Okay, that last one was 3,000

Well…I missed it…that last one was 3,000 since I started this thing a few years back and I never thought I’d get that far….I should go on and on about the journey and mark it as a milestone but I really don’t have much more to say right now…I have some errands to run so I think I’ll do that now and maybe come back for another one later to go on about how much work this was….

Not getting farther behind…

Well…I have been trying to find a real topic to write about, but failing that, I just need to write something to make sure I don’t fall even further behind….I did get the taxes done this morning and I am getting money back but that will go straight back to the IRS for last year…oh, well…at least my new printer is working great and I think the bugs are working out of the computer so that is something…and, I am getting to 3,000 of these that I have done so that’s something. I am a little depressed that it is snowing again today and tomorrow is going to be even colder…but, that breaks wed so I guess I can survive until then…okay, need to go look at the dashboard to see if this one is 3K or not….

April 14th

Well…getting farther and farther behind and I do need to get going here…but, I have an excuse for yesterday…met up with the twins downtown for a couple in the early aft and that put me off for the rest of the day…slept okay and with no earplugs again so my ears are thanking me but the sleep was fitful at best….the Wings did win the last game of the season and will start the playoffs with Boston Friday….looking forward to it and I hope they do well….not much to do today…I do have to get the taxes done so I can use the refund to pay last years taxes but that is about it…no bike ride today since it is raining and windy and I think that will be okay…more later…

April 14th

Well…this is getting irritating..just lost the first post and I’m not sure what the heck is going on…the update seems to be quite buggy and Firefox is not running right….and I am just not up to trying to fix it right now…so, I’m going to go drink my second cup of coffee and get ready for the bike ride….more later…

Okay…got the bike ride in and feel somewhat better…did see a cute thing up in the park where I take my last water break….some youngster had made tissue flowers and used them to ask someone to the prom by putting them in the fence of the ball field saying: “prom?” with a heart after it…to be young again….more later…


Update complete…

Well…have just been sitting here trying to reconstruct my bookmarks for Firefox after my son updated the computer today…now have a current version of Windows 7 and Office and my wireless printer is working…have a functioning office again and the computer works quite a bit better…I did lose all of my bookmarks but I can rebuild those over time….it looks like I’ll miss the bike ride today since it is raining now and I don’t think I want to go out after it quits, we’ll see….and, I’m not sure about a political one today, either, since I have to put this place back together….

April 12th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool again so that was okay…other than that, it was just like every other day and that is not saying much…slept okay and didn’t put the earplugs in for the first time in a couple of months so that was a little strange….this one is going to be short since I do need to clean the place up some more before my son gets here to rework the computer…getting it upgraded today to 7 and getting the new printer working….so, the next one is going to be quite a bit later today….

Another day….

Well…have been thinking about what to write today with very little luck so I think I’ll just noodle a little and see what happens…one of the things that the repubs hating the ACA and trying to obstruct it at every turn has done is to put single payer back on the table in some states and keeping the issue alive across the country…and, why not?
The rest of the industrial world does single payer and their costs are just a fraction of what we spend on healthcare here…I’ll bet the insurance execs across the country are starting to get a little pissed at the repubs since they are keeping the issue alive when they would prefer to try to lock in their obscene profits and keep single payer from getting any traction…wouldn’t it be better to take the complexity out of healthcare by giving everyone the same coverage…where everything is covered, no co pays, no crap from the insurance companies, and you only sign up once in your lifetime…that would be nirvana to me…geez…

April 11th

Well…running early today since I’ve been up since 5 and I do have a lot of stuff to get done today….almost have all the cleaning done for tomorrow but I do need to go through the computer to get all the files off it that I want to keep…slept crappy but was good so I feel okay today so that will help getting the rest of the stuff done…not sure what I’m going to do with all of the mail on the table…might sort some of it this morning before the bike ride and at least stack it….not much to do today…pool, of course, but that is about it other than cleaning and getting this place ready…I am going to get the printer ready for set up right now since it is too early to go out for the papers…more later…

Something I didn’t know…

Well…have been cleaning all day around here and almost forgot to come back here for this one…I did get the bathroom and kitchen done today so that leaves the computer table and tires to take care of tomorrow so it looks like I’ll get it all done…but, the something I didn’t know has a little story around it…yesterday when I was riding on the trail, I spooked a groundhog…as I do quite frequently…and the thing took off into the woods, just like normal…but, what happened next was not normal, at least not to me….the darn thing didn’t just run into the woods but ran right up a tree…something I have never seen a woodchuck ever do…and I’m really old…but then, I went out to the internet to see how rare it is and it isn’t…they are really good tree climbers…something I didn’t know…

April 10th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and the Wings got the one point they needed to get in the playoffs for the 23rd straight year…and, I got a lot of stuff done around here but have much more to do today and tomorrow cleaning this place up for my son’s visit Sat….I did go out in shorts this morning and I’m not sure if that is a good idea or not since I normally stay in shorts once I’m in them…next week will be a trial with the temps in the 40′s but I don’t go out much so it may be okay….slept like crap, again, and got up 5 or so times but that is the new normal and I am not going to complain….not much to do today…clean, and clean some more after the workout and bike ride…I am going to make some breakfast today since I have a huge ham in the fridge and it just sounds good to have ham, eggs and toast…more later….

What you never want to be….