We now know why Mitchell disappeared…

Well…if you watched the rotten, craven spectacle of Brett Kavanaugh’s “testimony” to the senate yesterday, I’m sure you came away with one clear fact, that Kavanaugh is not fit to sit on any court…his raging about conspiracy theories and the underlying elite privilege that he oozed while under “questioning” would be disqualifying in any other day or age…but not with a senate run by partisan hacks that are desperate to take every right away from women in this country…there is one little detail that has flown under the radar since yesterday that needs to be exposed. I’m sure you noticed that the outside prosecutor did not come back after a hastily called break in the proceedings…and the reason for that is being widely reported today and is so damn disturbing that I can’t fathom it…during his testimony, Kavanaugh committed another felony by lying to the senate and Mitchell was going to stop the proceedings and read Kavanaugh his rights as is her responsibility to her oath in Arizona…but, when she told Graham, Hatch, and the rest of the senators, they immediately started to cover up the fact that Kavanaugh had broken the law and made sure she wouldn’t ask another question….taking over for her and turning the rest of the hearing into a love fest for Kavanaugh even though he is an accused rapist that 5 women have now come forward to tell their stories about…and who are ignored as always by the repubs. After yesterday’s debacle, the ABA has withdrawn their recommendation that Kavanaugh be confirmed and called for a full FBI investigation into the allegations…but, the repubs plow on putting this unqualified, entitle little shit on the SC…one bit of good news is that the dems have already started to build the case for impeachment in their private talks with their caucus…we just need to take back the house and senate…and now, women and young people it is up to you…you MUST turn out to vote so we can get rid of the repubs for good…impeach…

September 28th

Well…it’s 6:32 and I have been up for a while trying to get moving…it should be easier with being good for a long time now but it isn’t so I guess it’s just from getting old…and I don’t like that at all…slept okay but a little more broken than it has been lately but still better than normal so I’ll still take it…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but cooking on the new toy again…made some brown rice to go with the chicken and it was probably the best rice I’ve ever made but now I have leftovers so I won’t have to cook again until tomorrow…still may do that venison roast but I have so much chicken that I may have to do some of that to start clearing out the freezer again….I may make a run out to Kohl’s today to see if I can get some clearance summer stuff…I do need some new shorts for next summer and 70% off would be a good deal….other than that, not much to do today….and that is true today…might clean a little but I’m not motivated right now….need coffee and the news to jump start the day….more later….

Too raw to watch…

Well…was going to watch the Kavanaugh hearing this morning but after a few minutes of Dr. Ford’s testimony, I just can’t watch it anymore knowing that this brave woman is going to be smeared by the repubs in the senate in any way they can…but, reading of it online, it is stunning how most of the people watching, even fox news call her testimony heart wrenching and credible…so what do you do now, repubs? And what do you do with the 4 other women who have come forward to tell their stories of the same kind of abuse at the hands of Kavanaugh and his buddies? We are seeing a true patriot in Doctor Ford…coming forward with nothing to gain and everything to lose…sitting there alone against the entire repub establishment and her bravery is on display for all to see. How does Kavanaugh go on after her and continue to try to lie his way onto the SC? Withdraw now, Brett…and try to atone for your nasty, entitled life…impeach…

September 27th

Well…running about on time for a Thursday and already have the grocery run done and the real paper read…and a half a cup of coffee so far and that is a good start to the day…slept really well last night…when was the last time you heard me say that? Feel pretty good this morning but slept on my right shoulder and it hurts like crazy but I’ll take that all day if I can sleep….had a nice day yesterday with having lunch with T…haven’t seen her in almost a month and we had a nice talk and lots of laughs…and, I got the first meal done in my instant pot…yeah, you’re going to hear me talk about that a lot until I get bored with it…reading the booklets that came with it, I found out it’s a slow cooker, too, so I guess my slow cooker will be retired…already moved it on top of the fridge where appliances go to die….oh, the first meal…made some chicken thighs and potatoes and it only took 13 minutes to cook them perfectly…even made gravy in the bottom of the cooker…very yummy…didn’t get anything else done yesterday but I have a few errands to run today after I get the bike ride in…I did sneak through the barriers to ride the trail that has been blocked off all summer and I think I’ll try that again today…it is nice to stay off the roads and away from cars again….more later….

That was quick…

Well…as you read this morning, I had a little saga of trying to find an 8 quart instant pot that was on sale at Target but was out of stock at both of them here in the south end of GR….after I then ordered one from Target online, for the same sale price, I got a scheduled delivery day of Thursday of this week but, to my surprise, it just showed up here only a day after I ordered it…and I am now going through the test run with just water to make sure everything works…and it appears it does so far…I can now see how Target is competing with the online giants and I will check their prices before ordering stuff from Amazon…after all, Target’s price was 30 bucks less than Amazon…and delivery was free, and fast! Yay!!

It gets worse for Kavanaugh…

Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the supposed “family man” Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of attempted rape and other sexual assaults before today, the latest should be the final nail in his coffin that will send him scurrying back under the rocks that he inhabited before the repubs tried to foist this smug little asshole on the country and the SC. Today, Michael Avenatti, yep, THAT Michael Avenatti came forward with a sworn statement from another of Kavanaugh’s victims that alleges that Kavanaugh and his entitled buddies drugged this woman and gang raped her at a college house party…part of a pattern of abuse that started with these cretins in high school and continued right through their time at Yale…yep, that’s right, a candidate for the SC put up for the stolen Merrick Garland seat is accused by at least three women of sexual assault including gang rape and the repubs don’t see any problem with that…in fact, for many of the women haters that infest the repub party, it is a badge of honor to see how badly they can treat women…and how women are objects to them, not people…resign…

September 26th

Well…up early again today and I am going to consider this the new normal…even went to bed early last night and it didn’t make any difference on when I got up…had an okay day yesterday with lots of running around in the morning trying to find the instant pot that was on sale at Target but none of the stores around here had one so I had to order it online from them for the same price…and, with free shipping…should be here tomorrow so I can use if for making some chicken Friday…and I have lots of chicken…got 16 pounds of chicken yesterday for 9 bucks so the freezer is filled again and I think Tom is going to get some next Monday….other than that, I didn’t get a lot done but the normal stuff yesterday and today looks the same…not sure why I feel so sluggish when I get up even with being good but I hope it passes soon….maybe more coffee? More later…

A few things…

Well…haven’t been doing a lot of politics lately and I think it’s from being overwhelmed with everything that is going on…there is just too much to write about but I am going to try to get to a couple of things here and just see where this goes….just read that the idiot trump is giving a speech at the UN and I think he forgot he’s not at one of his MAGA rallies that are filled with idiots, morons, and racists who buy into his bullshit…it’s not going over so well at the UN and idiot boy is being laughed at by the entire assembled body every time he uses one of his “go to” lines about how he has accomplished more than any other president in history…yep, this is what the US has been reduced to under this moron…we are now the laughing stock of the world. One other thing I wanted to talk about is the transparent attempt to use the firing of Rod Rosenstein as a “smoke bomb” to take attention away from the 4 women who have come forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual abuse and attempted rape…yesterday the leakers at the WH were in overdrive trying to get the media to pick up on Rosenstein being fired…or resigning, or not being fired…you get the drift…but they picked up on the lies quite quickly and shifted right back to Kavanaugh’s lies and sexual assaults and that is still the big story of the day…sorry trump minions, you’re losing your touch and we’re not buying your bullshit anymore….okay, that’s enough for now….I may be back for another one later but I need to eat lunch….more later….

September 25th

Well…running a bit early today with getting up a little before 6 and that is getting to be normal and I’m not sure that is a bad thing…that still makes it about 6 hours of sleep net for the night with tossing a little…and I’ll take that…it was an okay day yesterday with pool…that I won…but it did start to rain on the way home and I had to stop and put the top up at a stop light since I didn’t want to get wet…I did get a nice bike ride in but it looks like I’ll have to wait to get out this morning with the rain coming in and it looks like a huge weather change coming…it’s only going to be in the 50′s Thursday and then in the low 60′s from now on and I know it’s almost October but I am not ready for that yet….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I have to run errands today…can get chicken for 47 cents a pound at a store near me and my daily deals store has boneless skinless breasts for 99 cents a pound…the only thing is you have to buy 10 pounds to get the 47 cents and another 6 pounds to get the 99 cents…so, I’m going to have 16 pounds of chicken in my freezer…which is not bad for 10.70….and I do need to get out and buy an instant pot today since it will be covered with my cash back on my capital one card…and I can’t wait to try some new equipment…more later….

No skin cancer…

Well…just got a call from my dermatologist and it’s some good news….the lesions on my neck and side of my face are not skin cancer…they are just bad actinic keratosis like the ones I’ve had removed from the side of my face and scalp…so, I can have them frozen off in a couple of weeks and that should take care of it…feel kind of good about that….now, if the colonoscopy goes as well, I am going to be pretty happy….

What you never want to be….