All posts by James DeVol

October 2nd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but so damn cold and dreary that I think it depressed me some…I did get the top down on the car on the way out to pool…which I won…but, with the misty rain that came in while we were shooting, I had the top up on the way back and that was not too bad since it was only about 50….just not used to the cold yet…it is over 60 right now so when the rain moves off, I can get out on the bike in a t-shirt today and get a long ride in to make up for skipping yesterday….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I do have an errand to run today…need to get out and get an oil filter for the car so I can change the oil tomorrow with it going to be sunny and warm…and I am going to do some of the other maintenance I need to do to get ready for winter…it looks like I won’t get a house bought before the Nov 1 deadline so I need to sign another lease here…but that will take the pressure off and will allow me to get the house I want…and, I don’t mind living here…who knows? I may find one in the next two weeks…I can only hope..or I’ll win the Mega tonight and then all bets are off…more later…

Why can’t the repubs do the right thing one damn time?

Well….with the latest revelations that trump and his cronies in the WH are interfering in the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, I have just one question: why can’t the repubs do the right thing one damn time? Trying to put the fix in on this investigation is just the latest of the repubs always doing the wrong thing…on their tax cut scam that only benefited the rich, on their continuing attempts to gut Obamacare and throw 20 million people of their health insurance, to their continued attempts to take away women’s right to control their own bodies, to gutting environmental regulations that will kill more than 20,000 Americans each and every year, the repubs are on the wrong side of every issue that the polls show Americans care about and are doing their best to destroy this country before they lose in the November elections…and, if they ram Kavanaugh through to the SC, it will de-legitimize the court so that any decisions they make will be seen in the nakedly partisan lens they should be….and the efforts of the dems to impeach and remove Kavanaugh will be the first order when we take back the house and is necessary to restore faith in our government institutions that the repubs have done their best to destroy….I just hate these assholes…

October 1st

Well…running a little early this morning with getting up early to see T on tv but the rain washed that out…slept okay last night and finally feel okay after having the zyrtec wear off…felt so lousy all day yesterday and I’ll never try those for my allergies again…will stay with the flonase for now and hope they get better…it was basically a wasted day yesterday but I did get a bike ride in…it was only misting when I went out but it started to rain like crazy about 4 miles away from here and I got soaked…my shoes are probably still wet this morning but it looks like I won’t be getting out today with the rain that is supposed to be here all day….and it is too cold to go out right now….just not used to it yet….and I went out yesterday since I wasn’t going to be able to today so maybe a day off will do me good…not much to do today…pool this aft but that is about it….the first season of the Avengers is playing now so that is a pleasant surprise….oh, and I had the best blood pressure reading this morning since I got my machine….114/76 and that is not bad….shooting for under 110 in the next week or so….more later….

September 30th

Well…I remembered to come here this morning! If you’ve been here on Sunday morning, you know that it is quite unusual for me to get here before 8 or so but today I remembered after I read the paper and before the F1 race….slept okay last night and feel okay this morning and part of that is eating enough…or close to enough…the venison roast that I made in the instant pot yesterday came out great and I’ll have that for leftovers for the next few days but I need second meals so I need to get some of the boneless skinless chicken cooked for sandwiches….I do think the coughing I’ve had for weeks now is from allergies at this point but I am still not going to take anything for it…I may try some of the generic zyrtec that my daughter gave me just to see how it works…the side effect list is a little long and that is a concern, though, so I may have to think about it…not much to do today…lots of sports on and I am going to try to get a bike ride in after it warms up and if it stops raining but that is for later….I need more coffee and to catch up on the news…more later…

It’s been a day…

Well…it has been a little bit of a strange day…not really strange but there were a few strange things in it…and it all started with my last water stop up in the park this morning…just sitting there taking in the scenery and I looked down at the play toys where a little blond toddler was running across the grass heading forĀ  what I thought was a group of geese and that is not a good thing since geese can be pretty frickin mean…when I looked closer, the birds were actually turkeys and I couldn’t figure out whey they didn’t take off running like they always do when I ride by them…I’m not sure if they didn’t think the little girl was a threat or not but they just moved a little when she got to them and kept that up until her father got there and put her on the toys to play…one of the weirder things I’ve seen this year…oh, and one little strange thing rounded out the day…for the first time since I got my BP machine, I had all of the readings under 120/75 for the entire day…not sure if it’s something I’m doing or not but it was still pretty cool…

September 29th

Well…it’s been a weird morning with the fuse blowing in the microwave and having to go over to Miejers to get a new one…I knew I had a fuse in the junk drawer and couldn’t find it…so I got a new package of high amp ones…but, damn…got back here and found the fuses I was looking for on the counter…3 bucks down the drain…I did get the counter cleaned under it so I guess that was okay….slept a little crappy last night and had to put the heat on for the first time and that will take some getting used to…had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get much done but I am going to clean a little today after F1 qualifying and Man U playing…but, they are both on at the same time so there will be some flipping back and forth…and then I have to get on the bike before football starts…and I am going to make the venison roast that Tom gave me in the instant pot but that will be for lunch…going to try making gravy with cornstarch for the first time and I still have lots of leftover rice to have, too…2 cups goes a long way…more later….

We now know why Mitchell disappeared…

Well…if you watched the rotten, craven spectacle of Brett Kavanaugh’s “testimony” to the senate yesterday, I’m sure you came away with one clear fact, that Kavanaugh is not fit to sit on any court…his raging about conspiracy theories and the underlying elite privilege that he oozed while under “questioning” would be disqualifying in any other day or age…but not with a senate run by partisan hacks that are desperate to take every right away from women in this country…there is one little detail that has flown under the radar since yesterday that needs to be exposed. I’m sure you noticed that the outside prosecutor did not come back after a hastily called break in the proceedings…and the reason for that is being widely reported today and is so damn disturbing that I can’t fathom it…during his testimony, Kavanaugh committed another felony by lying to the senate and Mitchell was going to stop the proceedings and read Kavanaugh his rights as is her responsibility to her oath in Arizona…but, when she told Graham, Hatch, and the rest of the senators, they immediately started to cover up the fact that Kavanaugh had broken the law and made sure she wouldn’t ask another question….taking over for her and turning the rest of the hearing into a love fest for Kavanaugh even though he is an accused rapist that 5 women have now come forward to tell their stories about…and who are ignored as always by the repubs. After yesterday’s debacle, the ABA has withdrawn their recommendation that Kavanaugh be confirmed and called for a full FBI investigation into the allegations…but, the repubs plow on putting this unqualified, entitle little shit on the SC…one bit of good news is that the dems have already started to build the case for impeachment in their private talks with their caucus…we just need to take back the house and senate…and now, women and young people it is up to you…you MUST turn out to vote so we can get rid of the repubs for good…impeach…

September 28th

Well…it’s 6:32 and I have been up for a while trying to get moving…it should be easier with being good for a long time now but it isn’t so I guess it’s just from getting old…and I don’t like that at all…slept okay but a little more broken than it has been lately but still better than normal so I’ll still take it…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but cooking on the new toy again…made some brown rice to go with the chicken and it was probably the best rice I’ve ever made but now I have leftovers so I won’t have to cook again until tomorrow…still may do that venison roast but I have so much chicken that I may have to do some of that to start clearing out the freezer again….I may make a run out to Kohl’s today to see if I can get some clearance summer stuff…I do need some new shorts for next summer and 70% off would be a good deal….other than that, not much to do today….and that is true today…might clean a little but I’m not motivated right now….need coffee and the news to jump start the day….more later….

Too raw to watch…

Well…was going to watch the Kavanaugh hearing this morning but after a few minutes of Dr. Ford’s testimony, I just can’t watch it anymore knowing that this brave woman is going to be smeared by the repubs in the senate in any way they can…but, reading of it online, it is stunning how most of the people watching, even fox news call her testimony heart wrenching and credible…so what do you do now, repubs? And what do you do with the 4 other women who have come forward to tell their stories of the same kind of abuse at the hands of Kavanaugh and his buddies? We are seeing a true patriot in Doctor Ford…coming forward with nothing to gain and everything to lose…sitting there alone against the entire repub establishment and her bravery is on display for all to see. How does Kavanaugh go on after her and continue to try to lie his way onto the SC? Withdraw now, Brett…and try to atone for your nasty, entitled life…impeach…

September 27th

Well…running about on time for a Thursday and already have the grocery run done and the real paper read…and a half a cup of coffee so far and that is a good start to the day…slept really well last night…when was the last time you heard me say that? Feel pretty good this morning but slept on my right shoulder and it hurts like crazy but I’ll take that all day if I can sleep….had a nice day yesterday with having lunch with T…haven’t seen her in almost a month and we had a nice talk and lots of laughs…and, I got the first meal done in my instant pot…yeah, you’re going to hear me talk about that a lot until I get bored with it…reading the booklets that came with it, I found out it’s a slow cooker, too, so I guess my slow cooker will be retired…already moved it on top of the fridge where appliances go to die….oh, the first meal…made some chicken thighs and potatoes and it only took 13 minutes to cook them perfectly…even made gravy in the bottom of the cooker…very yummy…didn’t get anything else done yesterday but I have a few errands to run today after I get the bike ride in…I did sneak through the barriers to ride the trail that has been blocked off all summer and I think I’ll try that again today…it is nice to stay off the roads and away from cars again….more later….