All posts by James DeVol

November 10th

Well…running about on time today with getting up a little before 6…slept okay and didn’t toss and turn too much so that is a good thing…my neck is still stiff, though, and is is getting pretty annoying…the weird thing may be that the lack of tossing and turning is causing the neck pain and stiffness…oh, well…I did get a bike ride in yesterday but today looks like a bust with the snow we got last night…it looks like one of those years where we just go straight into winter without any transition time and I don’t like it…still have a week to go in shorts and it is only 27 out there right now…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but didn’t need to…I did fire up the instant pot to make some rice and chicken but didn’t put enough liquid in the rice and it came out a little gummy…but still edible and the chicken came out great so I can live with that…not much to do today…just waiting for soccer to start and the coffee to work so I can get moving…and maybe cleaning…who knows, more later…

Count the damn votes….

Well…the damn repubs are at it again, trying to steal elections in Georgia, Florida, and Arizona by suing to stop the counting of votes in each state since their candidates are ahead so far. So, now what’s next? They want to stop counting votes in any elections where their guys are ever ahead? Hell…it worked for them when GW was installed by the SC so why not try it again? This is not democracy…in a functioning democracy every damn vote is counted and the election is not over until they are…the howls that are coming from the idiot trump and his minions are the worst kind of projection when they scream that the dems are “creating” votes out of thin air…are they pissed that their voter suppression didn’t work this time? I have had enough of this crap….we did a good job this election of turning out our side but I guess now the rule is (according to the repubs) that if you don’t win in a landslide, you didn’t win…only repubs can win close elections and dems are “un-American” if they want all votes counted…Orwell would have understood these assholes and their doublespeak and lies…impeach….

November 9th

Well…damn, I think I’m getting a cold…woke up with a cough and a little sore throat and my head is all plugged up…and they are shutting my water off for maintenance so I am a little grumpy this morning…slept okay last night and didn’t get up til 6:06…woke up at 5 but didn’t get out of bed until later….and that normally doesn’t happen…I did get a few things done yesterday and the car is almost ready for winter so there was progress…and I am going to clean some if I can’t get on the bike…it is only 34 and snowing right now so it will have to wait a while anyway….so, this may be a hunker down day with some ibuprofen to help my legs recover and my neck is a little sore again so that should help that, too….I do need to pay a couple of bills today and get some info on new Medicare plans sent to me so I can decide what I want to do for this year…might change to and advantage plan but I’m not sure yet…more later…

3,000 miles…last week….

Well…this one is a little late because I just keep forgetting to do it…hit another milestone last week when I got to 3,000 miles on the new bike…and now it’s almost 3050 but close enough…it looks like I may be able to get to 3300 or so before the snow closes the trail for the winter…not a record by any means but not a bad summer of riding…ended up being pretty sore today after going into the wind the past couple of days…and my legs have been really heavy, especially today so if it snows tomorrow, I may just take the day off…not sure how many years in a row I’ve gotten to 3,000…will have to look at my records but I’m sure it’s probably better than 10…

Don’t worry about Mueller…

Well…if you’re looking with alarm at the moves that the idiot trump has made in the past day to try to stop the Mueller investigation into his criminality by firing Sessions and installing a toady in his place, just stop…don’t worry about Mueller, the dems taking the house has ensured that the investigation will continue until it’s end but the idiot trump is still thinking like he has protection from his cronies in the House…got news for you, idiot…you are screwed. There are already plans in place to have Mueller appear in the house for a live hearing on the day the dems take over if trump does any more in his long running crime of obstruction of justice…and, understand this idiot boy, the act of firing Sessions in this context puts another nail in your coffin…and you are just too damn stupid to understand it. So, don’t worry about Mueller, with the dems in charge in January, there are going to be so many investigations that all of trump’s crimes are going to come to light…and he’s going to jail after he’s out of the WH…bet on that…impeach…

November 8th

Well…it looks like the routine is returning with coming here about on time for a Thursday….slept kind of crappy last night as seems to be the new normal but I don’t feel too bad this morning so I guess I can live with it…and I’m not too sore today so that is a plus and I don’t think I’ll need any ibuprofen…I did get a bike ride in and it was not too cold but the wind was nuts and made it more work than I like…I did buy a new fleece hat for riding from Amazon yesterday and it only cost 8 bucks…can’t wait to see how it works…the stocking hats I’ve been using lose their shape after a while and really don’t keep my ears warm enough…I did start to get the winter wheels ready yesterday by sanding the rust and treating them with rust converter and I’m going to re paint the fronts this morning so I can get them on the car today….that will probably be all that I do today since there are some maintenance tasks I need to do on the car that will take a while and should fill the morning after I ride the bike…more later….

I should be dancing…

Well….with the results trickling in, it appears that the dems had a pretty good night last night with taking back control of the House and Whitmer winning the governor’s race here in Michigan, I should be dancing but I’m not sure why I still feel a sense of unease about the election…part of that is the fact the the repubs gained a couple of senate seats even though the dems got 10 million more votes across the country. That is a direct result of the repubs rigging the election and that will continue until we take back the senate in 2020…an election I may not even see. Yep, kind of depressed this morning and I don’t know why…I should be dancing at the fact that Scott Walker lost in Wisconsin…I should be dancing that Dana Rohrbacher, Putin’s buddy in the house, lost and will be gone….I should be dancing that the notorious vote suppressor and racist Kris Kobach lost in Kansas…and I should be dancing that all three proposals passed here in Michigan and the 2020 re-districting will be fair and out of reach of the repub gerrymanders that have allowed them to win this state with much less of the vote than the dems got in every election since 2010. I think part of my sadness this morning is that many right wing repub assholes still got elected even though they are under indictment or investigation for things that any dem would have resigned over but the repubs treat as a badge of honor….oh, well…at least there will be no more repub nonsense here in Michigan and look forward to taking both the state senate and house when the fair maps are used in 2020…then the state can move forward again…I can hope anyway…

November 7th

Well…up way too early again today with getting out of bed at 5:04…but, maybe that’s normal with the time change…didn’t sleep very well either and that is piled on top of the bad sleep since last Wed and I am exhausted from it….have been trying to eat more to make up for the fasting over the weekend but I don’t have any food here that I want to eat and don’t want to do a grocery run until tomorrow so that leaves peanut butter and crackers…maybe I’ll rummage through the freezer and see what’s there…my back started cracking as soon as I got out of bed this morning and it was a little weird to have it do that just walking into the living room but that means that it won’t hurt today and that is a good thing…will have to get back into full thermasuit for the ride today and I think I am going to buy a new hat to wear in the cold weather since the one I have stretches out and loses it’s shape…saw a fleece one on Amazon for about 8 bucks and with free shipping that’s not a bad deal so I’ll probably order it today….not much to do today…I think I’ll clean some but I did most of that yesterday so maybe I’ll just watch Man U lose this aft….more later…

Good advice…

Well…have been trying to avoid any election coverage today to keep my stress level down and to avoid a repeat of 2016…I read a great piece of advice from one of the writers that I follow today and he passed on this gem: “turn off your tv, pour yourself a drink or five and watch a few shows on Netflix…and whatever you do, don’t tune in any election coverage until at least 10:15 when real vote totals will be available…everything else until then is just crap…” I agree wholeheartedly with that advice…this election is just too important and I need to stay away from any “analysis” while the votes are still being counted….after all, I don’t have colon cancer and I still won’t have it tomorrow…and I still got to go out on the bike in shorts today….

Scott Walker needs to lose today…

Well…just a shorty on a news article that just came across my phone…one of the idiot Scott Walker’s biggest arguments for his re election is that he lured Foxconn (the Chinese electronics manufacturer) to Wisconsin and they were going to create over 15,000 jobs for the 4.1 billion dollars in state subsidies they were given by idiot boy. Almost immediately after Walker made that commitment, as Foxconn always does, the project started to change along with the number of jobs that Foxconn promised…and over the course of the year since Walker signed the check, the jobs projected have continued to shrink…it’s now down to “around” 5,000 jobs and the integrated engineering center that Foxconn promised to build as part of the project has morphed into renting a couple of buildings to house a tiny engineering staff. The kicker in the whole thing? Foxconn has just applied to the feds to be allowed to bring in the entire engineering staff from China since they can’t “find” any qualified engineers in the US…and by “find” that means any engineers that are willing to work for the slave wages that Foxconn is willing to pay. How does that 4.1 billion subsidy look now Wisconsinites? How does that 250,000 dollar subsidy for every job look now? Walker has been able to con everyone in Wisconsin for years that he and his repub cronies are the only ones who can create jobs but, at 250,000 per job, a monkey could create these jobs…and it is not clear if any jobs will ever be created there since Foxconn has a long history of promising the moon and then delivering nothing as they slink away with the subsidy cash. Today, Wisconsin, you have the chance to send Walker packing…don’t screw it up…geez…