Tag Archives: Marco Rubio

More lipstick on the republican pig…

Well…just a little shorty on the vote that happened this aft in the senate where we saw more and more lipstick being put on the republican pig with 22 repub senators voting against the VAWA..that’s the violence against women act in case the acronym wasn’t familiar. I think today’s vote will mark the end of ole Marco Rubio’s anointing as the “savior” of the repub party, as Time magazine called him this week since he voted against protection for women in this bill owing to his “principles” whatever they are….could it be the “principle” to let men get away with beating their wives? The repubs just don’t get it at all…history in this country has shown that women have been treated like second class citizens for far too long…and I am glad that there were 78 senators who stepped up and did the right thing in passing this bill…but, now it goes to the repub controlled house where it won’t even get to a floor vote since the knuckle draggers are in control over there…keep it up repubs, time is passing you by…and none too soon…geez…

State of the Union hysteria…

Well…have been reading about the right’s responses that are coming to the State of the Union address and I am kind of laughing about the hysteria that is rampant in those responses…and there will be not one but two, count ‘em, two responses…one from the crazies that represent the “mainstream” repubs, and the second from the tea partiers that is sure to be full of “socialism, freedom, freedom, and freedom and guns” that should be fun to see. I am surprised at the level of hatred of this country and it’s institutions that we are seeing from these folks…the foaming at the mouth nonsense that Obama is taking our guns, has FEMA camps ready for gun owners, and is going to turn the whole country over to the UN. Then, we have the nut from Texas that has invited Ted Nugent to the SOTU…the same Terrible Ted who has threatened the presidents life on many occasions…I really do hope they talk to that batshit crazy, washed up has been…it will just highlight the sober adult that Obama is when compared to these idiots and the public will be even happier that they returned him to the White House instead of ole Mitt. The funniest thing that is going to happen tonight is that the repubs are rolling out Marco Rubio to do the right’s first response…and the advance copy of the speech shows that it is just more of ole Mitt and the ideas that were rejected in the election…the US just doesn’t want that crap but the repubs just don’t get it….geez….

Ther right is just a scam to make money…

Well…there have been many articles over the last few weeks on how many of the PACs on the right are just money making schemes to separate the rubes from their money and line the pockets of the people running the PACS; ignoring the purpose that the PAC was supposed to fulfill. The latest revelation of this screwing of the masses on the right is the PAC that is controlled by the teabag darling Marco Rubio from Florida who states that the purpose of his PAC is to “help conservatives get elected”…but the dirty little secret that his PAC has been hiding is that, of the 1.7 million dollars they have raised, only 78,000 has been spent on elections…the rest going to “consultants” and overhead, essentially a slush fund to Rubio’s friends..or to put it another way, it is ‘welfare” for the chattering right wing political classes so they don’t have to get a real job or contribute to society in any way. With all of the talk of personal responsibility that comes ad nauseum from the right, we now know they don’t believe in any of the crap they are pushing…it is just a scam to keep the rubes in line and give them hope that just does not exist. Geez….

Here comes the Romney flip, flops, and spins…

Well…not sure if this is going to be short or not since I always do these off the top of my head…and no, it doesn’t hurt…not really….the thing I wanted to talk about his morning is the immediate spin that ole Mitt put on his immigration stands since he became the presumptive nominee for the repubs….during the primary campaign, ole Mitt was adamant that there would be no pathway to citizenship for any illegal immigrants in this country, going so far as to call all of them criminals and proposing they all be rounded up and sent back to Mexico…or wherever they come from….but now, he trots out Marco Rubio and says that he will consider a form of the dream act if he becomes president that would allow illegals to stay here if they meet some requirements for citizenship that he has not defined yet…can’t anyone else see this as just and egregious case of pandering to a group that he needs to get elected? I know…big surprise that a politician is pandering to any group…but, this is just the latest in ole Mitt’s compulsion to say anything to anybody to get votes…what the heck does he really believe? Good luck with this change Mitt…you may gain a little with Hispanics, but your base is going to run for the hills…and you deserve it…geez….