All posts by James DeVol

JEB! is an idiot….

Well…with the tsunami of stupidity that is coming out of the right these days…the candidates over there are doing their best to out stupid each other…not sure if it’s on purpose or not but this week ole JEB! even managed to mangle the days talking points and it is hilarious. At a speech the other day, JEB! was going on about the proposed new overtime rules that would prevent companies from classifying regular workers as management to avoid having to pay them overtime…and JEB! said that it would be bad for workers since employers would just cut their hours and then they would make less money…hmmm…cut hours that they are not getting paid for? Sounds like a good thing for workers to me since they are not getting paid for them anyway….but not to JEB! he still thinks that employers should be allowed to bully workers and steal from them…that’s the way of American business…at least the way the repubs see business being done…don’t pay your workers what they have worked for…poor business owners…I’m crying crocodile tears for them…geez….

One of the funny things I saw when reading of this was the pundits saying that he must really be trying to appear this stupid…I don’t think he’s trying at all…I think it comes naturally to him…


July 20th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a lot of stuff done around here so I don’t feel the entire day was wasted…slept okay but I think there is a relapse happening since I feel pretty crappy and I am sweating again today….that will make it about a week and I am tired of it…there were apocolyptic dreams last night but the convertible I was driving was a Fiat, not the Miata, and I had two of them but one was stolen…weird….it looks like another busy day today with errands to run and people to meet and I need to get the workout and bike ride in, too…other than that, not much to do today…have to clean up around here after everything else but that is about it….more later…

I survived it…

Well…after the debacle of Friday’s bike ride, I was a little concerned that it would be that way for a while until the virus is completely gone…but, I went out today and did the entire 15 miles and it was comfortable and smooth…didn’t sprint at all but still kept up a good pace and when I got back I didn’t feel like I was going to die like Friday….so, I survived it and will get back into the normal rides starting tomorrow…and I am happy about that…

July 19th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made it a total veg day to try to end this bug…didn’t even ride the bike since the ride Friday was so much torture but I think I am going to give it a try today just to see how it feels…have never turned around to come back after I start the ride and I want to keep that record so I am a little concerned with the coughing I have been doing all morning…but, I have felt a lot worse and made it through…just need some Pink Floyd and a lot of water…slept okay last night and feel okay today but the humidity, or the sickness, is making me drenched again this morning…not too good of a way to start the day…but it is gorgeous out there and to waste another one staying in is really hard to take…not much to do today…should clean some and I might if I continue to feel okay but that is about it…more later…

July 18th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool…that was okay but the sweating through my shirt while I was shooting was not….it seems to be better this morning since I went to the store for supplies and was not dripping when I was done…slept okay last night and had some dreams that I don’t remember and that was two days in a row so I’m not going to complain….the drive out and back yesterday was fun but hot and I had the top down out to Meijers this morning, too, but with an errand to run this aft when it is going to be in the 90′s, I’m not sure if I’ll put it down then….I am feeling better today but with the torture on the bike ride yesterday, I’m taking the day off today just to make sure I’m better…not much to do today…have to do a favor for someone but that is about all I’m going to do…will probably have to put the air on later but I can afford it for one day….more later…

July 17th

Well…running a little late today since I ran into Brian on the way out for the papers and had to talk for a while…slept okay last night and had dreams that included coffee, Japanese guys, and the movie “The Seven Samurai” …yep…pretty weird but nice to have one for a change…no shaking when I went to bed and I thought I was pretty much over the bug but started to sweat like crazy just standing and talking this morning so I guess it’s not done yet…I did take a bike ride yesterday but the legs died about halfway and it was torture coming back…so I’m thinking about skipping today but you know me, the guilt will probably kill me so I’ll probably go….the pain that was everywhere is gone and I feel pretty good even with a couple of cocktails last night so that’s progress…not much to do today…pool of course but I have to figure out what to wear so the sweating doesn’t show too much….,more later…

Constitutional Scholars?

Well…I was going to wait on this one until tomorrow but I sat down here and thought I’d do it now…the latest ‘scandal” that the repubs have decided to manufacture against the president is over his commutation or pardon of 40 some non violent drug offenders over the past week…this set off the house Judiciary committee to the point that they sent the White House a letter saying that they wanted more details on why this was done and they wanted it now! Well…these “constitutional scholars” must have never read the constitution since the presidents power on commutations and pardons is absolute, with only one thing, impeachment, being outside the bounds of this power. And, since this power is spelled out in the constitution, it can’t be questioned and is not subject to the “oversight” that these idiots in the house say it is…again, this is just another incidence where, since the hated black guy does it, it must be wrong…never heard a peep when ole GW pardoned the liar Scooty Libby who kept Karl Rove out of jail by lying his ass off with the quid pro quo that he would only do a little time and then he could go back to his life…I am just so damn tired of these asses…

July 16th

Well….it was a really crappy day yesterday…one of the worst birthdays that I can remember since I felt so lousy…and I am soaked in sweat right now just sitting here writing…look like I just did 15 miles on the bike…but, I do think I feel a little better since I have a little energy today and may even get out on the bike for an easy ride later….might be able to burn out the rest of the bug if I do that but I’m not sure if I should push it….I did have a nice lunch with T yesterday and that is always fun….Brian left a care package of nuts on my door this morning so I’ll have to look him up later…not much to do today…going to just play it by ear and see how I feel…probably shouldn’t over do it…but, I do need to eat since an enchilada is not enough for the day…more later…

July 15th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I picked up a bug somewhere and feel like crap today…the past two nights I have had uncontrollable shivering as soon as I hit the cool sheets and now I ache everywhere…..sweated through my clothes just going out to get the papers…okay…need to go back to the couch…owee…

This has been a spectacularly crappy birthday…sitting here right now in 80 degree temps shivering like it’s 20 below and everything hurts…and now I have started coughing to go along with it….so, this one is going to be short since I do need to eat something before I just melt into the couch…but, nothing even sounds good so maybe I’ll just sit on the couch again….