Tag Archives: life

Is this what I’m supposed to do?

Well…there were a lot of developments this week on the legislative front and the accomplishments were truly great when you look at it in the context of the rancor that has poisoned politics over the last two years or so…and I know I’m supposed to be overjoyed or something but I really don’t feel anything right now….I know I’m supposed to comment with lucid thoughts and insights on these happenings but I feel hollow and blank…and it’s not the holidays since I don’t celebrate them…saturday is just another day to me…how am I supposed to feel?

That’s the problem….I don’t even think I know how to be human any more, to be who I’m supposed to be…but, who is that? I still love doing this…this little slice of life that I share everyday and I also am humbled by the fact that quite a few of you keep coming back everyday to share in this weird, old guys life….I guess it’s what I shared with T this morning, though…that when you start thinking of your life in months and just keep trying to buy more by whatever means you can, it’s different…I don’t know if we’re wired to think that way….

December 23rd

Well…it not the easiest thing to get through a day like yesterday when you feel like crap….and today is going to be another busy one…have to get the car fixed at 8am….yeah, that pretty frickin early so I thought I’d get this out before I have to get moving…I did get the money situation sorted out so I can relax for the next couple of months, and actually get real food…I may make a prime rib for christmas just to splurge on myself but I’m not sure yet….one of the boys may be coming over for a while but it’s still tentative right now…so I will have groceries to do later along with C coming into town…as I said, a busy day…by my standards anyway. Not much else to do today….you know I had to say that….I did have a couple with K last night and that was fun….it just gets longer and longer between the times I see the old group and it like it’s dissipating slowly like smoke….oh, well…need to get off my butt and get started building a new one I guess…more later….

Okay…I know I’ve not been too productive lately…but the whole money thing has been weighing on me a lot; coloring everything I’ve done over the past few months…I’m going to try to get better here in the next few days…but don’t you have those slumps, too? The ones where your brain doesn’t feel right, where you are operating in second gear and can’t find the shifter? It is really disheartening when you live in fear of an unexpected expense happening…it’s not supposed to be a 57 year olds life. I did get the car fixed…they wanted to charge me 312 dollars for an exhaust component that is 20 inches long…I just had them cobble it back together and that was still over a hundred bucks….oh, well…have to start looking for a new car I guess…

December 22

Well…did it to myself again last night…feel like crap right now so I’m going to keep this short…for now, that is…I did win at pool so that was okay….more later….really later…

Okay..back and feeling quite a bit better…was kind of busy this morning and broke the exhaust on the car again…will need to get that fixed tomorrow morning since I need a stealth car…and I like mine to be as quiet as possible…not to draw attention…I really do like to be invisible but not where women are concerned…and that seems to be where my invisibility works the best..oh, well….as I said, I did have stuff to do today so this may be the only one for the day…I have a Netflix movie to watch and with getting no sleep last night, there will be a nap involved….and I do have to glue the tip back on the cue stick…but that won’t happen today I don’t think…oops…running out of energy again so I’m going to stop here….I will try to get more out today but I’ve been so focused on getting my printer working again that the four papers I read this morning have already entered the mists of the past…kind of catchy, huh? I can write at times….I think…maybe…more later…

December 21st

Well….there are times when tv is kind of interesting…I don’t know if you saw it or not, but Countdown did a segment last night that was a mirror image of my post on the domestic spying programs that are part of the “anti-terrorism” efforts of the DHS…and I really don’t mind they steal my stuff…yeah, I know, it’s not stealing, but their conclusions were identical to mine…should I be flattered? Or, have I gone way too far to the left? Who, knows? Nope….the right to be left alone by your government is not a right or left issue…it is an issue of the constitution and abuse of power that comes with these ill-defined programs that have no oversight.

Okay…these aren’t supposed to be politically oriented so I’ll stop now…well…the ones tagged “life” aren’t supposed to be and that is the tag here…so, I’ll get back to the life stuff….up early this morning…crappy sleep again but I’ll live through it. Missed the lunar eclipse because it was cloudy here…and I wasn’t going to stay up all night to see it anyway…I’ve seen lots of them anyway and I’ll wait for the next one in a couple of years….hmmmm….the thought just came to me that there may be a series of lasts coming since I’m getting old…when do we start thinking like that? Is there an age where that kicks in? Geez…life’s depressing enough without that kind of thinking so I won’t think about that today….I do have some things to do today…out to Ada for pool later and I think I may have my cue fixed so I’m going to use that this aft….don’t know if it will help but it is nice to drag that antique out every once in a while….I’ve had it since 1971 after all…that’s enough for now…don’t know if I’ll have 4 posts today….odds are I won’t, but I’ll try to be topical and lucid…and I should be…two days in a row of being good….more later…

Nearly off the rails….

Well…came pretty close to going off the rails on that last one…but it is important so I won’t apologize….I do sometimes…but not now….it’s been kind of an odd day today…have been very antsy and restless all day but that did help me get some work done..so that’s okay…did laundry, vacuumed, did dishes, and even worked on my pool cue for tomorrow….had to try to fix the tip and I may have been successful…we’ll see. I am now thinking about watching a netflix movie since there is no Monday with G today….I am sitting on the fence about going out to buy some refreshments for cocktail time…should probably take another day off since I am just now feeling almost normal…well, as normal as I get….and I don’t want to spend 10 bucks on the Velvet…..so I’ll keep that 10 bucks for Keno and a Mega Millions ticket….the jackpot is up to 145 mil and I need something good to think about…so, you’ve gotten 4 of these today and that has taken some of the guilt away…but only some….

December 20th

Well…that was a wasted day….didn’t even start to feel human until about 7 pm and still don’t think I’m at 100%…well…I’m never at 100% any more but that’s another story. I was going to do one on the repeal of DADT yesterday but I didn’t do anything at all but nurse the wounds…and you’ve seen that before on Sunday so it shouldn’t have been surprise….didn’t even go out for SF since that would have meant driving across town and that was just not going to happen…..yep…still feel like crap….and I am so sore all over that I’ll have to go back to the ibuprofen before I go out for coffee. I do have a few things to do today…..yay…have to go out for supplies this morning and then back here to get some work done….then do laundry and clean some…I think I’ll make it a goal to get the whole place cleaned up before the end of the week so I’ll have some sort of an accomplishment and won’t feel like it was another wasted week…I’m starting to feel like the Eagles song “Wasted Time”…go look it up…it doesn’t fit completely but the general theme is there….okay…time to go….more later….

December 19th

Well…wine hangovers hurt. But, the party at G’s was so much fun it was worth it…I have a sore throat from laughing so much and what little voice I have left has shifted down a couple of octaves. The car was even parked straight when I went out to get the paper this morning so I feel okay about that….there was good news on the political front yesterday….hmmm…should probably put that in a political post, huh? I think I will so I’ll have something else to write about later….but, what about now? Not a lot to do today….and this time I mean it….watched the wonderful movie “Top Hat” this morning with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and the really cool Irving Berlin songs…yep, that really tells you how old I am….I can’t believe it was made 75 years ago….oh, back to today…going to have another cup of coffee and read the online papers and wait to hear from K to see if there is going to be a SF today….I wouldn’t mind going out for a while…after I slump back to the couch and veg for added energy or for decreased pain, I can’t figure out which yet…more later…

December 18th

Well…things went downhill into boredom pretty quickly after lunch with T yesterday….and the Wings lost which just capped off the slide…but I did see the Ridley Scott version of Robin Hood…and I don’t understand why they even called it Robin Hood…there was really no connection to the traditional story except for a couple of names but it was a good movie anyway. Not a lot to do today…have to make the shrimp fettucine for G’s party later but that is about it…there were cocktails involved last night so I’m a little slow today…I’ll try to get a couple of posts out later but I have the feeling that today is a veg day..so, I’ll start vegging right now and go get a cup of coffee and read the paper…more later…

December 17th

Well…a long night with a couple of cocktails so I’m a little slow today…..yeah, you did see a placeholder if you were here earlier….but I dumped it so it didn’t show up in the count….and the idea I had sounded like a good one at the time but I’m not sure if I’ll get to it today….who knows? I do have something to do today…having lunch with T and there are supposed to be stories so that will be fun….other than that…not much to do today…I was worried how I was going to get that one in…I don’t know what is going on but I am sore from head to toe and it is getting old…just like me, but I hope that’s not the reason….I think I’ll go get an ibuprofen and see if that helps…more later…

I’m back for a few…the ibuprofen did help, as did the beer at lunch…and T got me to do something that no one has been able to do in quite a few years…go into a mall during the holidays…yep, I know, not me at all but it’s just fun to hang out with her…even shopping…but I will say it took all of 5 minutes so maybe it’s not too big of a test….I will try to get to the topics later…oh, it is later, isn’t it? Damn….let me have a couple of minutes and I’ll get to it….

December 16th

Well…the days are starting to run together with boredom and I’m not sure what to do about it..but that’s my problem, huh? There was a pretty good Wings game last night and I got to see Nicky Lidstrom get the first hat-trick in his career…over 1400 games but he’s a defenseman so that’s not unexpected. Pretty cool, though, and it couldn’t happen to a classier guy. Slept okay again but there are so many new aches and pains that I’m not sure what is going on….it’s a pain getting older…ha,ha. Yeah, I know, bad joke…Not much to do today…have to get the makings for the dish I’m making for G’s party sat…a shrimp fettucine with Feta that is really light and tasty…but I don’t like to cook for people much anymore since I think my tastes have started to skew along with my brain as I get older and there is nothing worse than making something and having everyone hate it….yep, feeling that insecure tight now and I don’t know why…..hey, keep watching…I may be going off the rails soon…the signs are there and it may make this more interesting…more later…