Well…we all know that Trump lies like he breathes, and the disavowing of his “birtherism” is just another one of them….last week, he said that he “believes” that Obama was born in the US…a whole seven seconds in a speech…but that seven seconds doesn’t erase the 6 years of constant attack on the president, the constant racist dog whistles that were lapped up by all repubs and still are…and ole Donald admitted yesterday that his abandoning of his racist birther stance was just expediency….just to get people to stop talking about it…not that he apologized to the president for his many, many slurs over the past 6 years…nope, that won’t happen since he still is a racist piece of shit who still believes all of his own lies about Obama…I think part of this is the fact that Obama has come from nothing and, through hard work and intelligence, has made a difference in the lives of many Americans and has tried to do what is right for the entire country…while Trump was given everything…never had to work for a dime of his supposed “fortune” and has done everything in his life for one person…Trump…and has hurt thousands of people as he cut his path of damage across this country….I detect some jealousy there…after all, how could any minority do better than Trump? Trump is just one pissed off little boy trying to look like a man and failing at it…and it couldn’t happen to a worse person…geez…
Tag Archives: lies
I’m getting tired….
Well…I’m getting tired of talking about how much ole Trump lies, so I’m not going to talk about that much more…just one little thing that I read this morning…in a deposition, under oath, that took about two hours….it was verified that the Trumpster lied 30 times…yep, 30 times in two hours! Now, take a look at your own day, do you lie more than 30 times for the entire day? The entire month? Didn’t think so….so why would any foreign leader trust a pres….nope can’t even write that….it’s just too far afield of what the US stands for to think about the idiot running the country…let’s just leave it that no one in their right mind…even Putin would ever trust anything this moron says…how does the world work without trust? Sad….
This is deranged….
Well….if you didn’t think that Obama derangement syndrome was a real thing, You just have to listen to Trump’s spokesperson Katrina Peterson the other day trying to deflect the fact that Trump has become obsessed with the Khan’s and the sacrifice their son made in 2004. And, that’s the key here…this idiot Peterson went on Wolf Blitzer’s show and said that Hillary and Obama were responsible for Capt. Khan’s death conveniently forgetting that ole GW was president when the death occurred…the worst thing here is that Wolf didn’t even push back on this obvious lie…he just let it hang in the air while he went to commercial. This is the problem with the media today….why can’t they just say “hey that’s a bald faced lie” and pressure these idiots that work for Trump…..they’re just enablers that have let the birther crap go on for years…that let the lie that tax cuts spur growth in jobs…and every other delusion on the right is allowed to stand as truth….sad….
Lying is just another tool for the right…
Well…after reading about the first day of the repub convention…all I can say is that mendacity is the new watchword for the right…lying has become just another tool for the right, the supposed “family values” party. The entire night was filled with lies…starting with the fully debunked “stand down” order from Benghazi to Melania Trump’s speech that blatantly stole whole paragraphs from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech to the Democratic convention. But, lies don’t matter to the repubs these days…in fact, the bigger the lie the bigger the cheer at the convention…..and now they are lying about Melania’s background, saying she graduated from college when she quit after a part of a year…now, I’ve said this before…don’t these idiot repubs understand that there is an entire industry devoted to fact checking? The funniest thing I have seen with the plagiarized speech is that people have put both Michelle and Melania up on you tube side by side to show that the speech was stolen…and yet the Trump people continue to lie and say that the entire thing was original thought…god, I hate the fact that lying is now acceptable to one of the major parties here in the US…the damn repubs are ruining this country….sad!
The sad state of politics…
Well…never in my life have I seen what is happening now on the US political scene…a major political party nominating the biggest liar there has ever been in politics? Ole Donald doesn’t just lie one day and then the next, but the lies can and do come in every sentence and he contradicts himself from one word to the next….and his supporters don’t care since they have been unleashed to be the racist bigots they always were but, before Trump, the society curtailed some of the behaviors that we now see at every Trump rally…that it was not okay to call people racist epithets but now Trump does it so it must be okay. What do you do with a candidate who has no shame, who doesn’t care that he lies, who doesn’t care who he hurts, who doesn’t care how many people he puts out of work…and what do you do with a media who is so ratings driven that they let Trump lie and lie with no threat of stopping his wall to wall coverage….I have been troubled by the demise of traditional media for many years now…and the disappearance of any reporter who will call bullshit on the idiots who have been allowed to lie repeatedly and rot this country from the inside…not sure what can be done….
Holy whiplash, Batman….
Well…if you are going to pay any attention to Trump and this campaign, I think you’d better stock up on neck braces to keep the whiplash from him changing his mind from hurting too much. The latest two just point out that ole Donald is just making crap up as he goes along with not one care about consistency….or as the repubs are so fond of saying “uncertainty” and the Huuuge effect it has on markets and our allies. First, over the weekend, we had the Donald say that he would have to raise taxes on the rich to make his economic “plan” work…and not more than two hours later, on another show, he said the he would never raise taxes on the rich….and just yesterday he said that Ben Carson was going to be the person vetting his VP choices…but today, ole Donald’s campaign manager said that he would be the one vetting the picks….yep…surprise, surprise…the Donald is an inconsistent blow hard who just makes it up and tells people what they want to hear with absolutely no care that, in at least one of the instances, he is lying through his teeth…but, I guess in the modern repub party, that is the game plan…promise people one thing, and then go hard right once you are elected…worked for Snyder here in Michigan and Walker in Wisconsin….but it is supposed to be kept secret until after the election…something that Donald just can’t do…geez…
Still searching…
Well…even though there are lots of things happening in politics, much of it is so ridiculous that I can’t work up any outrage about it…I mean, Drumpf giving the excuse for the manhandling of a reporter by his campaign manager that the pen she was holding could have been a bomb? Delusional to say the least…but, so was his meltdown the other day on a phone call to a Wisconsin right wing radio show where the host just drilled him on everything he said….then we had Anderson Cooper going after him for acting like a 5 year old in the debate and the slow motion destruction of Drumpf is underway….but, I can’t say more about the liar Cruz that he is any different…he really isn’t and to know about Kasich, just take a look at what he did in Ohio…not the lies that he said he did or will do…just more of the same bait and switch that all of the repubs do to trick people into voting for them…can you say right to work, Snyder? It appears that the right wing nonsense is starting to unravel, finally, but the sick thing is that it is always the dems that have to come in and fix the damage that the repubs do…and I am tired of it…okay, this one was kind of all over the place….have not been as lucid as normal over the past few days and I’m not sure why…I will try to get better…that’s all I can do….
Carly Fiorina is either a liar or just plain stupid…
Well…the repub presidential candidates have show themselves all to be liars, but one stands out in the crowd by being the best liar or just plain stupid. Carly Fiorina started her jaw dropping lies with the whopper that she saw a video that showed PP taking live babies and selling them for their parts…never taking that one back when it was a proven to be a lie….but now, she continues with a newer, better, and more delusional lie from the last debate this week. During the debate she rattled off a bunch of retired generals who she said were “retired” by Obama for telling him what he didn’t want to hear…two of the generals, Petreus, and McChrystal, were forced out for misconduct and one of the remaining, Jack Keane, retired in 2003, five years before Obama even took office and commented that he has never even spoken to Obama…but, did that stop ole Carly? Nope, she said that she didn’t “misspeak”, and that means she meant to tell this lie and didn’t give a damn that it’s not true….we all know that ole Carly is a liar, now we can also say that she is just plain stupid to go with it…geez…
Carly Fiorina lies just like the rest of them…
Well…the lies just keep on coming from the right these days about Planned Parenthood but this last bunch by Carly Fiorina is just too much…during the debate last week…ole Carly went on and on about the video she said she saw that showed a live baby being dissected for organs at Planned Parenthood…even though this video DOES NOT exist and never did…but the media gave up their responsibility of challenging her on these lies and she continues to spout them…but now, it has gotten even worse with her campaign faking a video that supposedly supports what she said in the debate….and, again the media has given here a pass on this lie when it would be pretty easy to just look for the time stamp on the video which would expose this lie…but none of them will do a damn thing….but, that doesn’t make this any less of a lie and this should disqualify the idiot Carly from ever holding any office…this, along with the lies about her “success” at HP should have gotten her laughed right off the stage…but here we have this idiot rising in the polls as she lies, lies, and lies….I guess that’s what the repub base likes…liars and the lies they tell….she will NEVER be elected in the general…just go home, Carly…only the most rabid of your base wants to hear a word you have to say…geez…
Still cheating…
Well…still not having much luck with topics today…but I did hear that the repubs are using the same tricks that they always use to try to take control of the senate….that is…don’t tell anyone anything…and lie, lie, lie….just what ole Walker did in Wisconsin and what ole Snyder did here in Michigan….try to look moderate to appeal to the independents and then unleash the war on workers, women, and immigrants when they are elected. I think they forgot for a few minutes this past week that no one wants their policies except the idiots and the rich when they said they would come out with policies they would implement….and now they are walking that back so fast their shoes are smoking….but, this is how they always operate…they know everyone hates them so they just lie, and lie, and lie…I wonder why anyone still believes anything they say? Geez…