Well…I am sitting here really, really pissed at Obama with the nonsense in his budget that cuts both SS and Medicare…two programs that have absolutely nothing to do with the deficit and which are solvent for the next twenty years…and I am not one of those supporters of his who think this is some “11 dimensional chess” where he is going to be able to get the tax increases the country needs and still not have to make cuts to the programs that seniors and the middle class depend on. I think he is just enthralled by his own legacy where he would be hailed for some stupid “grand bargain” that he could get from the repubs…I think he is just delusional if he thinks he will ever get any compromise from those idiots and why should he even try? When the rich keep getting richer by stealing more and more from the workers that make them successful…where ceo’s pay has gone up by almost 100% in the last three years while they plead poverty and cut benefits…and Obama sits there and does nothing about it…I guess the hope of the middle class now rest with Bernie Sanders and Senator Warren….we’ve all been abandoned by Obama…you guys keep up the good fight…geez…
Tag Archives: Obama
Bob Woodward is afraid?
Well…I don’t know if you have been following the whole nonsense surrounding Bob Woodward (you know, the Watergate Woodward) and what he said was a threatening e-mail he got from the White House…and his immediate need to run to Fox news to tell everyone about it. If you saw the e-mail, you must be scratching your head and asking “what threat?” That the aide that sent the letter said he may “regret” writing that the whole sequester mess is Obama’s fault….especially since it isn’t? This is supposed to be the guy that went up against the thugs in Nixon’s White House and didn’t blink? And Nixon’s thugs were really thugs that had no problem with breaking any law they didn’t like and using physical violence to get their point across…and now he runs crying to Fox because he has a little boo boo on his feelings? I have lost all of the respect I used to have for this guy…and he is showing the behavior that all of the right has….the “poor me”, all the world is against me and picking on me crap…boo hoo….had enough of this and the last thing I have to say to ole Bob is…grow a pair..geez…
This is just too funny…
Well….just read an article that made me laugh out loud…if you follow the news at all, you’ve seen the concerted effort by the repubs over the past few years to paint Obama as the worst president in history in his support of Israel…calling him a traitor and worse since he supports an even handed approach to the middle east. Today, those talking points and attacks were destroyed by a very unlikely source….Israel itself…yep…the president of Israel, Shimon Peres announced that Obama will be the first sitting president to receive the Presidents Medal from Israel for his unwavering support or Israel. So, I wonder who’s right? Is it the rabid right, hate Obama, liar crowd or is it the president of Israel and the Israeli people? Are we now going to have the idiots on the right attacking Israel for a “conspiracy”…not sure what kind of conspiracy but if Obama is mentioned, there must be a conspiracy…I wonder what ole John McCain is going to say now…will he come out and say he is sorry for the attacks since they were all just to damage Obama with no shred of proof in them? I am laughing my butt off right now and can’t wait to read the comments by the right…it’s going to be a fun afternoon….geez…
The repubs are the big spenders…
Well…just found this little nugget out on the web that I thought I’d share as a rebuke to all of the repub cries of “socialist, big spender” when they talk about Obama. I know, why am I responding to what is just another in the litany of lies that the right has told about Obama,…with his “uncontrolled spending” being one of the biggest whoppers. Bloomberg (not a hotbed of liberalism) came out with an analysis today that shows with math..yeah, I know the right doesn’t believe in math….that government spending under Obama has grown slower than under any repub president since fricking Eisenhouwer…yep, that’s right the right’s biggest spender in the “history of the country” is just another lie and the percentage of spending to GDP is lower under Obama than under Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, or even Nixon…so, the next time they say big spender just think “another lie” and you will have it right….no wonder the president no longer cares to work with the right…they do nothing but lie, and lie, and lie all of the time…started with Clinton and continues to this day….geez…
A good quote…
Well…I didn’t watch the president’s press conference but I have been seeing the quotes coming fast on twitter and one stood out and made me laugh…it’s not really funny..only in an odd way that I would think it is…”the House GOP will not collect a ransom for not crashing the American economy…” basically saying that he is not going to cut more just to keep the crazy assed repubs from hurting the American people….and I do like that he put a stake in the ground that he wasn’t going to negotiate every couple of months to keep the government running like the repubs are proposing…good for all of us…these folks are just fricking delusional…and they keep saying that we have to continue to cut, cut, cut….when there has already been 2.4 trillion dollars cut…I think Obama should just say this one thing…”do your job, Congress” and then walk away and force them to…we can only hope anyway…
Yeah, I know…not much flow here…but I am trying….
Where’s our progressive warrior?
Well…watching the fiscal curb nonsense that has been going on over the past month or so, a question has come to mind about Obama…”where’s our progressive warrior?” Where is the person that we elected to take the results of the election and turn it into policy? Where is the person that was supposed to protect SS and Medicare at all costs and get the revenue side of the economic equation back in balance? After all, government spending and taxation is at its lowest point in almost 50 years as a percentage of GDP and the economy is sluggish because of it…take one look at Europe and you will get the idea of what the repubs plans to continue to cut spending will do…we will certainly have a double dip recession with more people out of work and less tax revenue coming in…I have had enough of compromise with the terrorists on the right…they have changed politics from the collaborative art of compromise to one of take no prisoners…to one of winner takes all and no matter how much Obama may want it, we aren’t going back to compromise any day soon and he needs to wake up to the new political reality and be the tough warrior for the middle class that the repubs are for the rich…and he needs to do it now before this country is forfeit to the know nothings on the right…geez….
Obama is disappointing me…
Well…with the news coming out of Washington today, all I can say is if the rumors are true, I am so disappointed in Obama that I don’t know what to say…it appears that he is going back on his promises to raise taxes on the rich and not cut benefits to the rest of us…the latest is that he has even allowed SS to be cut when it has absolutely nothing to do with the fiscal nonsense that is going on. At least Dick Durbin has come out and said that that kind of crap won’t get through the senate so at least there is one person in Washington who is looking out for the middle class and there needs to be more…I’m talking to you Harry Reid, it is in your power to make sure that Obama does not cave in to the repubs and if he doesn’t have the guts, you have to have them….geez…
This is how it’s supposed to be…
Well…I am amazed by the air time and analysis that has been given to the remarks made by Chris Christie praising the President’s actions in dealing with the aftermath of Sandy….I think it’s a sign of the dysfunction of our society and the republican party that Christie will probably pay a political price from his own party for the comments…why can’t anyone be honest? Why can’t anything happen in this country without it being viewed through the lens of politics? I know there are questions of politics that need to be answered, but I applaud Christie for shutting down Fox news when they tried to interject politics when our fellow citizens are suffering…and I applaud Obama for just being president and doing his job…maybe we can learn something from this…that repubs and dems can work together if the repubs can stop the pettiness that has paralyzed the country for the past two years…okay, I know…not going to happen but I am still the optimist….
A little more noodling…
Well…I have been cleaning all morning and my living room finally looks like it should and the cobwebs and dust are finally gone…so I thought I’d sit down here for a sec and see if anything comes to me….I find it funny that no one is calling ole Mitt out on the fact that he is pretending to be a moderate now and taking moderate stances on abortion and other issues that are in direct conflict with what he has been saying for the past year…as I’ve said before…this guy just has no core and has raised pandering to a whole new level…finally, I think Obama has figured out what he has to do at the next debate and that is to go after Romney and his lies….okay…not feeling it right now so I’ll come back and do a better one later…
Okay it is later and after reading a little I do have just two short ones to add…ole Mitt is at his callous best again with a talking point stump speech where he is using the death of a Navy Seal that he met once to show his support for the troops…the problem with this speech is that the mother of the Seal has specifically asked ole Mitt to stop using her son for political gain…and, of course, ole Mitt is so tone deaf that he just keeps on using this young man’s death to try to make himself seem more compassionate…what a cruel excuse for a human being….especially from a draft dodger that spent the years of Vietnam on a “mission” to convert people in France, using his dad’s political connections to get two deferments so he didn’t have to live up to his responsibilities to the country…geez….okay, that’s only one…I’ll get to the other one later in a separate post…
It’s been a long day…
Well…it has been a long day and I am starting to realize that buying the newspapers in the morning is a good investment…at least for the purpose of writing these things….I am looking forward to the debates tomorrow and if Obama can’t dismantle Romney easily, he shouldn’t be re-elected…after all, ole Mitt is just a stiff that has changed his stances on everything that is important and he really does hate almost half the country because they aren’t rich….even I could beat that stiff…and I wouldn’t have to prepare at all…and I can’t wait to hear the “zingers” that ole Mitt has been rehearsing for 6 weeks…my response would be to him “is that one of the famous zingers you have been practicing?”…and then hit him early and often on his dismissal of the 47%, his voodoo tax plan, and Medicare, Medicare, Medicare….then I’d mention the new studies that are out that show that the trashing of the economy by the repubs is the real reason why the economy is not recovering as fast as it could…and I would take credit for Obamacare…what do the repbus have in response to that…give more money to the insurance companies that buy their votes? As I said, it’s been a long day and I am so frickin tired that I can’t stand it…