Well…it looks like the economic know nothings in the congress have won and we are headed back into recession with the trillions of dollars in cuts that are included in the bill… the repubs keep saying that these cuts will stimulate the economy but it has never happened in the history of modern economies and I guess it just like everything else with those guys; the have faith that they are right and that’s all they need. As I’ve said before and as every econ 101 student knows, demand is what drives economies to expand and this bill will lower demand from both the government and individuals…it’s what I learned in my masters program…you can’t cut your way to growth…and this slack recovery is the direct cause of business squeezing their workers to the point that it’s hard to make ends meet on two incomes nowadays; it used to be that you could do it on one…this gutting of the middle class has reached a tipping point that I think will doom us to a permanent recession or stagnation…you reap what you sow…
Now, all that’s left to do is wait until the crash hits and vote these nuts out of office and repair this damage…
Well…this is just a short one to comment on some of the statements from the right coming out of this debt ceiling debate…one of the common refrains is that Obama needs to lead on the issue and is not doing enough to solve the crisis. But, the only place they want him to lead is in their direction, to give them all of the tax cuts, spending cuts, and gutting of the social safety nets they want and they consider anything else a dereliction of duty. I just can’t believe this nonsense…
Told you it was going to be a short one…oh, and I got to sixty for the month…yay…but, I really need to get 62 since July has 31 days….damn…
Well…It’s been a long day already and I am a little disappointed with the turns today…I did get a bike ride in but I am so frickin sore that I can barely move and I can’t understand it…okay, I know, I can go take a couple of ibuprofen and I’ll be better but I just don’t want to have to go buy more…yeah, that’s as stupid as it sounds….but I have been feeling like that lately. Another month has gone by and I still haven’t done much this summer…I can’t afford to do much but there should be something to do that doesn’t cost a lot…
I still don’t understand this whole debt ceiling nonsense….it has been raised 47 times under repub presidents and now it can’t be done because we have a dem administration. Didn’t these guys understand that they have to govern after they got elected not just posture for their base? I am really glad that I’m getting older…I don’t want to see this once great country hijacked by the know nothings that dominate the repub party…they are the worst sort of true believers who see their election as a crusade and you take no prisoners in a crusade…some of these guys have even said they don’t need to do anything since god will take care of them and the country….geez…
Well…the debt ceiling nonsense that is going on in Washington is sucking the life right out of me….when I hear that the dems are giving up everything…..cut to SS, Medicare, and every other program that helps the retired or middle class to the repub thugs and they are not getting anything in return, I despair for the future of this country. If it wasn’t for all of the things the repubs did…the two wars that were not paid for, the tax cuts for the wealthy, and deregulation, we would not be where we are and there would be no need to further gut the middle class to pay for this stuff. And, they are so against tax increases for the rich and connected but I guess that doesn’t count for you and me…retirees are going to get a huge tax increase by having the cost of Medicare go up and by cutting off the cost of living increases for SS. Why is it that the repubs always attack the little guys? I think it’s just typical bully behavior to pick on people that can’t fight back….I hope we can remind the voters who it was that gave the country away to the ideologues…and who drove the economy back into the ditch by cutting spending when the recovery is still so weak. Geez…
Well…with all of the talk of economic apocalypse that will come from the failure to raise the debt ceiling, what do we see from the house repubs? We see them spending a whole legislative day on a symbolic bill called “cut, cap, and balance” that everyone in the country knows will never pass the senate or be signed into law. What we have is a bunch of right wing thugs playing chicken with the economy to make a point for the 20% of the country that say they are tea party aligned while the rest of us sit here and wait for our retirement money to be worth nothing when the stock market crashes, which it will if these idiots keep this nonsense up. I really hope they keep this crap up…then we will take back the house, keep the senate, and Obama will get 4 more years…..and I would pile on our own gov Snyder…in fact, I think I will….where are the jobs governor? Where are the jobs Eric Cantor? It just shows again how the repubs just care about ideology, not about you and me….I do have more about the tax shift here in Michigan but that one is for later….I need to lie our in the sun and try to even out the tan….
Well…as you know, I’ve been having a problem getting worked up enough lately to put down any political thoughts but today, thanks to Nolan Finley, I have reached the boil over point and need to respond. In today’s column, ole Nolan goes on and on and on about how he thinks that Michigan is going to be in play in the 2012 election and tries to make his case by enumerating how many times that Obama or people in the federal government have visited Michigan over the last two years. He digs himself an even deeper hole by saying that the only reason this has happened is that Obama is using the government and promising help to the people of Michigan is to ensure that he gets re-elected; projecting his warped, right-wing view of government and its purpose on the administration. Nolan, Nolan, Nolan….just because you and your troglodyte brethren in the repub party think the only reason for government is to use it to gain power or reward your rich buddies, does not mean that everyone thinks that way of that it is even true. Could it be that the administration sees a state that is in dire need of help that only the federal government can give? Could it be that Obama and his administration actually care about the citizens of this country that are not rich and connected?
This is the typical repub nonsense that passes for deep political thought these days…..one more thing Nolan, where are the jobs from the Bush tax cuts?
Well…it’s been a struggle lately to find anything to write about….I wonder if it’s that a lot of the columnists that I disagree with are on vacation…I may have to start taking notes during the day so I remember anything that might get me started…I did see a turtle on the trail today which is really unusual; probably the first one I’ve seen in more than three years….I could go on about the Casey Anthony verdict but I just don’t care about it….the prosecutors didn’t prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt and that is how the legal system works…what I don’t understand is why everyone is so upset about it….why do people invest so much in things that have nothing to do with them? I do really like the crop of candidates that the repubs are putting forward for 2012…they all have so many flaws that it should be easy to beat them in the election….I am a little concerned what the dems are giving away in the debt talks….they still don’t get it that the repubs don’t want to do anything to help the middle class and will not compromise even if the country is going to go down the tubes….they and their rich buddies will survive even if they crash the economy so they just don’t give a damn…okay…..that’s about enough for now….the US women’s team is playing in the world cup this aft so I need to take a nap before that…I will try to come back and be a little more cogent but it just not that kind of a day…
Well….I really do like the fact that “Countdown” is back since it sometimes gives me topics for the day….last night, Sen Chuck Schumer was on and he did something that I have been calling for the dems to do for at least a year now…he said the unthinkable…that the repubs are planning on crashing the economy for political gain and that is what this whole debt ceiling fight is about……I see some heartening signs that the dems are starting to call them on this nonsense not only by sen Schumers remarks, but sen Reid coming out and telling the country that Medicare and Medicaid cuts are off the table period….and they are pushing for the needed tax increases on the rich but coloring them as the patriotic duty of the well off to help the country that has given them so much…I think the tide is starting to turn….I wonder what was put in the water that made the dems grow a backbone? Whatever it is, keep doing it and maybe we can get our country back from the repub thugs….
Well…I was watching “Countdown” last night and there was a novel postulate from one one of the guests that cited the 14th amendment as preventing this whole debt ceiling conflict that the repubs are pursuing…since the amendment states that it is unconstitutional to not pay the debts of the country….it actually requires the government to pay these debts and any person that prevents that is breaking the law. So, now we have the repub idiots that wave the constitution at all of their enemies saying that they are going to do something unconstitutional by not raising the debt ceiling and forcing the country to default on it’s obligations. Don’t you just love these guys? These shameless shills for the rich and business are showing they are hypocrites again, again, and again….and this latest nonsense just shows they have no morals or integrity and should be sent back to the rocks they crawled out from….
Well…I am getting extremely frustrated with Obama and his continued inaction that is letting the repubs frame this whole debt limit argument….the big question I have to ask is “when do you start fighting for things that the people that voted for you want?” When the polls all show that a large majority of this country does not want any more tax cuts for the rich, they don’t want more cuts to social security or medicare, they don’t want more subsidies for business and the wealthy, why are you still willing to give all this stuff away to just play politics? Call the bluff of these idiots….let them torpedo the world economy…do you think that the wall streeters are going to let the lap-dog repubs crash the economy and hurt them? No more compromise…no more of the repubs getting everything they want and then asking for more, more, more….stand up to these idiots and you can be assured that the rational people in this country will reward you with 4 more years and a lasting dem majority…just get off your butt and stand for something..protect the middle class, protect the poor…it’s the right thing to do and trumps anything else…geez…