doesn’t warm up soon enough…the days start getting longer today and I’m up for that…more later…

Poor, poor Rudy…

Well…and I do mean poor…as of today when ole rudy filed for bankruptcy saying he owes 500 million dollars that he can’t pay so the liquidation starts soon…but this doesn’t discharge the 148 million he owes to the Georgia poll workers since defamation judgements are exempt from discharge by bankruptcy…and you know what? He did all of this for frickin trump…probably the worst person in the entire world and dumber than a box of rocks…so what does that say about rudy? He could have just stayed at his law firm and out of politics and he’d be making a million bucks a year with two or three homes and more money that he could spend…but no, he was not bright enough to recognize that anything the idiot trump touches dies…just another grifter who couldn’t just be a normal person and live by the rules…and let’s remember, rudy still has the Georgia criminal trial that will probably land him in prison for the rest of his life…what a screw up…geez…

December 21st

Well…happy winter solstice to everyone….slept okay last night but the morning pattern is getting to be a bore with getting up at 3, 5, and then out of bed at 6:10…and it’s still going to be too damn cold to go outdoors on the bike until this aft if I get out at all…so I’ll start the day with two rides indoors…and then make some potato soup for lunch…I did buy another ham so that will be cooked tomorrow and that will keep me fed for another week…so that puts making ham soup after new years…didn’t get much done yesterday but I will try to get some cleaning done today….it’s going to get into the 50′s for a couple of days but with rain so I may miss getting outdoors for the end of the year…it looks like I’m not going to make 5,000 miles for the year but I gave it a good try…ate two meals yesterday and I feel pretty guilty about that…need to try to do three rides today to have 31 miles in to get closer but I’m not too motivated right now…not much to do today…just going to have coffee and sit here a bit…have a little over an hour before I need to get on the bike and I want the coffee to start working….more later…

Off the ballot in Colorado…

Well…I think we all owe a big thank you to Colorado for the SC decision that the idiot trump is disqualified from getting on the ballot there since he led an insurrection against the US…this is exactly what article 3 of the 14th amendment says…that you can’t hold any office in the US if you attack it or help others attack it…and the context is that this part of the amendment was written specifically to keep people who supported the south in the Civil War from getting into the government…not much different from what idiot boy tried to do…I’m sure this is going to be appealed but the language of the amendment clear…and of course idiot boy is freaking out, calling the ruling “undemocratic” when the courts decision is just upholding the constitution against an asshole who plotted and planned an insurrection…I guess the ketchup is hitting the walls again at his tacky golf club…now we need to rest of the blue states to follow suit…we only need 3 or 4 and even if the repubs nominate him, that will be enough votes to keep him miles away from the WH….geez…