March 22nd

Well…running a little late this morning for absolutely no reason that I can think of…slept kind of okay and I think the bug is finally going away but I’m still coughing so maybe not…had another coffee maker die yesterday and didn’t want to buy another one so I took the three dead ones and made a usable one that will get me by until I see one on sale…kind of feel like McGyver this morning….I did make some cash yesterday so that was cool but now I need to get to work so I can make more…should have enough cash now to get through a month or so and I won’t feel bad about buying groceries this week…I did get a better bike ride in yesterday and had some life in my legs for the first time in a while and I want to get out again this morning before the wind comes up much more…and, it looks like the big snow that was coming tomorrow has shifted north so it will be mostly rain here…and that is a good thing…I’m done with snow for the year and have the summer tires on the car….not much to do today…need to get the exercise in and then cleaning…maybe a little other work, too, but I’m not sure…more later….

It’s the Supreme Court, stupid….

Well…now that we have heard from the turtle man McConnell that, under no circumstances will he allow any hearings to be held on a new supreme court justice until he loses the job of majority leader….I am at a loss to understand his end game…I mean, what does he expect to gain from this? Another Scalia? That is never going to happen and, unless he is the most stupid person in the world (which I think he is) he can’t think he will get anyone farther to the right than Garland. Go ahead, Mitch, hold this one up until we take back the senate and you will get another Ginsburg who will push the court farther to the left than the current nominee. The latest outrage in this whole mess is ole Mitch’s statement yesterday that he won’t allow any hearings on anyone that the NRA disapproves of…yep, you heard it right, Mitch is now giving up his job to the NRA…now, I’ve read the constitution and there is not one mention of the NRA advising and consenting on supreme court justices…I am just shaking my head here today on how far off the rails the repubs have gone….and they need to go…get out and vote people…this needs to stop….

March 21st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool…a shortened pool day but I still won…my damn coffeemaker quit on me this morning and I am irritated….the old one I got for 9 bucks at Target 15 years ago still works but this is the second one that has failed in the last year….slept okay last night but feel like crap today and have no energy so it will be a low key day today….didn’t get anything done yesterday and today looks the same….just have no motivation to do anything….so, I am going back to the couch to look for a new coffeemaker….more later….

March 20th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…slept okay last night but feel a little slow this morning…the bike ride shook the crap loose in my lungs yesterday and I have been coughing since…and the ride was just brutal with the wind and cold so I think I’ll take the day off today….I did get my fed check yesterday so I’ll be able to pay the rent in April and that freed up the cash in the drawer so I can buy groceries for the next couple of weeks…not sore anywhere but my legs and that is okay….I know why they hurt so I can cope with that….need to get some stuff done today but I’m not sure if I will…may have pool today and that will take the afternoon that I usually use to clean…but, I wasn’t going to do that anyway so I guess that’s okay….not much to do today…pool, maybe, and that will be about it…not feeling any energy right now so I need more coffee and the couch…more later….

Republican economics…

Well…as repubs elected to state houses trash the economies of their states with their faith based economics, more and more examples come up where it is clear that all repubs are on the grift…enriching themselves and their cronies while cutting everything that makes a state livable for the masses. The latest example comes from Alabama, where the repub governor Robert Bentley just gave his staff, and others, raises of almost 75K per year while they were passing a law that prevents any municipality from raising the minimum wage to allow people to get a living wage…yep, you heard that right…enrich the rich and the people that have been giving tax breaks to corporations and cutting services across the state get a big raise for it…and this is not the only shenanigans the idiot Bentley has done…just last year he took 2 million dollars from the BP oil settlement that is supposed to be used to help the people that were hurt by the spill, and used that money to rebuild a little used governors mansion for his use…these guys have turned these states into little more than tin pot dictatorships where they steal everything for themselves and the hell with the people they are supposed to govern….this is the modern repub, folks..take a good look…geez…

March 19th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but no pool….I did get out on the bike later in the day but with the wind, it was a brutal ride….slept okay last night but it was kind of cold in here for some reason…and I still feel cold even though the temp is set at the normal 75 degrees….after being off the bike for a few days, my legs are really sore from going into the wind and they shouldn’t be….probably from not taking any ibuprofen before I went…will need to do the thermasuit today since it is never going to get above 40 today….didn’t get anything done yesterday but make a ham so I will need to get some cleaning done since I won’t do anything if we shoot pool tomorrow….need to vacuum again and clean the stove since I cooked yesterday and made a little bit of a mess…and I like having a clean kitchen…not much to do today…watching soccer now and the 12 hours of Sebring is on later this morning so I won’t be bored…more later….

The Kochs will ruin anything…

Well….you know that I have written about the Koch brothers and all of the anti tax organizations that they fund…and the mischief these idiots do across the country…now they are even getting involved in local matters that have nothing to do with them…last year it was a bond issue for the Columbus zoo that they spent millions defeating…why they give a damn about that I’ll never know…and now a little town called Plainfield Illinois has felt the long tentacles of the Kochtopus. What was the dastardly thing the people there wanted to do? Raise taxes to pay for a new library for the town to replace one that was just too small. This small raise in taxes would pay for the new library and updating of technology, along with meeting rooms for the community to use. This project was proposed after years of surveying the city, of focus groups, and working with everyone who would have a stake in the new library…just how democracy is supposed to work…thanks Joan….but, not to the Kochs. They just HAVE to interfere everywhere…and they did…spending huge amounts of money on anti library robocalls and advertising…and the result of this attack on local self determination? The referendum failed and now the library will see a 20% cut in funding…ending many programs that were essential to the community. You could blame the voters, but I won’t do that here since we know that advertising is very effective in political campaigns and low information people can be easily swayed when only one side of an issue is covered. This is where we have to fight the Kochs…they don’t give a damn about America or democracy, they only care that their money and power is creating the kind of society they want…the regular folks get nothing while they take everything….geez…

March 18th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I had the up and down feeling crappy thing going on again and it’s been almost a week now and I am getting tired of it…slept okay last night but feel a little crappy this morning since I was not good last night but it was the first time this week so I don’t feel bad about that…it was another windy day yesterday that kept me off the bike and today the cold looks like it will do that again…where the heck is my 60 degree weather? Oh, well….I am almost 200 miles up on where I was last year at this time so I guess I shouldn’t bitch too much….and my back doesn’t hurt today so that is a plus, too….didn’t get much done yesterday and today looks the same with pool, maybe, so the weekend will have to be cleaning time….not much to do today…I have a ham to cook this morning but that is about it….just going to veg it out and have more coffee after I finish this…more later….

Snyder tries to shift the blame for Flint…

Well…with the hearings going on in congress about the screwups that led to Flint residents being poisoned with lead…we see the typical repub response from our governor Snyder that it was the “bureaucrats” in his administration that were responsible for the crisis…of course not him, even though he knew a year before he acknowledged it that there were problems in Flint. But, the most sick thing was his trying to shift the blame to the EPA, basically saying that they should have known that Snyder’s administration was poisoning people in Flint and should have stopped them…imagine what that would mean for criminal defendants if this crap was allowed to excuse this behavior….a murder suspect could just say “hey, you guys didn’t stop me from murdering so it’s not my fault…it’s the fault of the bureaucrats in the police department….” And, as you know, these guys are so big on “personal responsibility” until it gets down to them…then, anyone and everyone is responsible but them…especially the government…the repubs on the committee again tried to have it both ways, too, saying that the EPA should regulate  more what states can do…when, just a week ago, they were complaining that the EPA is destroying the economy by too much regulation and the states should be able to do what they want without interference from the EPA. Typical repub behavior that killed people and put thousands at risk…but they never have any responsibility for it..even when they control the entire government of Michigan…what a bunch of liars…geez…

March 17th

Well….running a little late this morning with doing the grocery run…and I’m now down to 12 bucks in my pocket so it will be laying low for the next couple of weeks…I do have enough food to get through so that is cool and I prioritized so I will have cocktails for the next few days…slept okay last night but didn’t get up until after 7 so I had to go straight to the grocery run with any wake up time and that was a little tough….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done at all…didn’t even ride the bike with the wind gusting to 55…looks to be the same today and I won’t get out again…it’s cold, too, and I don’t want to go back into the thermasuit….not sore at all and that is a good thing… shoulder has been hurting a couple of days after sleeping on it wrong….oh, well….not much to do today…even though it’s St. Patrick’s day, I don’t have the cash to go out since I am waiting for my fed check to come back…..more later….

What you never want to be….