Tag Archives: moron

Trump gets dumber every day…

Well…if you didn’t think that the idiot trump was the dumbest damn person in the entire country, you just had to hear of his latest “plan” to carry out his hatred against brown people by eliminating birthright citizenship for people he doesn’t like. Now, he has shown his utter lack of understanding of how anything works so damn many times that I am getting tired of writing about it but I just had to talk about this one since it is the pinnacle of ignorance…just this morning, idiot boy said he is going to end birthright citizenship by issuing an executive order to repeal the 14th amendment…now, just writing that made me laugh since it is so absurd and so the essence of that ignorant fool….every schoolkid who has gotten past the fifth grade understands that it takes 2/3 of the members of the house and senate or by a constitutional convention called by 2/3 of state legislatures and then would need to be voted on to repeal it…it can’t be repealed by the whim of an idiot president and his crony enablers…look, we all know what this latest trial balloon is, just a distraction to motivate idiot boy’s racist base to get out to vote next week….since that worked so well in 2016, he’s doing it again….what a moron….followed by morons…impeach….

trump really is a toddler…

Well…not sure if you saw the debacle of an interview that the idiot trump did on “60 Minutes” last night but if you didn’t, wow…just wow. It is now clearer than ever that trump has the mentality and emotional maturity of a toddler…and showed for all to see that he has no grasp of the world or reality….and that should scare the hell out of everybody and drive those of us in the sanity based world to get out to vote in three weeks to make sure there is a check on his insanity….the thing that shocked me the most was his toddler like assertions that…na na na na na…I won the election so whatever I do is okay…I can mock Dr. Ford, I can call people names, and I can ignore all of the norms of this country as I have my whole life because I won…and did I say that I won? Look, when my kids were growing up, they knew more about the world than trump does at about age 5 and they were much more articulate, too…so, we need to get into damage control mode for the next three weeks and still try to take the senate, too…I know it’s not looking good but it can if we just get off our asses and vote, good things can still happen…impeach…

Devin Nunes, superspy…

Well…just read an article that I wanted to comment on that made me laugh out loud at it’s absurdity…it seems that earlier in the month the superspy Devin Nunes went over to England to try to dig up dirt on Michael Steele who has been the big bad boogyman ever since his mostly confirmed dossier on trump’s conspiracy with Russia was exposed….and it is still freaking the repubs out and they are still, two years later, spending time and our money on this bogus task. Not sure where Nunes got the idea to go over and try to get a meeting with MI5 and MI6…but I think it was from bad spy movies or maybe even from “The Beverly Hillbillies” modeling his behavior on Jethro who fancied himself a “double naught spy”…when I think of it, that’s the better description. So, ole Devin goes over and wants to have meetings with the heads of all the spy agencies and all they do is roll their eyes and avoid him like the plague…so, he spends thousands of dollars of our money to fly to England to support a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact and comes back empty handed…which would have happened even if those folks would have met with him since, let me say this again, more than 90% of Steele’s dossier has been proven to be true so far with more to come. What a waste of space this idiot is…Californians, do us a favor and vote this moron out in November….geez…

Are all repubs morons?

Well…you know, every time I hear a repub talk one question pops into my head: “are all repubs morons?” Just over the weekend, the majority leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, went off on a rant that twitter is censoring conservatives and he was going to haul the ceo in to testify before the house and explain why…only one little problem with that….the moron doesn’t understand how to use the settings on twitter and had them set to the under 18 setting which filters most political speech out since it can get pretty nasty. Even when it was explained to him by tens of thousands of twitter users, ole Kevin didn’t respond or change the filters…but just kept on with what I guess is this weeks talking point that the mean liberal social media sites are “censoring” conservatives and is still saying he wants to have the ceo’s of all of the social media companies come in and explain themselves…maybe one of those people will be able to explain to the idiot Kevin how to use the sites…he’s obviously not too bright so that may be a stretch….

The idiot ignites a trade war…

Well…the idiot in chief did it again this morning when he announced that he is imposing tariffs on basically all of our trading partners including Canada, Mexico and the EU since he delusionally thinks everyone is cheating the US on trade. This is just not true but that doesn’t matter to this idiot…he is so stupid or senile that he thinks that just because he thinks something is true, it is…I really do think he’s mentally ill. While the idiot thinks this is being “tough on trade”, it is just another case of the moron further isolating the US and he’s throwing away our leadership and is getting nothing in return for it. The EU has already responded by announcing tariffs on everything they import from the US and the carnage is going to be widespread here….were talking hundreds of thousands of jobs gone and farmers bankrupt…but, that doesn’t matter to trump…he just doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and his fawning toadies will be heaping praise on this stupid action….impeach….

Just a bunch of idiots…

Well…just read that the NK/US summit is off with the blundering, blustering idiot now trying to blame China for his stupidity….we all knew this was going to happen with the idiot in chief and the other morons that he’s surrounded himself with, and the fact that they think diplomacy is all threats…and they feel that everyone in the world is scared of us so all they have to do is make threats to get what we want. What an ocean of stupidity these folks are….and the idiot in chief wasn’t going to prepare for the summit anyway…leaks from the WH said that trump refused any sort of briefings…saying that that stuff is not important…it’s the pageantry that he is most concerned about…like he thinks this is just another tv show that he is on. How much worse are you going to let this get, repubs? How much longer before you grow a damn spine and get rid of this cadre of idiots? Yeah, probably not until after the election…impeach….

It’s unanimous…

Well….just a short one on the shitstorm that came out of the WH and the idiot trump yesterday….it seems the idiot was offended when a writer who was allowed to wander around the WH for months and interview everyone has a new book coming out…and in that book it’s unanimous….everyone thinks trump is one of the stupidest people they have ever met.Terms like “moron”, “F*****g moron”, “breathtakingly stupid and ignorant”, and “functionally illiterate” were just a few of the terms they used that the writer is reporting when his book comes out next week. Now, I just can’t wait for the additional fallout from the thin skinned idiot reading more of it…and, get this…they just tried to sue the author to keep the book from being published….and that has shot the thing to the top of the Amazon pre-order list….it has just got to kill trump that he is the most hated person on the planet and that there is enough evidence to put him in jail for the rest of his life…just resign and run already….impeach….

The dumbest goddamn student I ever had…

Well…as I sit here waiting for the second half of the Man U/ Liverpool match to start, I thought I’d do a quick comment on a little article I just read over on Kos….one of the idiot trump’s professors at the Wharton Business school (which trump got into by a favor, not qualifications) was talking to one of his friends and the subject of trump’s intelligence came up…and here’s the money quote: “he was the dumbest damn student I ever had”….yep, in an over 30 year career as an educator, trump distinguished himself by being the dumbest student this professor ever had….and his arrogant stupidity is the one thing that people remember most about him…seems that trump doesn’t change…still the same damn moron that he has always been….impeach…

Mike Pence is a moron, too…

Well….we all knew that there was at least one moron in the WH…but, as of today, we know there are at least two. Just a few minutes ago, the second moron, Mike Pence tweeted that he had just left the Colts game, using the tired lie that he wouldn’t attend any event that “disrespects our soldiers, our flag, or our national anthem”. What a f****** moron…hey, moron…that’s not what the protests are about and you know it…they are to protest police brutality and murder aimed at black people that goes on every damn day in this country….but that’s like every other repub…pick and choose what parts of the constitution should be followed….this is the protesters first amendment right to protest…you know like your beloved 2nd amendment that you think gives people (or I should say white people) the right to carry their death machines or penis enlargers everywhere in this country. So, just don’t go and use your free bribe…or I mean ticket…stay home…no one wants to see you there anyway..and we all know this was a pre-planned publicity stunt…how much did you spend of our money for this little bit of propaganda? …impeach…

Be careful what you wish for, idiot…

Well….not sure if you have been following this latest outrage by the orange idiot in chief, so I thought I’d just do a short one on it….last week it was revealed that trump’s SoS Rex Tillerson called him a f****** moron to some of the other senior staff after trump’s meltdown speech to the Boy Scouts…and after the media reported it this week, Tillerson issued a non-denial saying he “just wasn’t going to deal with that stuff”…and this set off the thin skinned moron in the WH who then attacked the media as being “fake news” and called for a congressional investigation of the media who print the truth about him. Now, this idiot never thinks too far ahead but I think he better be careful what he wishes for….never mind that his suggestion to congress is unconstitutional, his favorite network, fox news, has been shown to lie almost 60% of the time…filling the air with more blatant, purposeful, falsehoods than all other media combined. So donny, why don’t you just shut the hell up and go away….while you still can….the clock is ticking….tick, tick, tick…..impeach…