Well….after reading the reports on the only Senate debate in Kentucky, all I can say is that Mitch McConnell is still evil….after a doddering performance where he couldn’t articulate what he has done for the people of Kentucky, ole Mitch went back to that old attack where he is either lying or doesn’t understand how Obamacare works when he said that he will repeal Obamacare but he will let Kentucky’s sign up website, Kynect, stay. Wow, that’s big of you Mitch…you’ll throw over 500,000 Kentuckians off the insurance they have for the first time in their lives but you’ll let them keep a non functioning website that is worthless without the federal portion of the law. What a great guy! And it just shows you what the repubs have become…the party of can’t…can’t fix our crumbling infrastructure…can’t keep our citizens healthy….can’t do anything but give more and more to the rich….that, to me, is the definition of evil…and ole Mitch fits the description…geez..,.
Tag Archives: mitch McConnell
Mitch, Mitch, Mitch….
Well…I’m not sure why I’m surprised to hear the comments the ole Mitch McConnell made to the group of billionaires headed by the Koch’s this past week…nope, I’m not surprised….the gist of it that was recorded is that if the repubs take charge of the senate he won’t waste time on “…the pesky minimum wage, or student loans, or income inequality…” what that implies is that he does not give a damn about the people of the US…just the rich and corporations and he will lead the charge to help them steal even more than they already have…he will lead the charge to allow them to pay no taxes…shifting the burden to you and me…..I really do hope that his opponent will take these tapes and play them non-stop for the next two months until the election…this idiot needs to go…geez…
Mitch McConnell is still stupid…
Well…have been reading a little about the senate matchup in Kentucky that has the turtle, Mitch, going up against Alison Grimes and as I watch, I see ole Mitch just melting down…or there is a sea change happening in the media that is finally starting to call the repubs out for their lies…either way ole Mitch is in trouble. The latest lie that Mitch is being called on is the one that if he is re-elected, he will repeal Obamacare completely but that won’t have any effect on the half million people in Kentucky who now have insurance through the state exchange there…which is Obamacare in action. Now, he either is just too stupid to understand that without the federal component of subsidies and insurance gaurantees, there will be no state exchange…or, he knows and just doesn’t care…and he just keeps on lying out of habit since the repubs have not been held responsible for them over the past 20 years. I am happy that Grimes is finally hitting him on this lie but there are newspapers that are doing the same on their editorial pages…is that a turtle in the headlights that I see? Hope it’s a semi that is going to flatten Mitch come November…geez…
The liar gets called out…
Well…having problems with the computer shutting down but I thought I’d get to a bit of deliciousness that I read online a few minutes ago about your friend and mine, Mitch McConnell and his lying ways finally catching up with him. Well…it is not only John McCain who is fed up with ole Mitch…as you remember, John McCain cut ole Mitch out of the filibuster negotiations the other day, wanting to actually get something done instead of the constant obstruction that ole Mitch has been doing for the past few years…and in a meeting with the repub caucus yesterday, ole Mitch tried to outright lie about what had happened and spin it as being some kind of brilliant maneuver on his part…but, Bod Corker was having none of it and called “bullshit” many times during the meeting…I wondered if there was anyone left in the repub party that had any integrity left…and I know there is just about a thimble full of integrity left on the right…at least there is still a thimble full…and it looks like Bob Corker and John McCain own most of it…geez…
Another hostage drama….
Well…with the negotiations that have been ongoing across the country on the debt ceiling and even the NHL, one thing has struck me is the similarity between them and the way that they resemble hostage dramas on tv…when did we lose the ability to negotiate as adults? Why can’t the people running out government just stop this crap and do their jobs? I will place the blame on the government problems right where it belongs, on the repubs who were sent to Washington to govern but are so crazy that they only want to destroy the government not work with it to do the people’s business; trying all the time for partisan advantage instead of governing. That was highlighted by the idiot McConnell’s statement that “we’re done with taxes” implying that all of the rest of the movement toward cutting the deficit is going to have to be cuts in expenditures when there has been absolutely no work done to reform the tax code other than some noodling around the edges….what about the tax code that allows billionaires to pay 10% on income while the rest of us pay three times that? We are not done with taxes and Obama needs to come out today and tell the country that, that ole Mitch is wrong…and stupid…geez…
Mitch McConnell is an even bigger idiot than I thought…
Well….ole Mitch was in fine form this morning addressing the Senate in anticipation of Obama’s speech on jobs tonight, raising the bar on pure partisanship to an entirely new level…he didn’t even wait to hear the speech to start to criticize everything about what may be said…trying to preempt the president when he is trying to get us out of the repub caused jobs mess. His main point was that he didn’t even want to hear anything more about additional stimulus and he even rolled out the old bromide that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of idiocy….doesn’t McConnell get irony? What have he and his repub know nothings repeatedly done since 2000? Cut, Cut, and cut taxes when they did nothing to stimulate the economy or add jobs….remember this, the tax cuts did not add one job…not one job. And ole Mitch had the audacity to stand there and basically call Obama an idiot. Look in the mirror, Mitch, and you will see the biggest idiot in government today….geez….
One last thing…by the accounts of the majority of economists, the stimulus package saved almost 3 million jobs that would have been lost without it…is that the repubs definition of failure? Gimme that kind of failure anytime….
Let’s talk about McConnell…
Okay..if you haven’t gotten it yet let’s talk about what Mitch McConnell said the other day about what the repubs primary focus will be if they take control…can you guess? Is it to reduce unemployment, or to reduce the deficit, or to help people get health insurance, or to end the war in Afghanistan? If you guessed that, you would be wildly wrong…the idiot came out and revealed their true plan…not to govern for the benefit of the people but to “make sure Barack Obama is a one-term president”. I’m not making this up folks, they have no ideas on ensuring the upholding the constitutional rights of the people, or addressing the pressing problems we have…they just hate Obama so much they will put the future of this country on the line for their own little political gain. But, if you were paying attention, this was their goal all along…they just could not stand that an African-American was elected president and he had the audacity to try to govern for the benefit of all Americans, not just the rich and business as the repubs do. So, this is what we have to look forward to on November 2nd…no solutions to the nation’s problems but more of the same Newt Gingrich-Karl Rove vision of America where the rich get richer and everyone else can go to hell. It’s not to late to change the dynamic, though, let’s keep on trying to expose these idiots for what they are and get off our butts and vote…there are more of us who long for the days when the big ideas and the big projects that made us great were possible…and they still are with the right leadership…and that is not the repubs…geez…
Let’s end the Republican lies on the tax cuts…
Well…it’s pretty early and I could say that this burning issue has kept me awake all night…and part of it is true, I was awake part of the night….and it is early…oh, said that already. I did want to get into deflating the bullshit that the repubs have been pedaling about the continuation of the Bush tax cuts and how they are asserting that we need to renew those for the rich to get the economy going again. First, do they still think that anyone believes “trickle down” economics work? They have tried this little gem in every administration they’ve controlled since Reagan and the only results have been larger deficits and rewards for the least productive part of our economy. Let’s get to the lies next, that not extending the tax cuts for those making over 250K will hurt small business. Well…eliminating those tax cuts will affect only about 3 percent of what they call small business, but their definition of small business, includes some Fortune 100 companies….Fortune 100 means they are in the top 100 largest companies in America and includes some of the huge Wall Street firms and many of the super rich like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. It’s just another instance of the repubs protecting their own and lying to cover it up. Another little fact that they don’t want you to understand is that the 700 billion cost of continuing the cuts for the rich will need to be borrowed…yep, and pushed on to yours and my kids and increasing the deficit that they now seem so concerned about…
Then, we have the spectacle of Mitch McConnell yesterday saying that he will filibuster the tax cuts that Obama proposes for the other 98 percent of Americans, lying on the floor of the Senate that most of the American people support extending the cuts for the rich when it is just not true…polls show that from 52 to 65 percent of the public want them to expire…so, if you’re looking for true class warfare..look no further than the repubs…
Yeah, I’m still going to get to the Keynes stuff later…maybe not today but it is still something that I feel the need to comment on…
Let’s just refuse…
Well…I’m back and I don’t know how formed this idea is but let’s give it a try…what if we just refuse? What if we just refuse to be scared of immigrants? What if we just refuse to be scared by the imagined threats to the Constitution? What if we remember our high school economics and refuse to believe the laughable and discredited ideas of the Laffer Curve where the right tells us cutting taxes means more revenue? What if we refuse to believe that Afghanistan is as important as the politicians tell us? What if we refuse to be led around like sheep by Fox news and start to think for ourselves? What if we refuse to believe that the First amendment only applies to Christians?
I truly think we need to start to say no to the politicians who use fear for political advantage and re-take the fearlessness that has made this country great…what would have happened if Newt and McConnell, and the rest of the fear mongers were around during World War two? They would have wrung their hands and told the country to fear the enemy, that they were too dangerous to take on…you know that is what they do today with the Islamist terrorists and aren’t you tired of living in the swamp of fear that they spew everyday? Let’s prove to them and the rest of their fellow travelers that the US is still fearless, that we can and will take on any threats without cowering in the corner as they would like us to.
The only thing I’m scared of is that we will lose the great American character that welcomes all religions, that helps those in need, and who always does the right thing even if it’s not popular…that’s the definition of leadership that we need to restore and very few of our “leaders” know anything about that….geez…