Well…with the congress coming back this week…of course the first thing we get from the repubs is the newest threat to crash the world economy unless Obama agrees to slash SS, end Medicare, and cut, cut, cut the budget that even the IMF thinks is one of the worst ideas they have ever heard. The reason that our unemployment rate is holding steady and we are seeing moderate growth here in the US is the fact that Obama and his administration didn’t buy into the lies that the repubs were pushing that austerity leads to growth…just look at the continually rising unemployment rate in Europe to see the effects of this crap…and the study they used to push this crap was exposed as the right wing hack job and ideology cloaked in economics that it was…but that doesn’t matter to the repubs…they are still at the same crap they have been at for the past 20 years…gut the middle class and the unions and make the rich richer while destroying what little safety net there is left. So, Obama needs to keep his promise and just say no to this hostage taking…or, let them crash the economy…and drive the final nail in the coffin of this terrorist organization that is playing a political party…the entire country rejected the Ryan plan in the last election so why would Obama even consider trying to compromise with these idiots? No, more…..geez…
Tag Archives: debt ceiling
Obama’s testy and combative?
Well…I was laughing my ass off yesterday when the analysis clones were out in force calling Obama’s press conference “testy and combative” with nothing but attacks on the repubs and putting forth the proposition that he would get farther if he was “more friendly” to the repubs that have spent the past 4 years attacking everything about Obama and his administration; and doing their best to not cooperate. I think Obama’s combative nature in the presser was a reaction to all of the crap and lies he has gotten from the right…they never wanted to compromise in good faith and Obama is finally learning that you can’t reason with bullies, that you need to smack them in the mouth and then maybe they will change their behaviors. I, for one, am glad he finally said enough, enough to the hypocrisy that saw the repubs raise the debt ceiling for ole GW any time the country needed it and never held it hostage to the cuts that they are screaming about now…and there is no equivalency of the dems reactions back then to the repubs now…the dems never fillibustered or put silent holds on the bills to increase the ceiling..or even threatened to do so….and may of these same repubs that saw no problem with giving GW what he wanted are leading the charge against raising the ceiling now…and their only reason is their blind, naked hatred of Obama….geez…
A good quote…
Well…I didn’t watch the president’s press conference but I have been seeing the quotes coming fast on twitter and one stood out and made me laugh…it’s not really funny..only in an odd way that I would think it is…”the House GOP will not collect a ransom for not crashing the American economy…” basically saying that he is not going to cut more just to keep the crazy assed repubs from hurting the American people….and I do like that he put a stake in the ground that he wasn’t going to negotiate every couple of months to keep the government running like the repubs are proposing…good for all of us…these folks are just fricking delusional…and they keep saying that we have to continue to cut, cut, cut….when there has already been 2.4 trillion dollars cut…I think Obama should just say this one thing…”do your job, Congress” and then walk away and force them to…we can only hope anyway…
Yeah, I know…not much flow here…but I am trying….
Just some facts…
Well…with all of the repub lying that is going on concerning the federal budget and the debt ceiling, I thought it would be a good idea to actually inject some facts into the argument instead of the talking points the repubs are using for nothing more than partisan advantage. First, if you were to listen to the repubs, Obama has printed up trillions of dollars and is merrily running around the country giving them away by the truckload…increasing spending every day by those truckloads…the only problem here is it’s just not true…in fact in the last two years, over 2.4 trillion dollars has been cut from the budget with a resulting lowering of the deficit that has happened every year since Obama took office. A fact that the repubs don’t believe since they just don’t believe in facts or math…the second thing I wanted to clear up with facts is that the president is not required to negotiate or agree to cuts in anything to have the debt ceiling raised…the debt ceiling is raised to pay for things that the congress…yep, the congress, has already said they want to pay for passing bills in the House and Senate to do so…has nothing to do with the executive branch…so what I would do if I were Obama is nothing…if the repubs want to trash the economy by not doing their jobs then let them…they will own it and in two years we will control all of the government and will be able to get the country’s business done…geez…
Another hostage drama….
Well…with the negotiations that have been ongoing across the country on the debt ceiling and even the NHL, one thing has struck me is the similarity between them and the way that they resemble hostage dramas on tv…when did we lose the ability to negotiate as adults? Why can’t the people running out government just stop this crap and do their jobs? I will place the blame on the government problems right where it belongs, on the repubs who were sent to Washington to govern but are so crazy that they only want to destroy the government not work with it to do the people’s business; trying all the time for partisan advantage instead of governing. That was highlighted by the idiot McConnell’s statement that “we’re done with taxes” implying that all of the rest of the movement toward cutting the deficit is going to have to be cuts in expenditures when there has been absolutely no work done to reform the tax code other than some noodling around the edges….what about the tax code that allows billionaires to pay 10% on income while the rest of us pay three times that? We are not done with taxes and Obama needs to come out today and tell the country that, that ole Mitch is wrong…and stupid…geez…
I’m done with Obama..
Well…this debt deal is such a big pile of steaming crap that I have lost all faith in Obama’s ability to do anything right…he just gave the country away to the tea party nuts and got nothing in return….so our economy is going to go back in the tank if you believe anything of Keynes…but the right doesn’t believe in anything that doesn’t help the rich and business and they’ve never let facts get in the way of governing by faith…thinking that if they just believe hard enough will make their nonsense the truth….but the fault for this whole thing rests solidly on the shoulders of Obama and his incompetence….along with this inability to understand that you can’t negotiate with people that just don’t care about the country or the people in it….Obama just blows in the wind and takes the crumbs that these radicals offer….where’s the veto pen? Where are the guts? I do hope that the rest of us progressives just bypass him and get on with making this country what it can be…not the dark vision of the repubs….
The economic know nothings win….
Well…it looks like the economic know nothings in the congress have won and we are headed back into recession with the trillions of dollars in cuts that are included in the bill… the repubs keep saying that these cuts will stimulate the economy but it has never happened in the history of modern economies and I guess it just like everything else with those guys; the have faith that they are right and that’s all they need. As I’ve said before and as every econ 101 student knows, demand is what drives economies to expand and this bill will lower demand from both the government and individuals…it’s what I learned in my masters program…you can’t cut your way to growth…and this slack recovery is the direct cause of business squeezing their workers to the point that it’s hard to make ends meet on two incomes nowadays; it used to be that you could do it on one…this gutting of the middle class has reached a tipping point that I think will doom us to a permanent recession or stagnation…you reap what you sow…
Now, all that’s left to do is wait until the crash hits and vote these nuts out of office and repair this damage…
A few things…
Well…It’s been a long day already and I am a little disappointed with the turns today…I did get a bike ride in but I am so frickin sore that I can barely move and I can’t understand it…okay, I know, I can go take a couple of ibuprofen and I’ll be better but I just don’t want to have to go buy more…yeah, that’s as stupid as it sounds….but I have been feeling like that lately. Another month has gone by and I still haven’t done much this summer…I can’t afford to do much but there should be something to do that doesn’t cost a lot…
I still don’t understand this whole debt ceiling nonsense….it has been raised 47 times under repub presidents and now it can’t be done because we have a dem administration. Didn’t these guys understand that they have to govern after they got elected not just posture for their base? I am really glad that I’m getting older…I don’t want to see this once great country hijacked by the know nothings that dominate the repub party…they are the worst sort of true believers who see their election as a crusade and you take no prisoners in a crusade…some of these guys have even said they don’t need to do anything since god will take care of them and the country….geez…
Let’s stop this nonsense…
Well….with all of this nonsense about the right wingers holding the country hostage or, being allowed to hold the country hostage, I have had enough…what I want Obama to do now is take everything off the table; to stop compromising with the repub thugs and say you get nothing….the only thing we should give them is a sharp kick in the ass and tell them we are tired of their childish nonsense and they will not be rewarded for being children….and then just let the country go into the tank…maybe we need this kind of wrenching trouble to eradicate the tea partiers from this country…..Grover Norquist doesn’t own this country and he needs to be told that…that legislators pledge to uphold the constitution not some no tax pledge that he has bludgeoned the repubs into signing and upholding….geez….
We lose again….
Well…the debt ceiling nonsense that is going on in Washington is sucking the life right out of me….when I hear that the dems are giving up everything…..cut to SS, Medicare, and every other program that helps the retired or middle class to the repub thugs and they are not getting anything in return, I despair for the future of this country. If it wasn’t for all of the things the repubs did…the two wars that were not paid for, the tax cuts for the wealthy, and deregulation, we would not be where we are and there would be no need to further gut the middle class to pay for this stuff. And, they are so against tax increases for the rich and connected but I guess that doesn’t count for you and me…retirees are going to get a huge tax increase by having the cost of Medicare go up and by cutting off the cost of living increases for SS. Why is it that the repubs always attack the little guys? I think it’s just typical bully behavior to pick on people that can’t fight back….I hope we can remind the voters who it was that gave the country away to the ideologues…and who drove the economy back into the ditch by cutting spending when the recovery is still so weak. Geez…