Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Just what Putin wants…

Well…we all knew that the idiot trump would need a new distraction to try to hide the fact that he just got his ass kicked in the latest budget standoff…and didn’t get funding for his damn wall..and today we found out what that is. Without consulting anyone in the state department or the military, idiot boy has decided to claim victory over ISIS in Syria and bring all the troops that are still there home…now, normally I would applaud any action that would get our soldiers out of harm’s way, the motive for this withdrawal is suspect to say the least and it is just what Putin wants…it will leave Russia as the only power left in the area and trump gave it to him without any concessions on Russia’s part…some damn fine negotiatin, huh? This also plays right into Turkey’s hands by leaving no buffer to keep Turkey from attacking the Kurds in northern Iraq…something that Erdogan has been pushing for since trump was installed and it is also something that every other president would not do since the Kurds are our staunchest allies in the region…and now trump has abandoned them. I wonder if this order came down from Putin to trump now since he knows that once the dems take control of the House, this kind of crap just won’t go? It sure looks that way and we all know that trump is too ignorant and stupid to have thought of this on his own…let’s just add this as another log for the impeachment fire…in the dumpster that is the trump WH….impeach…

The trump crime foundation is shut down…

Well…just a shorty on the news that just came out that the trump foundation will be shut down due to repeated criminal activity….now, let that sink in for a minute…during the election all of the breathless coverage of the Clinton Foundation went on and on as fox news and the right screamed lock her up continually even as there was no finding of any wrongdoing…and they ignored the fact that the trump foundation was little more than a personal slush fund that was committing crimes every damn day on trump’s behalf…and guess what? The Clinton foundation goes on today, doing good work around the world with the best rating for honesty and transparency by every charity rating agency…while there will be criminal charges to the entire trump crime family that ran their “foundation”….just another of trump’s frauds that has been the definition of his life…impeach…

Doesn’t trump know anything?

Well…I am just shaking my head about the debacle of the idiot trump trying to find a new chief of staff and having everyone he wanted turn him down since they don’t want to be the chief of dumpster fire and go to jail themselves. After a couple of weeks, idiot boy settled on Mick Mulvaney to be his “temporary” chief of staff along with being the head of OMB….a job that he had to be confirmed for by the senate. That right there is why this pick is so damn dumb and to be expected from trump and his cadre of third stringers…they don’t know anything of how the government works and that is why they made this stupid pick…anytime that the House or senate wants now, they can call the COS to testify on any topic in front of any number of committees since he was confirmed by the senate…and he must tell the truth under penalty of perjury… so now anything that Mulvaney hears from trump or his cronies is going to be available to the dems….I wonder if trump knew that he was hiring a mole? Of course he didn’t…he doesn’t know anything so why would he know this? I thought I’d seen the dumbest acts from the dumbest person in the country before…but this is the gold standard of dumb….impeach…

Just the best investigations…

Well…just saw a little article that made me laugh out loud…as you know, there are investigations of trump and his cronies everywhere but it never dawned on me that everything trump is under investigation…yep, with the announcement yesterday that the trump inaugural is now under investigation, every damn thing that trump has touched in his life is now under investigation for criminal acts….let’s compare that to Nixon even…nope not everything Nixon touched was under investigation…not for money laundering, not for working with a foreign power to steal his election, not for looting his inauguration fund, not for having a fake charity that was used like a personal piggy bank….you get my drift…until now, Watergate was the worst political scandal in the history of the country but trump beat that out even before he was elected…or kinda elected…you know, for a while there, I thought trump was going to get away with it with the repubs conspiring with him to protect him from his criminality…but not now…he is already implicated in two felonies and will pay for them when he is out of office…and the new AG of New York is going to investigate everything trump as soon as she takes office in January….and, if there are no crimes there, I’ll shut this site down and go live in the woods like a hermit…and, there are no pardons that can save idiot boy from state crimes….is it too early to grin? Don’t think so…impeach…

Yow….what an afternoon for the idiot trump…

Well…just got caught up with the news from the afternoon after I finished watching soccer and all I can say is Yow! If yesterday with Cohen’s sentencing and the fact that trump directed two felonies was hard for the idiot boy…today was a gut punch with the revelation that the feds have a criminal investigation going of the trump inaugural and how the 107 million dollars they raised was spent and what part of that money was to buy access and get favors from trump and his cronies. This investigation has even drawn in trump’s wife since her best friend was paid 26 million dollars to “plan” some of the balls and events that were held…I wonder where that money went? Kickbacks to line trump’s pockets? Oh, and one tiny little detail came up in theĀ  mistress payoff, too…NBC news has just reported that they have proof trump was in the room when the payoffs were discussed…man, I can’t wait for the tweet storm from this one…how many more instances of criminality do we have to put up with before trump is impeached and locked up? Oh, one last thing that came up from one of the people who worked on the idiot boy’s tv show….trump was constantly snorting Adderal while doing theĀ  show…I wonder if that is why the idiot is so weird all the time? Geez…impeach this asshole already….

Grift doesn’t scale…

Well…I think one of the biggest mistakes that the idiot trump made in trying to use his petty grifting tactics that worked in NY on a worldwide basis is the fact that grift doesn’t scale…what I mean by that is the sleazy two-bit scams that worked so well in NY where everyone knew trump was just that…a two-bit grifter don’t translate to a national or a world stage since the environment is different…it was just an acceptable part of the NY real estate market that scams abounded and that regulators could be bought off for what is peanuts to the scammers…as evidenced by Jared and Ivanka getting bought out of a few felony counts of lying to investors by a 25K donation to the New York county district attorney who, against the advice of the team investigating the scam, dropped the charges against them. Since he got away with everything his entire life, it follows that trump would think the same thing would happen after he was installed as president by Putin…but, then reality intervened in the guise of people who still think that the law needs to be followed and there needs to be a respect for the rule of law…and now, trump and his kids and anyone else in his crooked sphere are in the spotlight and are in real trouble….there was a quote from someone that I read yesterday that sums it up…”no one comes away from trump’s orbit unscathed”…and that would be a great epitaph for his tombstone…impeach…

Meltdown in real time….

Well…with the revelations from the Cohen sentencing whacking the idiot boy upside the head and the fact that the parent of the Enquirer has been granted immunity to tell everything they know about trump and his criminality (prosecutors now have the contents of the “trump safe” that held all the worst stuff that he Enquirer found out about trump over time), we are seen a meltdown of trump in real time today and I am not going to lie, I am loving this crap. Just today, idiot boy returned to his wall and in the span of 15 minutes said that he would shut down the government if he didn’t get funding for his wall, then Mexico was going pay for the wall in the new version of NAFTA, and then that most of the wall has already been built and has stopped 7,000 terrorists at the Mexican border. Whew…is anyone else exhausted with just hearing of idiot boy’s delusions? Look, let’s put all of this playing to his base in context…it’s all he has left…he is going to trial after his term is up in 2020…that is a fact that appears to be finally sinking in and this mornings tweets trying to minimize the severity of lawbreaking in campaign finance violations show his panic is starting to be all consuming…and the reports from inside the WH that he is a ranting hot mess further show that he is melting down in real time…man, I’d like to throw a little gas on that fire and help him along the road to ruin….although he doesn’t need any help there…impeach…

Cohen confirmed…

Well….a topic has finally fallen into my lap this afternoon and it is kind of a shocker….the parent company of the National Enquirer and it’s president, David Pecker, escaped prosecution today for conspiring with the trump campaign to silence one of the women whom trump had an affair with to affect the outcome of the election. This blows up the repub talking point that there was only Cohen lying that trump and his campaign broke the law by paying off these women to stay quiet until after the election…now the first piece of corroborating evidence was made public and yes, trump did commit two felonies by paying off these women…and the interesting thing is that the SDNY has decided that the cooperation that Pecker and the company has given was so valuable that they will face no charges for these crimes…this is called flipping, donnie, and it is going to bring you down…but one thing we have to remember is that this news makes it less likely that idiot boy will resign since being president is the only thing shielding him from an immediate perp walk for these two felonies that Michael Cohen is going to prison for…for 3 long years…and this is just the tip of the iceberg for trump…the meat of the Mueller investigation is still to come along with the SDNY investigation into money laundering that is currently ongoing….there is no way the idiot avoids prison…it’s just a matter of time….impeach…

Can’t find a topic…

Well…have been looking for a topic since I got off the bike but with little luck…nothing seems interesting right now and there really isn’t anything going on other than the Cohen sentencing and that is still in progress so that’s no help…and I’m tired of hearing from or about the idiot boy so that’s out, too…okay….I’ll take one more run out to twitter and see if there is anything there…okay…this is one thing I want to comment on about idiot boy and his belief that people would “revolt” if he is ever impeached…and the immediate word that came into my head was “rejoice” if he is ever impeached…the delusion is strong in this one to quote Yoda…okay, this one isn’t going anywhere so I’m going to stop before I permanently bore you….more later…

Trump has his ass handed to him…

Well…it was quite a spectacle a couple of hours ago when the idiot trump invited Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to the WH to discuss legislation to keep the government open…I am still laughing that idiot boy wanted the meeting to be covered live and he thought he could bully Pelosi and Schumer to get the damn wall since he was able to do that to Paul Ryan and the rest of the repubs he has had to deal with…when he started his usual schtick of going on and on that the wall is needed to keep the country safe and that he would shut down the government if he didn’t get funding, Schumer basically said go for it and Pelosi made it clear that she understood that he couldn’t get funding for the wall passed even in current repub controlled House…and trump continued to bluster that he could get funding passed “in a minute” if he wanted to…sounding like a little kid caught in a boast that he knew was a lie and then reverted to bragging that the repubs “won” the senate..to which Schumer replied “when the president brags that he won Indiana and North Dakota, he’s in real trouble” and then manuevered trump into accepting that if the government shuts down it’s his fault…all this while Pence sat there looking like he’d rather be anywhere else and trying to stay awake…the fact is that trump is facing people who know how government works and are tougher than nails and he has no clue how to do anything but bully and bluster and lie….and he had his ass handed to him…this could be a great show…impeach…