Tag Archives: republicans

Phyllis Schlafly is still in the 50′s…..

This is a placeholder until I get done working out…I have to comment on some statements that Phyllis Schlafly made this weekend campaigning for a repub here in Michigan.

Well…I’m back…decided to get a bike ride in, too, before I came back to this. I’m not going to bury the lead this time….just going to give you Sclafly’s (who is the head of the anti-feminist Eagle Forum) quotes at a fundraiser for republican Rocky Raczkowski who is running for congress from Michigan. She started out by saying “obviously the blacks voted for Obama…but, do you all know what group was the second biggest? Unmarried women, 70% of unmarried women voted for Obama, and this is because when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have big brother government to be your provider.”

I am just stunned by these comments; that this kind of attitude is still in the mainstream of the republican party and is a harbinger of what you will see if you vote these troglodytes into office. Oh, ole Rocky did the republican dance of condemning the comments but that is just diving for cover when one of their own speaks what is really in their minds. That whole party is still mired in the 50′s when Phyllis was flitting from country club to country club; when you could have one income families make enough money that they could have a good life…but the repubs and their cronies made sure that ended.

Phyllis, I can give you many good reasons why unmarried women voted for Obama that you can’t understand…they are tired of the invisible discrimination that goes on in the good old boy networks that still dominate American business life..they are tired of having the choices in their lives limited by a repub party dominated by men…they are tired of being second class citizens that the Christian Taliban would have stay home barefoot and pregnant….to me, that shows a lack of respect for more than 50% of our population; a resource that we need to make this country a better place…my life is better for the strong women that have been in it (that includes my daughter and, of course, G, K, and T) and to dismiss them as needing to be dependent on anyone is a slap in the face that is all too common coming from the repubs…geez….

Here’s another point…

Well…have been reading about this little doozy for a couple of weeks now and it has taken this long for me to get the whole thing straight in my head…not really, it’s a pretty black and white issue for me since I really have a pretty thick streak of libertarianism in me and I do believe that we can’t go wrong if we follow the constitution. But, what we have again is the right wing elites selectively trying to ignore the constitution when it suits their political goals. Oh, I guess I’ve buried the lead again…let’s go back..this is about the proposed building of an Islamic community center (something like an Islamic YMCA) within a couple of blocks of where the World Trade Center stood. As you could predict, Newt, Palin, Limbaugh, and the rest of the repub elites have gone crazy on the issue, butting themselves into a community issue where the plan for the center was approved 29-1 by the local council. They have gone so far as to lobby both the city and state of New York to make sure this doesn’t happen. But, I guess they’ve never read the first amendment which prohibits the governments interference in religion or, more probably, they have never cared for the constitution other than to us it as a prop or to incite their followers.

I say to them: you can’t pick and choose what part of the constitution you will follow; look how well that worked out with ole GW….hypocrites all…geez…

How can they be for freedom and liberty?

Well…I’ve talked about this before to my friends, but not since I’ve had this post….How can the republicans be for freedom and liberty when they have no problem with using the government to control personal behavior? They want to de-regulate corporations and business; to give them the freedom that they want to take away or to keep away from individuals. Doesn’t anyone see anything hypocritical about this? Oh, but that’s right, they are the party of the hypocrite..the party that spews family values out of one side of their mouth all the while visiting prostitutes (David Vitter, that means you) or vilifying gay people in the name of religion (Ted Haggard, I’m sure you’ll recognize yourself here) while he was visiting male prostitutes. And let’s not forget ole Newt…on his third or fourth marriage with at least two of them ending because of his affairs. But that kind of behavior is not really what this is about…it’s about the right wing elites who use your and my freedom as a political prop…who don’t care about your freedom to be let alone; who want to control what women can do to their bodies, to control what everyone can put into theirs, and to control who you can marry.

So, the next time you hear them talk about the Obama administration “taking away our freedoms”, remember it’s the repubs who want to use the government to control you and your life, not the Democrats. Geez….

Ole GW being resurrected?

Well…I guess the new rage among the repub liars is to look back on the Bush years with fondness…ignoring the statistical fact that the entire 8 years was a bust for everyone but the rich. They have even begun to blame the recession on Obama…since it started when it looked like he was going to be elected. Yep, I’m not kidding you…I think it was Boehner who started this new line of craziness but then, as always happens, the right-wing smear machine picks it up and runs with it. To those who continue to vote for these idiots I have one question “were you better off at the start of GW’s terms or the end?” A simple question that has a simple answer…if you’re not in the top 5%, you were worse off…..

I know we have selective memory here in the US so that is why I have to keep repeating all the time what a bust those 8 years were…and now people want to go back there? Why? To be spied on? To have more trumped up wars that the repubs vowed Iraqi oil would pay for? To allow business to steal what is left of the country from you and me? I think the tea partiers have the wrong target when they want to “take back our country”…it should be from the alliance of the repubs and business. Geez….

Do we really want this stuff again?

Well…I’m sure you know and I continue to point out how the repubs are so gung-ho for business to be unregulated; especially the financial industry…going so far as to call for the new regulations signed into law this week to be repealed before they even take effect. I don’t think the new regs go far enough…as evidenced by the revelations that all of the banks and insurance companies that were bailed out by you and me had continued to pay immoral bonuses to their employees…as a reward for what this time? Doing such a good job of trashing the economy? One of the firms is on track this year to pay out a record 30 BILLION dollars in those bonuses all the while saying it is too risky to lend to small business so they continue to do nothing but take, take, take and further concentrating money and power in the hands of the few. How can the repubs think this is a good idea? And, how can people that are being hurt by these shenanigans continue to support these guys and vote for them?

I know it sounds like I’m repeating myself but someone has to keep saying the emperor has no clothes….I think a tax rate of 80% on these bonuses is in order or make them non tax deductible….lets make it harder for these guys to steal, not easier….geez…

A new low for these hypocrites….

Well…I’m sure by now, you’ve heard the new repub spin on the failure to pass extensions of the unemployment insurance that has expired for millions of Americans…that it is the Democrats fault since the repubs will vote for it if they cut the money from somewhere else in the budget…which, on it’s face, doesn’t seem like a bad idea. But, the question I have to ask is, “why didn’t they have to cut other spending to finance the Iraq war?” Why didn’t they have to cut spending to pay for the trillion dollars of the Bush tax cuts? It is the sorriest sense of hypocrisy that deficits are so important to them now when they had no problem giving oil companies billions in subsidies when they were making record profits but they can’t allow any increase in the deficit to help American families continue to eat. And the Obama haters go on and on and on with their lies and distortions….I hope these idiots get laid off and then there will be no money to help them….

You’re on your own….

Well…can the Repubs get any more obvious who they are lining up behind in the oil spill mess? First, you have Joe Barton apologizing to BP for Obama slapping them on the wrist…and then you have the new talking points that are urging impeachment for Obama since the Repubs think that asking BP to step up to their responsibilities is an unconstitutional use of presidential power. It’s not like the scene from “The Godfather” where a character holding a gun says that either the subject’s signature or brains were going to end up on a contract. What Obama did is called “jawboning” and it has been a part of the president’s prerogative since there was a President. What the hell is with these guys? I think Eugene Robinson, from the Washington Post, said it best…that the Repubs just want to attack Obama and it doesn’t matter if what they say is true, false, or even rooted in reality…it is the same tactic they used on Clinton, Kerry, and a host of other Democrats. The sad thing is that the Repub followers believe and support this crap.

What Obama is doing, and what I have advocated for many, many years, is a key role of the government that was abdicated under the Repubs…that is to be a referee between the average American and the overwhelming power of the modern corporation. What the Repubs want to happen is, instead of the 20 billion fund that Obama has gotten from BP, is for each and every harmed individual to bet their life savings and take BP to court, or, if you don’t have any savings, you are just out of luck. If we sit here and think for just a second…that’s long enough…we’ll see the other predominately Repub group that would benefit from extended litigation and court fights. Yep, you guessed it..the trial lawyers; not to mention BP.

Please, please, please, America….open your eyes and see just once what the Repubs are all about…they don’t care about you or any other American that is part of the middle class….this is their “let them eat cake” moment…and I hope the results are the same as the French revolution. Geez….

I think it’s a long con….

Okay…I’m sure you’ve read about the concerted effort from the right to say that the most important thing for the economy right now is to address the deficits and the fear that inflation may be on the horizon. If you’ve studied economics at all, you know that in a recession, what needs to happen is that the government deficit spends to stimulate portions of the economy that the private sector can’t. This has worked in every recession/depression that the tactic was tried but what I see now is the repubs from David Brooks to Boehner and their ilk are calling for cutting government spending and have categorically rejected the latest call for federal funding to states and cities who are laying off people and cutting back services. Now, they may say that this is perfectly consistent with their conservative views but I see it as a plan for them to ensure that the Obama administration fails so they can go back to the tax-cutting, reward the rich policies that have led to where we are today. And they have done a great job of convincing the man on the street that government intervention for any reason is a bad thing. They use for the underpinnings of their argument that the stimulus package is not adding millions of jobs but only 41K in the last month but what they don’t say is that employment is always a lagging indicator, especially in a recession as severe as this one.

I’ll bet you didn’t believe I could work up any outrage today…I’m glad I could prove you wrong…
One thing I can believe is that these guys are using the misery of the unemployed for their own political gain…geez…

Okay, had to comment on Rand Paul….

Well…I guess this shows you where the tea-partiers are coming from once the skin is peeled away. Rand Paul, the Repub nominee for senate from Kentucky, in an interview with Rachael Maddow on her show, stated that the federal government has no place in halting workplace or public discrimination based on race. He feels that the marketplace would take care of those types of things; if someone discriminates based on race, gender etc. even in a public restaurant or any other business, that no one would patronize those businesses once the discrimination is revealed. What planet is this guy living on? What does he want next, the Klan coming back? The laws against discrimination were a response to people doing exactly what Paul says won’t happen. Then, to make his Republicanness even clearer, he comes out today criticizing Obama for leaning on BP after their negligence led to 11 people dying and the biggest environment disaster in decades; calling it “Un-American” to criticize them. He says that sometimes no one is to blame…that it was just an accident that is no one’s fault.

You remember what “Un-American” meant in the last Presidential election and what the crazy birthers are still apoplectic about.

Can you imagine an administration that completely defers to business and cuts them loose to do whatever they want with no regard for their responsibilities? Oh…we just had one of those…you remember…run by Ole GW…Geez…

Beware of Krauthammer…

I have only one word of advice for the Obama administration, when Charles Krauthammer agrees with one of your trial balloons; specifically shrinking the use of or modifying the Miranda warnings, you’ve got it all wrong just like he does most of the time. I just marvel at these guys who are so inconsistent that they howl about government intrusion in healthcare, then want government powers increased by the gutting of Miranda. Shame on Obama and Holder for even considering changing what has worked over many decades and that has resulted in much more actionable intelligence than any person held without trial at Guantanamo.

I am going to continue pointing out this blatant pandering to the base on both sides in an effort to force some honesty on the national conversation about these important issues.

One other example that I have to point out was some repub bitching about healthcare (again), and his premise was that since he has polls showing that the majority of Americans don’t want the changes, they shouldn’t happen. Where was he when the majority wanted Al Gore to be president and the Supreme Court installed Bush? If you look at history, public opinion sometimes is not right on these issues; look at the violence that came with the repeal of the Jim Crow laws. Geez…