All posts by James DeVol

March 3rd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I’m not sure why my lungs are crappy today….have been coughing since I got up and I don’t feel that hot so I may have to take it easy today….I did get out on the bike for two rides yesterday and I really like the new bike…really comfortable and I love having brakes again…I do have to remember that my legs and lungs are not back to summer fitness yet and not to overdo it….didn’t get a lot done yesterday other than the bike ride…cripes, just had to sit here and think for a minute what day it is….oh, well….I do need to get a few things done today…some cleaning and have a ham that I am going to cook for lunch….it’s nice that I can finally not feel guilty about eating more than one meal a day with being back on the bike…but, it looks like I’ll have to wait until this aft to get out since it is really cold this morning…and I just don’t want to be cold right now…not much to do today….just can’t get going right now so I guess the cleaning will have to wait until I have more coffee….more later….

Watch out…he’s gonna blow!

Well…just sitting here reading the news and, with all of the scandals that are quickly closing in on the idiot trump, the title of this one just popped into my head..”watch out, he’s gonna blow”. It is well reported today that idiot boy became “unglued” when Hope Hicks resigned and that was preceded by another blowup when he heard that she was talking to Mueller…and now, who does the idiot have to talk to who doesn’t think he’s a moron? More telling evidence that the pressure gauge is almost maxed out was the twitter rant he went on this morning attacking Alec Baldwin that was full of spelling errors and that was erased 10 minutes later…I guess one of the staff took his phone away for a few minutes….now, I normally don’t wish ill on anyone…I’m more of live and let live kind of person…but, with the idiot boy, I hope he goes into full meltdown mode soon…the country can’t take much more of his venality and stupidity…and I hope he takes all of the repubs with him….impeach….

Isn’t that wrong?

Well….as the repub tax scam’s effects continue to be reported by the press, a little noted news item from yesterday really rams home how unfair it really is…and I am going to make this a little personal. It was reported that Amazon is not going to pay a penny in taxes on income of over 5.6 billion dollars….yep, not one damn dime on 5.6 billion dollars in income…isn’t that wrong? Isn’t it wrong that all of you reading this are going to have to pay taxes and Amazon doesn’t? We all know that the tax code is slanted to favor the rich and business, but this latest cut, passed by repubs, makes that slant even higher, allowing many companies in this country to not pay anything…wouldn’t it be nice if some of that “trickled down” to you and me? I guess I shouldn’t bitch too much since Amazon and I paid the same amount of taxes to the feds this year…but, I paid some to Michigan so my taxes were higher than Amazon’s this year…isn’t that wrong? Yep….geez…

March 2nd

Well…not sure if I’m on time or not today but it seems close to it….just got some news that my daughter’s husband’s father had a huge heart attack last night…it appears he’ll be okay but that’s still a shock….slept okay last night and feel okay today but I am a little antsy that I’ll have to wait until noon to get out on the bike….can’t wait to get out today and take a long one…I did get my state tax check back yesterday so I guess I’ll need to get out to the bank this morning…was going to take the bike to run my errands this morning but it’s only 27 right now and I don’t want to do full thermasuit anymore….so, I guess I’ll fire up the car in a while and do them….not much to do today….need to cook and get the bike ride in but that is about it….more later….

Got the new bike!

Well….got the new bike this morning and spent about 20 mins assembling it…even have been out to ride it already with taking the rent check up to the office….first impressions: it is really light compared to the Motobecane…and even the Schwinn for that matter…at least 10 lbs. lighter than either one of those…and, it is so nice to get suspension back under me again…very little shock came up through the seat and I can stop again! I knew I missed the disc brakes but I didn’t know how much I missed them…it is so cool to just use a couple of fingers to stop and now I won’t have to plan 30 yards ahead when I ride….and it is so responsive I can see me bombing around again like I used to on the Motobecane…and I didn’t even have to adjust the shifters…they work right out of the box…I know that it was only a 300 yard ride this morning but I think I’m going to like it…a lot….

Less than 6%….

Well… we all know (at least those of us in the fact based community) that the repub “middle class tax cut” was a scam since the start…it was always driven by the need of the repubs to reward their big donors and to keep them from turning off the money taps that keep these idiots getting elected….and now the facts are in, that less than 6% of the business cuts went to workers…and the lies told by the repubs to get them passed are now objectively lies. You remember them don’t you? That the tax cuts would raise wages for workers, that the tax cuts would spur investment that would mean more jobs? that the tax cuts were targeted at workers and they would get a huge windfall? None of it is happening (are you surprised?) and, with the latest analysis, the only people who are benefiting are, of course, the 1%. Now, there are slivers of hope that the media is finally starting to do some actual, factual reporting on this issue but I still want to hear them ask idiot boy Ryan why he lied about who the beneficiaries were going to be of this budget busting monstrosity…and then do some damn follow up questions to hold his feet to the fire….geez…

March 1st

Well….running on time today and that is normal for a Thursday….spent a bunch on groceries today and that is because I needed some ground chuck to make burgers…when T and I were out for HH earlier in the week, she put the idea of olive burgers in my head so I just had to have some over the weekend…and, I had to have a spiral sliced ham, too, so that made it more expensive today….I did make the quota plus for the month of February and that feels good…but, to have to start over at the start of every month seems to be a chore lately…slept much better last night and have a little energy today so I will get to cleaning up to get ready for the new bike…have to wash the towel I use under the bike to protect the carpet since the winter slush brings in all kinds of dirt and leaves….not much to do today…just going to fool around here today and clean a little while I watch Michigan play in the big Ten tournament today….more later…

Now they’re hypocrites about free markets…

Well…as the pressure mounts on the corporate supporters of the NRA to flee before permanent damage is done to their brands, we now have another huge bout of hypocrisy by the repubs in Georgia (are you surprised?). The free market is just fine, fine, fine, as long as it supports the right wing assholes in this country, but as soon as it doesn’t go their way, they screech that it’s unfair and try to use the government to force business to do what they want. The latest is the idiot repubs in Georgia threatening Delta airlines with increased taxes sine they broke with the NRA and decided to not be part of NRA sanctioned murder machine that almost daily kills children across the country. And, do you know what Delta did? They immediately started looking for a new state to move their headquarters to…putting 30,000 jobs in Georgia at risk and making real the possibility of billions of dollars of economic losses just so the lieutenant governor can earn his NRA bribes. This has fallout past just Delta moving…with the politicization of business tax breaks in Georgia, Amazon is now re-thinking putting a headquarters there citing the uncertainty of doing something that would make the idiot repubs there mad and bringing retaliation down on them. So, nice job hypocrites…I hope the bribes you got from the NRA are enough to offset the billions of dollars you are going to lose with your bullshit….and I can’t wait for you to explain to the 30,000 people who will be out of jobs that the NRA is more important than them…November is coming….geez…

What a morning….

Well…it has been a strange morning this morning…the whole thing started with getting up so damn early that my entire schedule is off and I feel a little out of sorts. Then, after working out, I get out on the bike and my earbuds lose a channel after about a mile out so I decide to just ride with the right channel and that was a little weird when you only hear half of the music….then, the whole thing was topped off by breaking a shift cable on the Schwinn on it’s last day on the trail….so, I rode it back with two speeds and that kind of hurt since the lowest gear was 5th and it is a steep climb coming back toward here. But, now, I am about done except for cleaning where the Schwinn is going to be stored to get ready for the new bike that is coming tomorrow…can’t wait. More later….

February 28th

Well…running really, really early today with getting up at 4:30….decided to skip the sleep aids last night and it was as ugly as I expected…was up and down all night and I think the total sleep time was about 3 1/2 hours…so today is going to be ugly, too, with a nap in the future this aft…I did get out to have a nice HH with T yesterday and we had a great conversation and a lot of laughs….even had the top down over and back…got the next to last bike ride in on the Schwinn in shorts yesterday and today’s last ride will be in shorts,too, since it is already almost 48 degrees and that is the threshold for shorts…but, I am going to wait a while since it is still only 5:30 am right now….I did get the old bike stripped yesterday and got the frame out in the trash and it didn’t bother me in the least…it’s usually hard to get rid of things I’ve had for a long time but not this time…I think having the new bike on the way helped that some…not much to do today…just the workout and the bike ride and then I need to head over to depot to get some zip ties to transfer the computer over to the new bike tomorrow…I do need to remember to eat more than one meal today since I skipped dinner yesterday and that might make the bike ride a little tough today….more later…