Well….with all of the outrages that have come out of the idiot and his administration, the latest has got to be the most un-American thing I have ever heard. The five time deferred, draft dodger, cadet bone spur *president wants to spend 30 million dollars of our money to have the military suck up to him by having a parade of military hardware through DC just so he can look *presidential….and show the world that he just like the rest of the tin pot dictators that he seems to love….never in the history of the country has there been such an insecure idiot sitting in the WH who needs his ego stroked everyday and then throws a hissy fit when it doesn’t happen to his liking…just like his complaint that it was “treasonous” that the dems didn’t applaud his bullshit at the state of the union. When, repubs? When are you going to think of this country just frickin once and put an end to this insanity? Never…it appears….impeach….
Tag Archives: impeachment
Incurious basterd….
Well….we all know that the idiot trump doesn’t read, with daily briefings having to be kept to one page with bullet points or he loses interest…unless they put idiot boys name in every paragraph…and now, with the release of the dem response to the fake Nunes memo, the idiot’s staff is saying that the 10 page response is “too long” for him to read so they will “brief” him on it…I don’t care how long it is, or if it is done in crayon, this moron won’t understand it anyway….now, in my long lifetime, I have never seen a *president that didn’t have the capacity to read 10 frickin pages and understand them…when my kids were 8 years old they could read and understand more than that….and when I was 8 years old I was explaining nuclear war to my classmates in 3rd grade…but that was back in the day when we were proud to gain new knowledge every day, and no one made excuses for the willfully ignorant….but, this is the modern repub party, folks…a party that welcomes Steve King, Devin Nunes, Darryl Issa, and the idiot in chief…impeach…
Not clapping is treason?
Well…sitting here finishing my 3rd cup of coffee and thought I’d do a little comment on the idiot trumps assertion that not clapping for a *president amounts to treason…and again, we are reminded that the repubs still don’t know that there is video tape…as absurd as the whole idea is, that not stroking the ego of the narcissist in chief is treason, I just saw a few times…well, many, many times that the repubs didn’t clap for Obama…including the idiot boy at the white house corespondents dinner and Paul Ryan at every one of Obama’s states of the union…in every one, we see Joe Biden on his feet applauding while Ryan sits there with the “smarmy granny killer” look on his face. So, let’s just agree that it is not “un-American” to stay silent for someone who is a racist asshole and is pushing policies straight out of the gilded age…it is really every American’s duty to expose their contempt for an ignorant ass who conspired with an enemy to steal the election…impeach…
Some small bites…
Well….sitting here waiting for the Falcon Heavy launch after I filed my last taxes, so I thought I’d do a few small bites instead of a long one for now….you know how fricking ridiculous the idiot trump is, but he went full Nazi yesterday in a speech from Ohio calling the dems lack of applause for idiot boy “treasonous”… again showing that this ignorant boor has no idea what treason is…but I can tell him…hey trump, treason is working with a foreign power to subvert our democracy…is that simple enough for you? Do you recognize that? We do, and you are going to jail for it….how sick do you have to be to be that needy? To just HAVE to have people applaud every idiotic thing you say and do? Oh, and it came out yesterday that idiot boy and his Huckster press secretary lied their asses off when they tried to justify firing Comey, saying that the rank and file had lost confidence in his leadership…now, this can’t be true, and it was proven to be nothing but lies from internal documents that were acquired by some news organization by the freedom of information act…and it can’t be true since trump and his minions don’t know the definition of leadership…certainly no one in his “administration” shows any….okay….that’s enough for now…might be back for another one later but I need to watch the launch first….
Dumb, dumb, dumb…
Well…we all know that trump is an ignorant idiot with an IQ barely larger than a stump, and this morning we got just another example of how stupid he really is….after his favorite show, fox and friends, lied about protests that were going on in London…saying they were against the idea of a national health service when they were really about the fact that the conservatives there won’t fund it and that has led to cutbacks….so idiot boy gets on twitter and parrots the lie in a tweet…and the response was not pretty to see…well…for those of us that see trump as one of the dumbest people in the world it WAS pretty to see….oh, and the stock market is down another 300 points…tired of all the winning yet? Impeach….
It’s trump’s fault….
Well….if you’ve seen the news today, other than the nonsense about the Nunes “memo”, you would have seen that the stock market crashed almost 700 points today, making for the worst week for stocks in the past two years. Now, with the idiot trump taking credit for the stock market rise for the last year, do you think he’ll take the blame for this crash? Ha, ha, ha…yeah, I even made myself laugh about that one…from a person that has never taken blame for any of his failures over the years, I can’t wait for his excuse for this one…oh, okay, I know what it will be: Clinton and Obama went to the stock market and convinced everyone to sell today to make trump look bad…and I’ll bet he will believe it since he has no frickin clue how anything works in government or business. Now, I wonder where he’ll be over the weekend after his crash? Working with his economic advisers to figure out what is going on? Nope, he’s already heading out to one of his golf courses to golf for the umpteenth time on our dime…a damaged little child who really thought that everything would be okay after he released the fake Nunes memo but that left him even more wounded and bleeding support even from repubs….why don’t you just stay at your golf course? Mueller is coming for you and your days of golfing are almost over….impeach…
The “memo” is out…
Well…as I said here a few days ago, the supposedly “bombshell” memo that trump and his minions wrote and passed along to Devin Nunes is just a whole lot of nothing…just more of the crap you have been hearing if you watched Hannity (and I hope you haven’t been watching that moron) over the past few months. You know what is going on with just one little fact, that fox news got the the first copy of it hours before it was officially released…which is fitting for the propaganda arm of the trump administration. So, go out and read it if you want but there is nothing in it that will do anything to derail Mueller’s investigation as it gets closer and closer to the idiot in the WH…oh, there is one other thing that I wanted to include here, John McCain commented that releasing the memo and attacking the FBI and the Justice Department is just wrong and only helps Putin…I hope that gets reported more places than just here…impeach…
Nunes worked with the WH on his “memo”
Well…with the little tidbit that I just read, Devin Nunes behavior is explained in regard to the “memo” that was supposed to expose corruption in the FBI and Mueller’s investigation….he was working with trump and his cronies and was given marching orders to do the attacks…and this was done by selectively including and editing secret information that was given to Nunes by the justice department. So, let’s get this “bombshell” straight…..lies, lies, lies, lies, and more lies under the direction of trump and his minions…does this sound familiar? I mean the lies…this is a totally fabricated attempt to derail the Mueller investigation….I wonder if ole Devin is so stupid that he can’t see that this is obstruction of justice? Yep, he is…and he doesn’t understand that congress is supposed to be a check on the executive branch…not a co-conspirator in committing crimes….and Paul Ryan has to know what Nunes is doing and that brings him right in to the conspiracy, too…cripes, I don’t think there are enough jail cells for all of the repubs who are going down…impeach….
Not watching the SOTU tonight….
Well…there is no one in the world that makes my stomach turn as the orange nightmare in the WH does so I WILL NOT be watching any of the idiot’s speech tonight…you know what it is going to be anyway…trump is the greatest human to ever live and has accomplished more in his first hour than all the other presidents combined….that is in between touting his hotels and trying to remember how to pronounce the big words his staff has written into his speech….he will NOT be “presidential” he will NOT be pivoting to normalcy, and this will NOT be the night that he becomes “president”. So, find an old movie or anything else to watch tonight…it’s not worth anyone’s time to listen to this crap…especially not mine. Impeach….
Let’s stop this “presidential” crap….
Well…I want to put an end to the idea that if the idiot trump can get through reading a speech off a teleprompter that will make him “presidential”; the trap that every damn pundit falls into if idiot boy doesn’t drop his pants and moon the country. The idiot is not now and never will be “presidential”….he has no idea what the word even means so let’s just stop right here…he has not earned any benefit of the doubt with his behavior over the past two years and if the repubs would do their jobs, this would be his last speech anywhere and he would have been impeached and convicted for the thousands of lies and all the lawbreaking that he and his cronies have done in the past year. So, spare me the “presidential” crap….the bar has been set so low for idiot boy that you have to dig a six foot deep hole to find it….shame on you repubs…impeach…